Satan is responsible for the suffering in this world. He is responsible for all misery, sin, sickness, and even the death of Jesus - don't take him lightly.
However, there is no need for the Children of God to be fearful of satan or his demons; because "
If you are born-again it is God who is within you; Satan is in the world.
Don't let your guard down, underestimate, or try to make friends with Satan. Although he is defeated he will never give up and will always be your enemy.
Story From CBN:
She Wanted to Join ISIS, Met Jesus Instead, and Got Delivered from Demons ON CAMERA
Debby: United States
Meaning of this attack:
Good evening to my brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope your journey is a strong working progress with the Lord. I wanted to ask the meaning behind this sleep paralysis attack.
Lately, I've been praying about gaining my memory back and health (I sprain my ankle really bad 3-4 yrs ago, and it's sometimes hard for me to walk even to this day).
However, this morning when I woke up, I suddenly felt really sleepy and got attacked by a demon that I couldn't see but feel. It bit my head and connected its other part to my stomach, sucking something; then I quickly woke up and laid on my bed for a while.
After that, I prayed really hard, fighting like what the Lord said in Ephesians 6. I just want to know the meaning behind this; like, besides my mind, why did it also attack my stomach?
I know what to do, like in the sense of praying, but I feel stuck because this has been an ongoing thing since I was a kid; because of that, I don't feel like praying is enough. Also, what's the meaning behind this attack?
Thank you for reading, and may God bless you all.
Kayla: United States
April 16, 2023
A humanoid goat (devil) was talking; he was saying, "You gave up your right…", that related to God, heaven, etc.
I knew the humanoid goat was the devil because he actually looked the way the world portrays him to be... a human body with a goat's head, goat feet for feet, and a tail like that of a lion's, but the only thing is he was all grey.
Next, I was shown a line of people, but they were just skeletons…with both hands in the air, single file line, standing at this open door and inside that door…I could see flames with some people inside those flames.
Lastly, in the dream, I wanted to call you to see if you would come over to my house and pray over my room because something like a dream that I had within the dream…had me a bit worried.
I could see myself and, on the left-hand side of me, my sister. I had something playing on my phone, and it was somebody praying in tongues, and I knew in the dream after that video was over, I was going to call my pastor's wife.
In the last part, the same one of my sister and me, I started to pray in tongues, and my sister began to pray in tongues right after, but my sister isn't saved.
She started praying in tongues…she laid her head on my shoulder and grabbed my pinky, and when she did that…I pulled my finger away and started moving back to get her head off my shoulder because I'm not much of a sentimental person (when it comes to family, I guess).
Still praying in tongues throughout all that…I stopped trying to pull away, gave my pinky back, and then woke up.
Marysa: United States
My dream happened as I struggled to fall asleep after waking up in the wee hours of the morning. I was in my living room and noticed that someone had torn up the place. It was a mess, there was a huge hole in the wall, and something just didn’t feel right.
As I walked to my son’s room, I found my boys looked frightened and upset, and I felt fear. I looked outside their window and saw a couple of large creature-like statues. They reminded me of Egyptian-type statues and were very large in size.
I felt very aware of what was happening in my home and quickly moved from inside my house to my backyard. The statues seemed to be on the other side of our fence in my neighbor’s backyard.
As I stood there examining the statues, I started to shout out at the top of my lungs I believe in JESUS of
Nazareth. I continued to repeat this until what appeared to be the face of Satan came out of nowhere next to the statues.
An image of a red and white face with reptile-like skin appeared, and he was very angry with me. He was furious as I continued to shout out Jesus’ name.
He tried to shout out at me, and I felt like he was trying to get inside my house, so I kept yelling at him, telling him he was not allowed in my home and repeating Jesus’ name until he went away and My children were safe and protected.
The dream has stuck with me being that it was so bizarre.
Randy: United States
When I was nine yrs old, I dreamt of myself in my late 10's/early 20's. I "randomly encountered" a %100 Blackfoot native American "doppelganger" of myself. My brother.
I invited him to stay, although my pregnant mother and sisters didn't approve. The same mother had her tubes tied after my botched delivery and thus had no business being pregnant.
Later in the dream, after the birth, I spontaneously combusted. I watched myself, in 3rd person, from my doppelganger perspective, throw the molten orbs into the place where the newborn lay, in its crib in my parent's bedroom, it was a boy, I think.
The entire house and everyone inside, including me, but not the shadow demon (doppelganger), went up like we were made of matches. If anyone can interpret this dream, I'd be grateful.
Ken: United States
I dreamed I was with unknown people watching a line of cars go by near the dock where they board a car ferry taking them to my island. One car stood out. It was the ugliest, most scary car I have ever seen.
Suddenly I found myself in the backseat of this car. In the front passenger seat was a demon. His head was grotesquely thin, smiling, he had a red mouth with a few sharp unkept teeth and eyes tattooed with red, white, and blue stars, and his hair was long and dark, stringy, and missing in places.
He turned to me in the backseat and did not speak, but rather I did, and I could hardly get my words out. I said to the demon as if he had subliminally asked me what I wanted, and I told him, "I am looking for cool people to hang out with."
Suddenly, he slid into the backseat and next to me. He had a liquor bottle wrapped in a paper bag and was taking swigs of it, sharing it, but I was too grossed out to drink from his bottle. But I thought to myself, "why won't you drink from this bottle, you have before, as you are attracted to this type of person in real your past."
At this point, the demon, still sitting in the backseat next to me but not giving me special attention, propped his legs on the floorboard as if he were sit-standing in the seat, and he belched. I noticed he was wearing blue-jeans and he was skinny like me.
I suddenly found myself outside the car. I had decided the car with hippies and a demon, once attractive to me in my youth, wasn't the ride I sought.
I was following an unidentified friend who walked through bushes toward a beach where people were swimming in a calm bay, but I got stuck and held up in an area with cactus, and I became more entangled with every step. I had thorns on my fingers and arms, my legs, and then my face.
Startled, I awoke from my nightmare. I never remember dreams, but this dream was so vivid I can still see the demon's face and every detail.
Why on Earth did I have this dream, and what does it mean for me, a struggling Child of God?
Erica: United States
I was in the bathroom one day smoking a cigarette, and then I saw a vision of Jesus, and he looked dark. I believe I saw a cross, and I felt death.
It was not the Jesus I have read and was taught about; he was scary!
Becky: United States
Last night I dreamed about riding in a car in a town; everything was quiet until I saw four-winged creatures about to land on the sidewalk.
I thought they were huge birds, but they were Caucasian men in jet black robes with huge jet black wings; they landed & started walking down the street in a group of four. Two blocks down, another one landed & did the same thing. It was weird.
Kayla: United States
This dream took place inside a random school; there was this large, gigantic snake, flying and slithering at the same time towards a boy that was standing near some stairs.
While I was watching this; a person was talking to me, and the snake entered his body as I'm watching. The person (who sounded like a man) was telling or explaining something to me about the snake, but I can't remember what, but I do remember that the man referred to the snake as satan.
So the snake flew/slithered towards the boy and entered his body. Once the snake entered, the body changed in a flash; it was larger and buff like Goliath, darker like a black with slight human characteristics still as well as the normal average human height though the face and head were demonic.
Then the dream transitioned to me following/running after it in the hallways, and the dream transitioned again to me standing in a hallway, looking and watching as the snake flew or floated down some stairs.
As I was standing there watching, the same man spoke to me and said, "it's your job to find him." and after that, I woke up. The person that was talking to me wasn't visible or anywhere in sight, but his voice sounded like it was coming from behind me.
When I woke up from this dream, I kept thinking and hearing "that old serpent" in my head, so that's what the name of this dream is.
Maria: South Africa
I dreamed last night I must look after a couple of houses where the people are away. Some houses have little dogs inside, and at one particular house when I enter, there was music playing in the background calling satan names three times. Why does this happen? I believe in Jesus.
Magdalene: Malaysia
The night before I fell asleep, I read the book of Revelation chapter 3-9.
My dream:
I was at my grandmother's house. She was getting weaker and more senile. She couldn't remember my relatives and me well anymore. She couldn't even really remember if she has had her meal or taken her medicines. While I was waiting for my dad to come to take me home, I looked at my lecturer scoring my presentation online over Zoom with other students. Before long, my dad came.When I got in the car, I think I blinked. The moment I shut my eyes, I was transported to the alternate universe. It seemed like I was in the galaxy. The floor was made of red glass, separated into several straight lines. At about 20 - 30 meters ahead on each lane, there was a red door.
I walked down one of the lanes, opened the door, and I met a girl. I became friends with her. She was really nice. She invited me to join her at the movies, and I agreed. Then, we passed through another door on our respective lanes.
When I came through my door, the girl disappeared. This time, there was an evil vibe to that universe. I didn't feel peaceful. But I continued walking down the same lane.
The moment I opened the next door, I saw a Satan who had a face like me. He was wearing a red trench coat, had big red dragonfly wings, big dark-red eyes, black hair, and was really tall
At the time, I desperately want to pass through the door to move on to the next agenda. But satan was in the way. He kept staring at me with his big evil eyes. I was terrified, but I challenged him.
I inhaled as much air as I could and blew the air out onto his face as hard as possible. His mouth was wide opened as if I forcefully blew it opened. Then, he suddenly disappeared. So, I guess I probably pop him like a bubble. Finally, I woke up.
Gloria: United States
Hello, I have had many of these dreams. I'm not sure what they mean.
It started off I was at church, then the father started saying God is coming. He's up in the air. Everyone was screaming, running, trying to tell the father their sins. I was trying to find the father as well.
I found him then started saying all my sins, but then he started laughing. I looked at him; it was someone or something else pretending to be the father; many of them were going through the walls.
I then tried calling everyone on my phone to tell them God is coming, but they didn't answer. Finally, my brother answered. I told him God is coming, and he said I know I can see him in the air coming down; then I woke up.
Here's the other dream I had:
It was a typical day. I was looking at the window then On the right side above me, I see God with a horse and a big light flashing coming dawn I couldn't see what was behind him.
Then I heard the trumpets, the clouds started coming down, and they were red and black; there was lava coming down on earth, and almost every house was on fire.
My family and I ran to my brother's house but didn't make it, so we got on someone's roof. I saw portals opening, people getting possessed running in fear. I ran hiding in a sewer, but then a demon found me; then I woke up in fear.
I have had so many of these dreams I have way more to tell, but I'm scared; I'm not sure if this is God trying to tell me something.
Kristine: India
On 6 April 2021 I had a very bad dream.
In the dream, my mom was lying on the bed with my brother and me. Then I saw satan wearing black. He had red eyes .. he tried to catch us.
Still, mom took the cross and said Beelzebub go ... Then she said by the power of Jesus, and it vanished. We looked out for it and found little black snakes. I said go Beelzebub it died there was a lot.
At the drawing-room, I saw the devil, and it was a woman with Bob cut hair (black) (she was a Karen, but she can't find managers here). She was wearing a saree (a six-meter cloth) with black and red prints.
She took out her forked tongue, but I dodged and said, go Beelzebub go Beelzebub, go Beelzebub, go Beelzebub, go Beelzebub, go Beelzebub; by the power of Jesus go out of this house. It died and vanished, and I woke up .... Feeling scared
Malena: United States
I’m 16, and I had a dream about what I can only assume was the devil.
It was dark in the house, and I went downstairs and found people around a muscular animal-like thing in my backyard, almost like a bull. It talked to the people around him, and when I stepped outside, it was all muddy with leaves.
All of a sudden, he grabbed me and pinned me on the ground. We heard people in the distance shouting to catch the bull. He looked at me with red eyes, and then we disappeared. That’s when I woke up.
I had another dream last night.
This time he was in a human form. He killed my family and left me tormented. He formed into my stepdad, and when I called him out, he would disappear, and I would run to my bed.
He wouldn’t let me close my bedroom door, and he had at one point a woman come in with a pearl veil over her head. She just stared at me and then became a mannequin. I got the courage to throw her out and close/lock the door again, but I saw him walking towards my door when I peered through the door crack.
I ran to my bed and grabbed my necklace with a cross, and started praying to Jesus. When I looked up at him, he smiled at me as if I was an idiot for praying. I felt completely helpless and eventually woke up.
When I woke up on both accounts, I prayed to god to clean my mind of the devil.
Johnson: India
I'm Johnson from India, and I have a six-year-old kid and wife; we stay in a Double Bed Room in a rent house, which is a portion in individual residency. I got a dream at sharp 3 AM.
The Dream was like this; we all are sitting in our house, and all of a sudden, a loud voice comes, but no image appears. I started praying by holding a bible in hand and shouting at the devil that "who are you, where are you, Coward".
Then I see an image appearing from the middle of the wall cracks. I suddenly woke up and shared with my wife. We thought to pray at the time, but due to sleepy, we couldn't make it.
I just wanted to know whether we are safe in this house or not.
Davis: Country
I had a dream I was in this dark wooded forest with my two kids and standing right in front of us was a harpy with the body of a bird and the head of a man and this girl I knew.
The harpy let out this loud screech sound at him and us. The girl started to chase us, and I and my kids were running for our lives like literally swimming through creeks and climbing over stuff just to get away from this thing.
We saw a light and started running towards the light, and the harpy stopped chasing us at the end of this cliff of the forest because we made it to the light, which was heaven. It was seated on top of the clouds, and it was clear skies all around, and we ran on this large platform that was concrete.
It was so peaceful on this side, and this giant man was standing in front of this gate with this armor suit on and this spear and brown sandals, but he was so much taller than I was I could not see his head only his neck and down for some reason.
That was the craziest dream I ever had in my life. I woke up crying and everything and called my auntie and told her about my dream, and she told me to start praying over my kids and me, but I just thank God for not letting that thing get my kids and me
MA: United States
At the end of my dream, I was left with an urgent message to watch for the “Noble Omen.” I begged and pleaded that I didn’t understand but was repeatedly just told to watch for it, that I would know it when I saw it.
Something about two people and one of them would die, and that would be part of the omen. I couldn’t tell which one was good. There were at least a dozen of us there, on sand with thatched roofing overhead - it reminded me of a beach.
Our hands were checked for some raised skin symbols - I don’t know what mine was, but when I was checked, I was sucked backward and woke up in my bed shaking in fear that something was there with me...
Kaitlyne: United States
Before this dream, I had read a book about Satanism for school. It wasn’t that interesting or scary... but I went to sleep, and suddenly I was... in a dark tower? There was barely enough oxygen to breathe. Barely enough light; what there was, you only saw shadows.
Somehow I felt I couldn’t breathe. I saw six versions of myself... all demons. One was naked, another with horns.. all chasing me in a circle. I was just running in circles in this tower- I had the sense it was deep with many “floors.”
I heard screaming and monstrous sounds from above, maybe familiar, but I couldn’t really tell where, because I was just... running. I couldn’t stop to listen because I was running away from the dead me-demons.
I woke up, panting for breath... seeing shadows from the window on my wall that looked like demon faces. It was as if the demons were laughing at me. I felt, “resurfaced.”
Mikki: United States
Satan was trying to Steal My Soul:
Years ago, I slept on the couch of a friend's when I was 20 or 21.
One night I had a dream that Satan was ripping my soul out of my body. He was pulling my head back by my hair with one hand and ripping my soul out with the other. It was excruciatingly painful. I was just about to scream as a bright light began to shine, and I woke up.
I was on my stomach, propped up on my forearms, arched back as far as I could go with my head back as far as it could go. Somehow I managed to 'get' myself over the coffee table from that position and twist to face the couch in one move.
It was the scariest dream I've ever had. It was in the wee hours of the morning when it was still dark. No one else was up.
My daughter recently had a similar dream: she's 19 & will be 20 soon.
I had received Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 17 but was backslidden when I had this dream.
Treyvone: United States
I was walking with a lady who seemed normal at first, then I looked over, and she was a demon.
I rose up, surrounded by a bright light, and I had wings, but I was looking up at myself, and I was singing, and everybody came to hear me sing.
Mara: United States
In my dream, I was with a coworker, I can't exactly remember what we were doing, but he started summoning a demon, my whole body tensed up, and I told him to stop that he shouldn't be doing this, he continued.
Finally, he ends the summoning, and things go black, and the demon rushes at me. My body is as tense as it can get, filling with cold chills, and I started praying so loud in my sleep.
I woke myself up and my significant other.
Maddie: United States
July 29, 2020
My dream was earlier:
I fell asleep at noon and woke up around 2:30 pm so I’m going to a party with Gabe, and then we’re leaving, and a laser beam hits earth and causes a fall in the ground.
He screams, “I was just getting to know my other half, “Then I find him again with college kids, and I hug him, and it’s okay.
Then we drive back, and there are demons in the clouds kind of like stranger things except worse, and people who have died float up to the sky.
I get home, and I go to the trash place, and then a loudspeaker comes on and talks abt your memory of the bible books and your judgment day
Rachel: United States
July 16, 2020
I dreamt I was in a white room looking down at papers. A person said I needed to sign the divorce papers, and my husband, who has passed on, was there in the room. I said I want to stay married to him. I love him, so we proceeded to walk out.
Now I'm in a boat looking out to a blank world, it was like a white sheet, there was nothing, then all the sudden trees started forming, and ancient buildings began to appear.
I was all over it, then the boat stopped, and I never saw who was paddling the boat! I stepped out and started walking forward in a large entryway. As I was going in, things got grayish, but there was also something bright with beautiful colors.
Then I notice someone walking very slow (with torn flesh dragging on the ground). I was puzzled by what I saw; then, I looked to the right and noticed a red ancient-looking throne chair.
Then I saw a city, and I knew it was the new Jerusalem. I saw the Temple Mount, and as I looked to my right, I saw that Satan was sitting on the throne chair; as he looked at me, I noticed that he was like a cartoon image with long dreads, and he was imitating God.
So in my mind, I said, I'm not supposed to be here, and started running back the way I came in; then satan jump off the chair and was chasing me, then I woke up!
Jadlyn: United States
The dream started off with me being an FBI agent and my teammates (who were just random people from a TV show). We had somehow been cursed and were told we would have a very slow, painful death and be sent to Hell someday. But after a day or two of bad things happening, God appeared out of nowhere.
Next, I remember being in my living room, but one side was open to a huge field with a small fence. My family had already walked through the fence. Once you entered, you didn't have to stay. They were basically living in our home like normal but as angels.
We all got to choose whether we wanted to go through and if we wanted to wait an extra day. It looked like a graduation ceremony. I was finally persuaded to walk through, and although my boyfriend wasn't there and was not an angel yet I could still see him and speak to him and everything like usual, so I went to see him one last time to tell him I was an angel now.
God had balloons with small swords attached, and whoever's face was on the balloon was assigned the job of fighting the demons, and I was one of them. I told him I couldn't do it and he gave me a pep talk; to sum it up, He was saying, "I wouldn't have picked you if I didn't think you could do it. You can throw a knife a lot better than you think you can." And then He taught me how to use my weapon.
So the majority of us stayed on Earth although we weren't "living" anymore, and I was going around fighting off and killing demons, presumably for eternity.
Puley: South Africa
I dreamt of seeing Jesus in my front yard, next to the swimming pool. He was dressed in a glowing white robe. He said something like, "your home has been invaded by demons; let me help cleanse it ".
He went all around the yard, where he said prayers, and then some unidentified objects sprang out of the areas and vanished into the night. Immediately my late grandparents and other late relatives were all over the yard, doing mopping up cleaning.
Jesus went around a corner and vanished into the night.
Ian: United States
God's dream had me motionless:
Last night, a dream that was so real it woke me. Loud steps were above me, moving from the front of the room towards my bed. They stopped over me and proceeded to leave the room. I got up from my bed and looked out the door and noticed that the downstairs was turning black.
The corner and everything around it was coated with a rough black surface. Slowly the darkness fills the room, and it started to be like I was being pulled into the void.
I raised my hands and faced the evil presence and tried to speak. The difficult movement of my mouth made it impossible to speak clearly. I walked closer to the darkness and kept trying to speak, closer and closer, until I started to express my love of Christ towards him truly.
I finally was able to say what I had tried to say for the past minutes, "I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ." Louder, I repeated it and yet louder again.
Finally, the presence was gone, and the room started to revert back to normal as I woke up sitting in my bed, hands extended, and screaming, "I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ."
Jocelyn: United States
It had all started with me being chased by some guy. It was me and some other man trying to run away from this man because he was trying to kill us. It got to the point where we stopped running. In my conscious mind, I knew it was the last day of life. I knew Jesus was coming soon.
All of sudden, I was surrounded by people, and we were all praying. I took some time to think of what this dream meant. And who exactly was I running away from?
I believe I was running away from the evil, the evil man himself. He doesn’t want to see us happy nor satisfied with anything. He was trying to take me away from possibly praying and try to kill me beforehand.
During times like these, it makes you realize that things will get darker, and we need to get closer to our Heavenly Father himself. Please be safe. Stay praying.
Jen: United States
I have been struggling for two and a half years, trying to decipher my visions since they happen as I try to go to sleep. The first vision I had was of a female demon that had many human features.
Then flashed an image of me in a white robe herding thousands and thousands of lambs in a field as my husband (who was also dressed in a white robe) ran up to me to help with lambs.
I quickly opened my eyes and pondered as to what the vision meant. Earlier that night, we had an argument, so I thought the dream meant that the devil was trying to interfere and that we need to stick together because we were being called to some kind of leadership position in the church.
Almost two years later, the visions start again and increase with intensity. One of the visions, I am shown the constellation Draco (it was shaped like a dinosaur in my dream) above the horizon of some trees behind my house. I had no idea that the Draco constellation existed. I’m not big on astronomy. I had to research what constellation was there. I was very disturbed and was not sure what to make of it.
A couple of nights ago, I had another vision. I closed my eyes to sleep, and in my vision was a human in solid black from head to toe with a knife in his hand standing in my bedroom doorway. I quickly opened my eyes to make sure nobody was standing there. I was very startled.
As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw many people struggling, and then I saw people boarding this object that I can’t explain. Then I saw them leaving reaching out for the others that were left behind. The left behind were also reaching out for them.
I don’t know what to make of these visions and the old English messages that I receive in my visions, such as “Lord Noon Points Jesus Lord of Jerusalem Now. “ I often wonder if anyone else is receiving these Old English type messages with God being referred to as Lord Noon.
Peter: United Kingdom
I had a dream last night that started fine; I was with people I recognised outside in a large park with a lake or big pond in the middle.
I looked over to the other side of the pond, and a small child was in the water drowning; a was a man standing next to her. Without thinking, I dove into the water and swam to her at incredible speed.
As I got to her, I and "the man" dragged her out of the water. I tried to see if she was okay, but the man was trying to push me away and saying "its okay, this one is mine" I stopped as I took it that it was his daughter.
I stood and watched as he pulled the little girl through some sort of metal bars as if to ring her out!! (dry the water off) She was crying and bleeding from being forced through the metal bars.
I tried to stop "the man" and fight him, but a group of four people stopped me: three women and a different man.
They pulled me away and tried to befriend me, complimenting me and saying how brave I was; They tried to make me come with them to get drunk in a bar and have fun with them.
I resisted all of their attempts and quickly realised that they were evil beings and that there was something strange and malevolent about them.
The man that was with them I knew to be in charge of them. I could feel that he was the most evil, even though he was being really nice to me and encouraging me to come with him.
I resisted and made an excuse to leave. I said I'd pop back to the bar later on (with no intention to) so that I could get away.
I started to walk off, and he grabbed me on my back on the right side and dug his long nails in, it felt like fire was burning me where his fingers were.
He wrapped his arm around my back and span around me. Tieing my chest in his arm. He pulled away from me, but what he'd wrapped around my chest was still around me and was constricting my lungs and hindered my breathing.
He walked away, smiling, and I then woke up.
Am I now marked by the devil?
Grace: Country
Last night I had prayed to God to give me some sort of sign, and then I had a dream; I'm not sure if this had anything to do with my dream, but in my dream, I was at home and heard something banging at the door so aggressively.
I went to stop it, but every time I locked the door, it would unlock itself. The banging got more and more aggressive; it tried so hard to get in, but it could only open the door halfway, and then I would close it.
I got a closer look and saw a black figure, a black spirit; I ran to my dad and told him I saw a black figure, he laughed I went back to the door and turned my head to see nothing but crosses stacked on each other.
I grabbed one, opened the door, and said, "for I am covered in Jesus Christ's blood!" I repeated it and said Jesus's name multiple times, that's it, it stopped and went away; it was gone, gone for good.
Geraldine: South Africa
I was dreaming about walking down the street following my sister, who was way ahead of me; all of a sudden, a car stopped in front of me with a middle-aged black lady in it.
Something about her didn't feel right to me, so I kept a short distance away. She asked me where Sandy street is, and I told her I don't know. Then, she suggested an area where she should look for it.
She wanted to touch me, so I backed up again.
She got out of the car, lied and said that I got burnt on my chest that she just wants to touch me and see what it is as she followed me.
I knew at that point she is an evil spirit
So I tried to run away so that it wouldn't touch me, but suddenly I fell and couldn't run. And it was coming closer and closer
Then I quoted from the bible, "No weapons formed against me shall prosper," and it froze.
Finally, I quoted again from the bible, "Those that dwell in the house of the Lord shall prosper, and those that don't shall parish. So, parish, evil one.
Then it turned into ashes, and I woke up.
Sky: United States
My dream wasn't a nightmare. It was actually a good dream up until the scary part. But I got a call from my mother in law say to meet her at the hospital. While on the phone with her I arrived at the hospital. I was getting on the elevator still talking to her, and as the elevator was moving the doors opened to a dark floor. Something grabbed my ankles and tried to pull me, and whoever was on the elevator with me (I never looked back to see them but was screaming THAT'S THE DEVIL!
I was telling my mother in law the devil was grabbing my ankles, and she kept repeating CALL ON JESUS CALL ON JESUS.
I immediately started crying out to Jesus and praying, then the doors of the elevator closed and took me to the floor my mother in law was on. I told her about it, and she told me to take her back to it. We got back on the elevator, and I took her back, and when the doors open, it was a clean normal hospital floor. Nothing was there.
I have never had a demon or devil dream before in my life.
D: United States
I went to take a nap since it was dark out, and at first, I was sleeping normally, but then I get to see in my head that I was somewhere with who appeared to be the devil.
He was all black and told me I needed to get to the “17 levels;” then I was back in my room, but since I was still dreaming, everything was dark, and the lights wouldn’t turn on. So then I realized I was dreaming, and it was a lucid dream, but I couldn’t control anything the way a lucid dreamer can.
Then, I was in a field with my sister, and suddenly there was a loud siren in the sky. All she said was, “the sirens of heaven are coming,” and my dream ended there, but I was filled with anxiety and could not sleep that night.
Becky: United States
I had a dream last night. There was a demon or evil spirit I was trying to run or hide from. But it was still following me where ever I went in the dream.
In the dream after what seemed like a while trying to flee from this evil spirit, I heard myself screaming at the evil spirit, saying, "In Lord Jesus's name begone evil spirit!" The evil spirit faded away, and I woke up.
Matsand: Uganda
This is my dream :
I was in the house at night trying to lock the door with a padlock, but some power pushed it, and it opened; I sensed the power of demons.
A man came and sat on the bed, leaning against the wall. I immediately started praying and shouting the mighty name of Jesus while pointing at his face. His eyes turned into red, I continued with prayer until the photo of Jesus appeared where his face was, and his body disappeared. Then I got out of sleep.
Mardie: United States
The crushing
I had a dream of someone chasing me then nothing more, but after that, I wouldn’t know I would scream & wake or at times my husband would shake me and say, what do you dream about, & I could only know it was bad but didn’t know I did this for yrs. I wanted to know it scared me & I thought a lot about it during the days.
I got saved & started learning the word & still had the same Unkown reasons in my dream. Then I was learning about rebuking the devil. I then dreamt the same dream I’d been having for yrs, but this time god reviewed to me that it was a demon on my chest crushing me. Right away, I rebuked it loudly & faithfully & it flees never to come again. I’ve never had a dream again, never screaming, & the promises are true.
Anyah: United States
My mother was telling me about a picture she had taken of me in my sister's room, she showed it to me, and there was a demon or devil I don't remember, hanging upside down like a bat. Can anyone tell me what this means? I know God has me, but one thing I need to do more is to pray.
Sydnee: United States
I’ve had several dreams; they started when my grandma died.
My first dream was that I was murdered by my mom and stuck on earth as a spirit. When I found out I couldn’t leave this field and my family was leaving. I was heartbroken and all this grief and weight was suddenly put onto me. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, and before I could see who it was, I woke up with tears streaming down my face.
In the second dream, I was once again murdered by my mom and was on my way to heaven, but was stopped. I was stuck in the middle, begging and crying, why? I was then told by a voice, which I didn’t recognize and even to this day if I couldn’t tell it was a man or a woman, that I wasn’t ready. It kept saying I wasn’t ready, and I’m so sure that it was God. It terrified me so much that I honestly believe(d) that I won’t go to heaven.
In the third dream, I was at this weird place, and a guy who was possessed by a demon was told to do his dirty work, but he wouldn’t, so the demon killed him and moved on to the second guy. The second guy wouldn’t either. Next thing I know, I’m in my room, and I walk to the door frame. I look to my right and down the hall is a dark shadowy figure that’s blacker than night, rising up. It then charges at me. And that was when I woke up, and it was around 3:30 am.
Oriannah: New Zealand
My Lord,
I have dreamt of the devil in disguise, and I knew it was him the moment I laid eyes on him. It was the most disgusting and evilest thing I have encountered my entire life, and yet I was not scared.
I just stood up In tears and took a battle by praying to you and waken up still praying, and this wasn’t my first battle. I have done this twice now.
Having him come in my dreams in disguise, and as soon I see the devil, I start praying, and then you come to my rescue in every battle I make in my dreams of this evil.
I thank you, father, for always being there for me even when I don’t deserve it. I am truly thankful for everything you have blessed me with. Please forgive me for all my sins and for whatever my future holds against us. I will always be your servant and believer, and I will never give up on you
Troy: United States
I was lying next to Jesus but with my head on his hip. I got up somehow and felt a grab behind me. I fell looking back, and Jesus was walking ahead of me. But, within a sudden, we were face to face, and I looked into his eyes, and they were white around the pupil.
Immediately I knew it wasn't him, and I yelled out YOU'RE NOT JESUS! It turned into this Leach like thing with teeth and bit me on the hand in between my thumb and first finger. I ripped it off, and that's all I remember.
Iran: United States
I had a weird dream. I've been having this dream for a while now. I'm six months pregnant. But this dream I feel like it has a deep message that I just can't seem to get.
The dream starts at my grandmother's house. I always take care of her at night sometimes so my uncle can go out and get things done, and he usually comes back very late. So my grandma and I are just watching TV or something, then something starts to manifest my baby, something evil. I begin to notice my baby's weird behavior and automatically start praying.
Then the door opens, and its a demonic spirit that is trying to set us on fire and take my baby. They call my baby, "Gadiel." I don't know why that has never been as a name option for me, and I've never even heard that name. But the demon keeps asking me for "Gadiel" and that it is going to take "Gadiel."
I try to fight the demon off with prayer and holy water, but nothing seems to work, and the devil even laughs at me for using holy water. I throw it at the entry of the door, so the demon doesn't have access inside, and somehow, the demon still makes it inside.
My baby is laying on the ground at this point, it looks like something is wrong with him, so I grab him and start praying and praying to help him. At this point, my grandma and grandpa are dead because the demon killed them, and I feel like I'm dying, and I don't have the strength to fight it off anymore.
Then when I'm losing hope, the demon converts into something holy. A woman with a white gown. I thought me and my baby were going to be okay, so I get up to ask her for help. She looked like an angel, with a light glowing around her. But then she turned into something much more sinister and said: "you have 20 minutes, we will be back for Gadiel".
Then I woke up; this is the second time I have the EXACT dream. I am starting to get worried. I don't know what I should do. I want to protect my baby.
Anonymous: Cocos Islands
My friends and I were in a mall, food court area. A friend and I were walking to the balcony, and it will lead a path where a killer would kill me.
A t headed snake persuaded us to go from the way downstairs, and we listened and got through it safely. As we were driving through the city having fun the sun became black and huge, it was below the moon and rising toward it, the moon was huge too but smaller than the sun, and it was blood red.
I started screaming the Rapture; it's the Rapture repent your sins the Rapture is here. When the two met the thing became huge pitch-black with glowing black aura there was no god no one flying or any sign of light, the world was in darkness,
An earthquake started to happen, so we got in the car and started driving fast like a racing video game, we were driving and turning with traffic in front of us and the earthquake behind.
The earthquake was so big, but then, it was not an earthquake, it was like the world behind us was sinking, with the building falling apart and dropping inside the ground.
We were speeding for our lives then saw a long bridge connecting to the outside world, we rush through it with few other cars, the floor of the place we reached was made of nasty black stuff, and the energy didn't feel right. We looked back on the city we ran from, and suddenly it collapsed, completely, and the bridge we came from also collapsed.
The surrounding became lava, and behind us now were demons smiling; they stab some people, and the rest of us were thrown into lava and died.
Jennifer: New Zealand
I was evangelizing with some friends in a city, and a man with a scarred face on one side came up and tried to give me some bread and asked me to wait for him as he would be back (like he knew me) then we were sitting at a table. Another stranger came up to us, offering to tell us our horoscopes.
Suddenly the first man was over me speaking demonically, saying he thought more would have come or answered him. Realising he was the enemy I can and picked up a little lost child around four years old as I was running, she found a gun and shot at him, and the whole world stopped and mourned for this lost child having to defend herself.
Then we were underground going to and fro through the earth, and there was a worksite under there, the person I was with said many people used to work down here, but not now.
Then I was in a house, and the first man with the scars got in and manifested into a big black wolf and started whirring around the house so fast. We eventually got him out as the other Christians I was with at the beginning came and helped. The wolf then sat panting, waiting at the door.
I then opened the toilet door, and there was a small creature ripped up. There was only a small loss at the very end.
Katara: United States
I am dating someone, and it's going on a year. He's a Christian, and so am I but I am a baby Christ you can say, and he attends church more than do
I had a dream about him, and in the dream, the devil was holding his head as if he had removed my boyfriend's head from his body and was laughing; then I woke up and looked at my phone, and it was 3:00 am!
I prayed and rebuked it until I went back to sleep! He always mentioned that his mom had a dream about him yelling from his room,
"Save me, Save me," what could my dream possibly mean?
Sheia: United States
I was at a church with my sister, and I was going to the bathroom, but before I reached the bathroom, the doors slammed closed. It scared me and I attempted to run, but thrn another door closed, but I made it to my sister.
After that, my sister started to react strangely, then there it was an evil spirit that tried to attack me in the bathroom. So I grab my sister's hand, as the evil spirit was attempting to take control. My sister and a man were holding my hand, and on the left, a woman was holding my sister. On her right was a powerful spirit.
So we started to Repeat, "I rebuke you in the name and the blood of Jesus." we repeated this over and over and over many times; then, I thought we where being saved until I saw three women coming toward us. So there were still three evil spirits, but there was 4 of us, so we were winning.
A spirit tried to get into me and to take power over me, but I kept repeating; then, after 20 times or more, I looked out the window and saw a man with a red robe; his Hair was a rust color, and he had a part in his Hair. It was Wavey, and he had a white something around his neck. Then he spread his hands open and looked at me and nodded his head with a small smile. I looked and my sister was being released from the evil spirit. We won; it is a dream I will never forget.
I was at a church, my sister and I went to the bathroom, but before I went to bathroom, the doors slammed closed, so it scared me. Then I attempt to run, but another door closes, so I made it to my sister.
After that, my sister started to react strangely, then there it was an evil spirit that tried to attack me in the bathroom. So I grab my sister's hand, as the evil spirit was attempting to take control. My sister and a man were holding my hand, and on the left, a woman was holding my sister. On her right was a powerful spirit.
So we started to Repeat, "I rebuke you in the name and the blood of Jesus." we repeated this over and over and over many times; then, I thought we where being saved until I saw three women coming toward us. So there were still three evil spirits, but there was 4 of us, so we were winning.
A spirit tried to get into me and to take power over me, but I kept repeating; then, after 20 times or more, I looked out the window and saw a man with a red robe; his Hair was a rust color, and he had a part in his Hair. It was Wavey, and he had a white something around his neck. Then he spread his hands open and looked at me and nodded his head with a small smile. I looked and my sister was being released from the evil spirit. We won; it is a dream I will never forget.
Patricia: United States
Hello my dream is about the devil.
I was about 25 when I had this dream but I keep thinking about this dream
It was like I woke up and I was looking at my husband's feet he was wearing his shoes so that look normal, but I looked up at his head, and his head was like the devil his face was red, and he had horns. He looked really evil; then, it looked like he went inside my body.
When I woke up my lamp light was off I never slept with my light off because my husband worked all night. That dream scared me; if you can tell me what it means I would really appreciate it, thank you
Interpretation for Patricia
Submitted by Peter from Australia:
If the devil can get a foothold, I would look for the entry point. Perhaps one of you reads horoscopes. Repent of any involvement with witchcraft. Perhaps there is a curse that needs to be broken. Don't worry because Jesus has given you victory. Is your husband saved? You and your husband should ask for deliverance prayer at an anointed church. Close all windows or doors that have allowed the enemy access: This is a solution rather than interpretation. Thank you; Jesus
Jordan: United States
Last night, I had a dream where I was traveling across the country with guys who hunted demons. Nothing like Supernatural, but we'd go to different places and chase out demons wherever they were.
The dream ended when the demon hunters tried to do a Satanic ritual in my yard to try and capture a demon. And weird stuff began to happen.
The wind blew, and we felt things crawling on our skin, and the items we had (two buckeyes and two chunks of wood with a cross and a devil's head on it) started glowing.
Right there, I started praying to God to protect me from this evil and to deliver me out of whatever was happening, and sure enough, I woke up.
I'm not gonna lie, it was the strangest dream I have ever had.
Carly: Canada
I had a dream
Humans become gladiators fighting amongst each other to the death surrounded by unspeakable horrors. Things I never want to see again; things so truly unholy, I would never think of such awful things.
I have never even seen a movie or heard of anything I witnessed in the dreams. The gladiators were controlled by the demons, and the demons did unspeakable evil. The gladiators have one week to recover from each battle if they don’t die.
I woke up, truly terrified from watching this unspeakable evil. It’s hot in my dream. The door that opens only shows the fire.
They took my greatest fear and used it against me. Every night for the last 2 months, the dreams worsen. The evil spreads among the earth. But hell is truly released on earth.
These dreams started when I renewed a relationship with God. I’m still working on it. The dreams don’t stop.
Mbuso: South Africa
Today I had a dream where I was walking in the street, and the guy passing me by the street asked," don't you see demons around, they're walking with you? strange enough I didn't have fear, I could sense them and continued walking, and another guy asked me again don't you see demons around you, ain't you worried?" I am just confused about what the dream really means, can anyone give advise, thanks
Larry: United States
I've had the same dream for 17 years, it happens more time than I can count. In the dream, there are devil worshipers out in the country-side, and I stop them. In the dream, I was wearing ancient Israel armor; I have a sword horn BOW; there are demons and devil worshippers.
I stand up and fight them trying to save the people from being sacrificed. I push them back, free the people, and they counter-attack. I blow my horn stop them in there track and be hide me a blue light Michael and a legion of angels are with me. The demons said to the devil worshipers repent or run away.
I bowed before Michael and said to him, I am at my father's service, praise to the one and only for he gave all for me. I give my life for my brother and sisters to be free from evil.
Nami: South Africa
I fell asleep on my sofa, and then I was in a house with a dog (cute puppy), and I was about to let it out, and as I opened the door, there was this gush of wind entering the house, and I was drawn to a bright white light. I saw a man in a robe with beautiful hair (couldn't get his likeness). He stretched out his hand and told me to look up. I did as he told me, and felt a powerful pull, and almost levitate toward the light.
Then after a while, I saw this man's mouth moving but couldn't hear what he was saying. Then I was dropped back to the ground because I didn't want to go.
I asked him why he wanted to grab my fingers because he was still trying to get me to go with him. I refused even though I wanted to see where he was taking me to. He said, "You've always been so hard to grab," chuckled, and he left.
I woke up feeling like I had just been dropped back hard on the couch with my heart beating fast, and I couldn't move for a while, but I eventually got up.
Manda: Australia
I had a dream of demonic babies with white eyes in my back yard, the one I remember clearly was the one in the high chair, and we played music, and it would sing back to us. Somehow in the dream, we took the demon from the possessed. I woke up and had to write down what this dream was quickly, but as I was writing, the dream disappeared from my memory. I know there were three demonic babies in my backyard, a dead duckling with two other ducklings trying to run away, and there were other demonic people that I’ve now lost from my memory. In the dream, I spoke to my neighbor, and I told him what was going on, and he said, “maybe you should think about moving,” and I said, “No It’s not the house; it’s me, the devil tries to attack me.
Libby: United Kingdom
I had a dream where I was walking through my local neighborhood with my children, they disappeared for a few moments until I saw them with an old lady at a house. She smirked at me, and I didn't like it, I knew something had been done to my children. In the dream I dropped them off to their dads and got a phone call saying they had been abused, I knew it was this old lady, so I saw red screaming and crying and went to her house.
In the dream, I knocked on the wrong door to find her; a man answered, and I asked if I could see a photograph of his wife to make sure it wasn't her, his wife who I strongly believe was an angel, took my hand and told me she would come with me to face this old lady.
When I got there the old lady wasn't old anymore, she was a demon in a child's form, and I walked over to it whilst drawing a cross on my forehead and it started to hiss, I destroyed the demon with my bare hands by ripping its jaw apart, and later we burned it.
I need to know why I'm dreaming this way; in the past weeks, I've had 3 other nightmares, none that involve demons as this one did. I feel like I've accomplished something through this dream, but it was terrifying none the less.
Michelle: United States
In my dream, I was in a familiar place among my family. We were sitting around talking and eventually fell asleep. I woke up and walked into my area of this house and then realized it was a woman trying to get me to come down this dark alley/walkway.
When I realized it was an evil spirit, I screamed out, "I Rebuke you satan," and she let go. It happened again, but I couldn't make a sound but was still saying the words.
The lady tried so hard to harm another person and me in different parts of this house I can remember screaming, Jesus! over and over again; then the lady walked into the darkness, and I woke up at 4:08 am.
Charles: Uganda
I had a dream last night when I am in a community with some unknown people, and many of the especially ladies were evil spirits, or call them demons.
I could pray in the dream, and many would provoke. It was a prayer war until I started differentiating between people and demands. The last beat was telling God to reveal to me the two small boys who were around me.
I prayed even harder pointing at one and asking God to put horns on him as a sign, and in amidst prayer I told the boy to mention Jesus, and when he did he caught fire and disappeared; when the other one mentioned Jesus, nothing happened so I embraced him, and I woke up from sleep. What could be the meaning of this dream?
Kassidy: Canada
I had a nightmare where there were these two powerful spirits who were filled with hatred; they came to me when I was home alone and scared me. I called for God to help me, but one of those spirits killed him before he even got to me. I don't know what to say except I'm scared.
Hello Kassidy,
God is more powerful than all the evil spirits combined; they will never be able to kill him. This is another lie from Satan designed to cause God's people to doubt and fear, but there is no need to fear.
God loves you very much and His angels continuously watch over you, and He is much too powerful to be harmed by an evil spirit.
Itumeleng: South Africa
Hi there, I have had many dreams throughout my life; some terrifying, others, sound, and at other times, I would even feel the physical effect of whatever it is they have done, even if I am awake.
If they slapped me in my dream, I would still feel the pain when I am awake, which is scary. If I talk about all my experiences, it would be very long. Hopefully, some of those experiences I would get told.
Right now, I'm going to talk about the dream that got me. I don't recall in details the dream, what I remember is a bunch of men, or crowd, worshipping satan which I believe it to be demons saying satan is king.
And just the previous night I had another dream whereby I recall a particular man, who was quite successful and was either a businessman or a very successful artist, said to me, we work so hard, and people say we are Illuminati.
The previous night I had a demonic dream, and this is what I go through almost every night, and I don't recall some of the details.
In addition to the dreams, I also often hear voices or get thoughts in my head, persecuting, and sometimes poking fun at me, and sometimes even cursing, usually when I am sinning.
I pray to God to remove these voices and thoughts, and it does go off for a while only to return later.
Sometimes I would pray in my dreams when having these dreams, and I can feel something coming out of me and can feel a sense of peace and joy thereafter. But after a few nights or so, they return, and it is a battle all night as I pray to try and stop them from coming back.
In most cases, I end up getting tired, and they ultimately return. Sometimes if they aren't able to win, they would come back in an intelligent way by disguising themselves.
It may seem like I am talking fairy tales, but this is what I experience. I have been praying to God, and I continue to do so. I just wanted your thoughts on this, and maybe you could give some advice on what to do.
And perhaps you could also help me in prayer. It will be highly appreciated.
Alecia: United States
I was holding my newborn son laying on the couch half dozing, and I saw a huge ( dragon, demon ) it caused me great fear it filled the room. I screamed. I then was awake, but it felt like I never went to sleep. It was so evil. I can’t seem to forget this dream or vision. I am a Christian saved by Christ
Laureny: United States
I dreamt that I was with a little boy I didn't recognize, and we were lead up this huge staircase to this very large room. It looked like a very nice bar with people mingling all around. The person who lead us up the stairs introduced us to this man in a very nice black suit and told me, "this is Satan;" for a moment I hesitated, but he smiled, and I smiled back and politely introduced myself and shook his hand.
He seemed like a very normal man, nothing devilish about him. The child and I were lead to what was like a theater with only a few rows of seating, the people around weren't paying much attention to the film or video that was playing on the screen. After a minute of sitting there with the child, I began to hear this very, very loud, screeching sound in my head that no one seemed to notice.
It began to get louder by the second, and I began to curl up in pain. I could see the well-dressed man right in front of my face in my head trying to grab my face, so I began to call on Jesus, and each time I said his name louder and louder, the man started to wince more and more the louder I called to Jesus.
I finally opened my eyes, and the entire room was looking at me, and the man in the suit was standing in front of me a few feet away. I don't remember what happened after that, but I remember being in a large open grassy area still in the place at the top of the stairs. People were sitting all around myself, and the child I still didn't know.
Again I began to hear the terrible screeching, so I grabbed the child and began to call out to Jesus and again the suited man was trying to catch my face, but I stood up and grabbed him and threw him to the ground.
I was praying very hard and called to Jesus as I was just about to put my finger to the suited man's forehead I woke up. Now during this dream, I never felt afraid or scared but confident and powerful!
Linton: Philippines
I dreamt that Pope Francis declared that Jesus is dead & that he designated a day to commemorate the event. Next scene shifted to me hitting my mom with a stick inside a church. Weird stuff.
Miranda: United States
This was a very short dream... I was laying in bed (like I would have been in reality), and this entity/demon-like creature with long black hair greyish skin almost had a smoke-like quality to its body...but I somehow knew it wanted to feed off my fear..but I said to it as calm as can be, "I'm not scared of you God is with me." It let out an angry scream, and I woke up
Risha: United States
Had a dream I was fighting demons. Jesus Or God Was Locked Behind A Door and I Was Trying To Free Him.
Jeramie: Philippines
I dreamed of being told by Satan or devil or whatever, that I would die now, but suddenly Jesus appeared on the cross.
The floor was like water and there crossed the cross before. (?)
I was afraid because there was a man who tried to get me in the car right after he told of everything that happened to our car; this is a very long story, so I will make this short.
Original Translation:
"Nanaginip ako na sinasabihan ako ng satan or devil o kung ano man yun na mamatay ako ngayon pero biglang lumitaw si jesus na nakapatong sa cross at yung sahig ay parang tubig at doon lumabas ang cross subrang takot ko noon kasi may isang lalaki na pilit akong pinapasok sa cr tama kayo ng naba lahat ng sinabi ko ay doon nangyari sa cr namin.this is verry long story so i make this short."
Jammie: United States
I am a former rap artist, still, kinda am. My lyrics were harsh, not gonna lie, I have had a certain vision or visions in my mind.
Once, I was laying in bed going through what seemed like turmoil, and when I opened my eyes, he was standing in my TV; the TV was off, but he was standing there. Since then, I have been going through what seems to be the devil wanting me to sell my soul or other people's souls.
I keep saying no, or forgive me father, every time this happens. I am not gonna lie, it scares the crap outta me, and I've been going to church trying to fix what I've done wrong; so far I feel like I'm not getting nowhere.
So if you have any input that might help me, then be my guest, try and answer these ?'s and this mystery !!!
Angie: United Kingdom
I had a dream that my parents and I lived in this small apartment, and a couple people from my school came over.
I was on my phone, and some really disturbing music came into my head, it was painful to my ears!
I turned around, and one of the people that came over had red glowing eyes with a demonic star in them too. I stood up and started shouting, "leave this body in the name of Jesus!". I wasn't aware of what I was saying, but I carried on.
Everyone else was like almost frozen, and didn't know what was going on. The demon started saying, "Satan is Lord," but I refused to listen and started saying that "Jesus is lord." The demon's eyes rolled backward and were completely white. It was a terrifying event.
After that, I woke up in a car. I tried
To explain what happened to my parents, but then everything disappeared, and I was left alone in a dark space.
What does this mean?
Delia: Japan
There s a cabinet that trembling and I struggle to open it; then, when it's wide open, she still resisting for me to open it. her eyes are black and straight shoulder length with bangs, and black hair seems she's still a child. Then I open the cabinet she went out in a big one wearing white clothes and fighting with me; she even holds my neck.
That's the time I pray, to fight her but seems my prayer is not working and I about to lose the fight. Just came to my mouth that in Jesus name, then shes beginning to release her hand on my neck.
Mary-Anne: Ghana
I had a dream that a friend of mine, we are not so close, but we were in what looked like a large hall, and the devil was perusing us. He was trying to convince us to do something but we would not. So I started praying hard and saying that nothing can happen. And that he will stay in the corner that I have put him in.
He had a smirk on, and then when doubts came in my head as to whether I have enough faith. He moved. Then he tried to convince me to murder my friend by stabbing her, but she was pregnant, and I told him I couldn't kill her and her unborn child. He tried to convince me, but I said no.
There were stairs in the hall looking place, so my friend went to sit on it. We wanted to go upstairs, but she said it was completely ruined. So, we sat there thinking; then I saw something in the middle of the room, it was like a long table with browning things inside.
Suddenly he is in front of me, and he has the most beautiful face and smile, with a black suit and is asking me to kiss him. But I refuse, and he continues. My friend stabs him at the back of his head, and he falls down. No blood flows. She uses a thin metal which becomes a knife and then opens the door. I was frightened he would wake up, he never did.
We immediately run to our friends' room, and they are there in a pure white room talking and laughing, and I tell them what happened. And one guy takes my friend to another room to lay her bed. And I am telling my friends about the encounter and what we had been through as they go and lay the bed.
She is shockingly so calm, and I'm going on about how I will never enter that room again. And how much it scared me.
Hannah: United States
Spiritual warfare
I remember reading the Bible, perhaps a few chapters and then prayed cause all the sudden I got tired, so I thought maybe it was time to go to bed. I shut my Bible put it under my pillow turned off the light and laid down.
Now I cannot remember if I was actually asleep or not, or if it was a vision..but I remember in this dream or vision thing, I was at my mums old home, and in that old home I was not close to god neither was anyone else in the home at the time.
In that house, my little brother had dreams about this girl and said she was scary (btw this is not in the dream this actually occurred a few yrs ago girl) And the house had an erie feeling and dark feeling. But anyways back to the vision/dream.
I was in that house alone; it almost looked like we had abandoned it when we moved. Nobody lived there, and I was looking around alone. I remember I was in this bathroom that used to be my brothers looking in the shower and the water was dripping. When I saw this I did not fear anything..then I walked back down the hall to my room and walked into my room.
It almost looked the same as I remember it. I saw this red blanket covering this demon, and I backed up then I looked away for a second and then looked back at it. It was now in a white blanket with tiny black spots on it, and it was making me levitate.
I got scared and started breathing fast. It felt so real. But as the demon was lifting me up, I started saying "God, please get me out of this." Then I woke up.
And I was breathing hard as I was in that dream/vision. But it's so strange that all of this starts to happen when I'm getting very close to god. But does anyone know what this means?
Christine: United States
I had a dream that I was in this big house and that I could change the fireplace by the way it looks by pressing buttons. It was around Christmas time, and I was taking down ornaments.
There was something on the wall about a foot long and I put a light on it and it flew to me. I stabbed it. I asked who are you and what do you want. This thing that looked light a pig or a dog with wings said I am the god of heaven. He started to talk to me and I can not remember what it was. I fixed his small cut and noticed others names on the animal besides mine.
I continued to take the ornaments down and came to a room that was connected to my house and it was a small church I went in the dark and prayed. When I got done, I told the priest bye and ran up the stairs because I am afraid of the dark.
I ran in to a room and there was evil in the room very scary there was creatures everywhere. I turned around to run out then this person started to walk towards me and I hit him. I then woke up
Phonia: Canada
I dreamed that I was standing on a road in the community where I grew up, and I saw stars in the sky. They were bright and seemed low like they were at the level of the clouds. The stars to me were like angels in the sky.
Then the stars appeared to be fighting each other like fire was coming from one to another.
Then one of the stars had the shape of a man like he had two legs and two hands. He was using his hand to send fire to the other stars. The fire had the look of light, just like the stars.
Then I saw another star with the appearance of a man also, but this angel was like a demon or Satan. He was dark and had no light. He was at a lower level than the other stars, and he began to ascend lower and then came down to the earth between houses.
Then when I saw him no more, I saw the street to where the demon ascended, had many large black birds and it appeared as if the demon had transformed into one of them.
Then I told my cousin to let us run home and move away from the birds, and I was telling her that the stars in the sky seemed as if the angels were fighting, but she did not believe me and did not take it seriously.
Delisile: South Africa
I just had a dream where my friend had some power and asked me if I knew when Jesus is coming back then she said I must concentrate and showed me the date, twice, 15/04/19. What does this mean she also said that someone would die this year and she said its the oldest in the group and I am the oldest.
Bones: United States
I had a dream an angel was flying carrying me. Then dropped me into the ring of fire. I was tied to an “x” shaped cross overlooking fire and rocks. There were these little creatures that would pour a bucket of hot material over my feet and melt them off. Then my feet would come back as if it never happened and the cycle would return. They would start torturing me again.
Juanita: United States
I saw an evil spirit rise out of me, and Jesus was at the other end wrapping her in mummy-like fabric saying a prayer for me, but I don't really remember what he was saying it was like I was deaf.
I am having dreams about something bad spirit entering inside me. And I try to help myself by saying the prayer our father and especially say the line deliver us from evil loudly and clearly as I am aware of the fact that there is something bad which is troubling me.And these dreams have been happening for the past one month and especially for the last two weeks I am having the same dreams in which I am saying the prayer our father to protect myself or my family members.
Ana: United States
Normally everyone hates having nightmares with demons or with the devil himself.
My nightmare began with me in a small dark room. Suddenly I began to hear growling around me. As I turn around an ugly, evil, red eyes, face appeared, and I was face to face with the devil. I started to feel scared and the more frightened I got, the more he began to grow.
Then, the most beautiful feeling came into me, and I said with so much faith out loud, "JESUS LOVES ME;" THE MORE I SAID IT THE MEANER THE DEVIL seemed to get. Then suddenly I said laughing at him, you can't hurt me, you can't touch me because JESUS LOVES ME!!!. EACH TIME I SAID JESUS name the further he got away from me.
As he was fading, I was staring right into his eyes laughing, and I said I'm not afraid of you. You are nothing to me. Jesus loves me... and he disappeared.
With Jesus' love and protection and my faith in him, no evil can ever touch me.. what else can I ask for... AMEN.
Elena: United States
I had a dream a medium told me I would die soon and I was crying.
Ali: Canada
This morning I had a dream about:
Some kind of Ancient Human, size is about Statue of Liberty, and it's waking up from what I remember was a Temple. It was so Scary too, I was so Scared from it, That ancient Thing was from somewhere else, and everyone else was Panic-ed also, It Had some kind of Evil with it Like I was Scared! I don't know what that means!
Brianna: United States
I had a dream. The sky was dark and scary looking; dark green and red. I was in a long, long line of people, longer than I could see. We were all heading to an old shack. There was a demon standing in the doorway of the shack and beside him was a huge meat grinder. Under the meat grinder was an open hole in the ground full of fire. This demon was taking the people one by one and feeding them into the grinder. When I got up to the front of the line, I looked into the grinder and saw blood everywhere, and there was nothing left of the people who went before me. Then I woke up.
Amika: United States
I have dreamed about a few things, and one was of a baby elephant wandering down the road and someone hit it. After that I saw a huge dragon flying in the sky, and after that, an angel or demon had a bow and arrow, and it wanted to eat me, but I begged him not to kill me. I said I would do anything and he offered me to bear his children, and I agreed...
Daisy: United States
Something was following me I was inside a building and there was something behind me telling me to follow it down the stairs I said no, but didn’t do it to turn back to see. I was waiting for the elevator to go up I press the elevator and all of a sudden the elevator doors open, as the door opens I feel afraid to step inside. Something pushes me as soon as I step inside. I feel happy and joyful. There were two people inside, a woman and a man looking at a computer. The woman asked, what is the cause of her death? and the man says fire. I’m standing not knowing what’s happening and they were just looking at me then she says, what are we gonna do with her and he says, send her back or (she says, send her back) I wasn’t sure who said it, and then all of a sudden I wake up.
William: United States
I dreamed last night that I was possessed by a demon. It felt real. In my dream, a priest was placing the cross in front of me many times and throwing holy water. After a few attempts, I saw the demon leave.
Tekeshaw: United States
Demons and Coffins
My niece had a vision of my two kids and me in coffins with demons standing over us. What does this mean?
Shamyra: United States
The Devil keeps chasing me and a friend I was trying to help. My friend couldn't escape. He wouldn’t let her go and said he would kill me if I help her.
Chelsea: United States
I was in a dark room there was a light swinging back and forth I could only see when it swung, but I heard the words.. my name is., over and over. I was trying to wake up so bad I was screaming for Jesus. It felt like sleep paralysis it was so real. I was begging Jesus to give me back control of my body. Then the light swung out, and when it came back in I saw the face of a man right before me with an evil grin, and he said it again while he appeared on my face. He said my name is..but never said his name, I woke up finally. My heart was racing, and I was winded. He had white hair white eyelashes and white eyebrows I'm so Scared I've been having these terrible dreams, but they feel so real, and I need help IDK what to do nobody believes me.
Candice: United States
I had a dream a few years back, still haunts my mind. I was in a very large and very old pool. Surrounded by a beautiful garden and pretty statues. And I'm in the middle of this pool clutching this Bible old one at that, I can remember like 1450 those were the numbers on it. And above my head Angels are helping me, they were fighting. I was surrounded by demons; it felt like they were trying to get me and this book I was hanging on to. I wasn't drowning, more like sitting like a duck in the water. I felt darkness and evilness, but I was peaceful. Then all a sudden the sky went red, and I woke up. Still bugs me. Seems like a lot of symbolism in it.
Nikki: United States
I keep having a dream like a movie it starts with me in a movie theater, and the screen catches fire (blue flames) and a man appears in front he's wearing a black suit his face is like a shadow he chases me I end up in a church a few miles from home (it's like my safe zone) he couldn't enter. This dream carried on for a week I have it once a year started when I was 15 years old I'm 32 now each year there is more to it, and it's always for seven days a part each night I still end up staying the same church not sure the meaning
Ana: Canada
I used to live in a hunted house where every night at 0300 in the morning I would wake up to someone lying on top of me and breathing on the left side of my neck! We moved from that house in 2006. This morning, Jan 17, 2017, I had a dream where I could see either the devil himself or a demon coming towards me on my left side as I was lying in bed. In my dream, I was awake and very restless and trying to fight it off me. Then, I looked towards my right side, and I saw my grandma who died in Nov 2015. I asked her for help, and she told me she could not help me fight this (the devil). Then, I looked straight up towards the ceiling, and I started to ask Jesus to help me. I was frantically screaming "please Jesus help me." He told me to do the sign of the cross on the left side of my neck, which I repeatedly did with my right index finger and it worked! The devil left afraid! Then, I looked up again, and I saw Jesus's face coming towards me. His face was white and kind of light, but expressionless. In my dream, I was lying on my back, on a bed, and his face came right to about 11/2 feet away from my face. I reached with both hands, and he allowed me to touch his face. I placed my hands on his cheeks, and as I touched them gently, I said "thank you Jesus" repeatedly. Then, I woke up. I am thankful that The Lord protected me!
Marie: Antigua
What does it mean when you continuously dream that there is a whole under a house, not current house I am living in, it's another house I never saw. There is a whole under the house, and the devil is in it, calling my sister. She is 13 years old. She keeps going to look under the house, and he uses her hair that has been clipped to make a rope and pull her in. I her big sister keeps going to pull her out.
I have been having this dream for couple days in a row.
Tamara: Canada
I was on drugs sad to say, but I ended up getting arrested and going to a holding cell, and as I was in there, I felt my body shutting down, the voices of the guards slowly faded, and everything went black, anyway I got up off my mat and everything was so blurry I kept hearing my family and friends voices, they were torturing people with the guards. I heard Satan's voice, and a guard talking, they were going to each cell cutting people up and burning them, the smell of blood was so strong the steam all over down that Hall, I kept hearing so many of my family and friends talking, then I heard Satan's voice and a guard getting close to me, my heart started to pound, they went to cell next to me which was one of my family members cell, they opened his door, I heard him say " what are you doing it's me " and I heard him cry and scream. The strong smell of blood and the steam coming from that cell, my heart started pounding, I started to hear shackles and people being shackled I heard a guards voice telling all the people to go down the hall take a left and go through a door and as soon as that door opened I felt a hot heat wave, and the sound of screaming crying, that door shut all of a sudden it was so quiet I heard Satan and a guard talking saying " should we take her with us or should she go back " I jumped off my mat knocked on my cell door and said " I want to come with you take me " a beautiful guard came to my door she told me she would be back for me in half hour and just go back to sleep she winked at me and walked away, I started to get scared I went to lay back down I put my hands in my shirt and started to pray, I heard Satans terrifying laugh, and he said look at her she's asking to be saved, I waited over half an hour to go back to sleep, ... My dream was done... All of a sudden my cell door opened a police officer told me I'm getting released I jumped up got my stuff and took off
Jori: United States
Haven't been sleeping well the last few days when I finally fell asleep this morning around 3, or 4 am I had a odd dream.
People near me "lit up/flashed" a bright blue light color and some stuck their hand out to ppl next to them to strangle them one handed... I had no idea what was going on at the time. Then I realized ppl were turning into demons.... the ppl that had "gone blue" had been raptured and the ones they had strangled one-handed in the process was them taking out an immediate next to the demon on their way out of the body. These "ppl" that were turned into? Or taken over by? Demons had swarm behavior looking for survivors who hadn't turned...the "left behind" ones...they were driving in lines of cars or walking following one another (kinda like ants) their faces were contorted to what I can best describe as locust looking in appearance....I was with some other groups of people in a room and we decided we needed to segregate into locked rooms in case anyone else turned because the groups didn't know each other well and everyone got a tote of some supplies that happened to be in the main room....the swarm outside saw us turning out the lights and came after us. One girl forgot to lock a door, and one of them bust inside. I bolted to a different room to find a closet or something to hide w my son when I realized he wasn't next to me and was in the other room w that "thing" so I ran back and grabbed him throwing my body and arms over him to protect him and started screaming to Gabriel to come help me then to God and Jesus. There was a blast, and something with wings came to destroy it while I ran w my my son and a few others that survived the attack found a different room w a lock to regroup as we heard a voice taunting us but we couldn't find anything in the room....I stated it was a trick...the devil is the biggest trickster of them all so the voice was to spook us and I shut my eyes and prayed till it stopped....I told one of the other ppl I know I had toyed w the idea of being left behind intentionally to help others, but this was scarier than I'd imagined and wished I could change my mind but knew that I had already set my mind on choosing to stay before this had all even happened and just like Jesus on the cross I had a purpose and couldn't back out that was not gods plan for me.....skip to: someone knew how to fly a helicopter, and we had found one so we piled in, and there was a guy flying it, a teenager in pjs, my son, and one other person maybe? The dream ended as it lifted off.... upon waking up to sit outside and write this dream down hundreds of blackbirds came swarming the yards trees and rooftops and ground around me halfway through.... it was a very odd situation, and I knew not normal so I grabbed my ph and recorded it best as I is definitely starting out strange
Chris: India
I had a dream at night... I saw a person (Tall and dressed in a red vestment garment). His looks were not like satan, but some of his features were like satan. He had long fingers. He will be standing very far away when I try to look at him, but the next second he will be standing next to me. He spoke to me in some language which I cannot understand. He always kept moving his long fingers while he was glancing at me... I saw my dad and mom also with me. I was completely in fear, and my wife was afraid to come next to me in the dream
Alethia: United States
7/25/17 I had a dream. It took place in a dull like church. I was sitting in the back of the church with my boyfriend looking at the backs of peoples heads. Nothing was going on just people sitting facing forward. My boyfriend was talking to me pointing out somebody in the choir saying " look, that's a devil." When I glanced at the person, she was moving weird like a twitchy type movement and eyes were black. I looked away quickly and told him I was scared. My boyfriend says,"don't be just close your eyes and pray." I told him I didn't want it to come to me, and he said that it was but don't be scared. I looked up again trying to see the person again, but she was normal. I begin to feel scared when my eyes fixed on the aisle and saw something coming towards me. It looked like the character from saw that rides the tricycle instead it was on its feet. I kept telling my boyfriend I was scared and he told me just close your eyes and pray and say you're not the same and I did when I was praying I saw the thing zoom closer but it didn't touch me and it vanished. He pointed another person out. It was a little girl with burgundy braids sitting on her parent's lap who was dressed in all black. I did not see the little girl face because she had her head down. We started to stand to sing. I stood by the little girl who was still sitting in her parent's lap with her head turn away from me. We song (No Weapon). At first, I couldn't quite catch the tone; the people were singing in. But then I got on the tone I begin singing to the top of my lungs, and the people stop singing to listen to me sing. the music was still playing. I song that song with every breath I had I was crying, sweating, I even drooled alittle. What does this mean?
Christina: United States
I was very very sick in the hospital after giving birth to 7 1/2 pound twins. They twins had affected my gallbladder, and my kidneys shut down after giving birt. They kept me in recovery for several days I was not allowed to eat or drink anything I remember being very very thirsty and very very hungry. All I could do was suck on ice chips, and I wasn't allowed to swallow nor could I have that cheeseburger I dreamed of. I fell asleep at night while I was in recovery and I had either a vision or a dream. I was in my bed, my hospital bed, and I saw this figure at the bottom right corner that I feel was the devil. It didn't last very long, it didn't talk to me, it just kind of was a swirling figure, and it was dancing, but I could make out that it was the devil or so I thought so. There were no horns, and he was not red. He just looked evil, and he was a swirling object but I couldn't make out his face the shape of his face was kind of like the Tasmanian devil that I remember from Bugs Bunny Maybe he was trying to take me but I would not let him., However, there was no communication I just saw him dancing there, but it scared me so much so that I thought I was going to hell instead of heaven. I felt I had been a pretty good person and I truly believe in God and His eternal life and heaven. I told my mom the next day, who is a very strong Catholic, and she brushed it off as a hallucination due to my sickness and the amount of medication they had me on for pain. I had never been on pain medication before this. I trusted in her and believed her. But it is still an experience that scares me to this day. I still believe in God wholeheartedly and believe in His afterlife. This was an extreme experience, and I hope I never have that experience again.
Claire: United States
This is my dream! I dreamt I was taking care of two children for someone and I was playing with them in a park! Two women were was also there just sitting and knitting something, but they were watching me secretly I could see them from the corner of my eyes! Then one of the children run off to pick up something, and I turn to go after the child while the other one was still playing! I get the child and turn to come back only to see the child lying dead with her beautiful hair cascading all over the ground. I rushed over and couldn't believe what I am seeing! I look over st the women they are now pretending they didn't see anything so I realized they are looking very uncomfortable but couldn't figure out how they could get to the child so fast without me seeing them, and I realize they are witches for the soon both disappeared in my eyes! I am panicking and then a woman who came out of nowhere and was calmly calming me down she saw everything, but she didn't know what to do! Do I steady myself and told her to keep watch for any sign while I pray! She must alert me! I put the other child in front of me to keep her safe, and I knew down and began to call upon the great Hod of heaven and earth to breathe the breath of life back into this child and I pray and pray then the child cough and I realize something is happening and I pray even more ! The child was now alive! Then the women were now coming back with a huge crowd and the police to arrest me so I quickly call out to them saying hey you witches look and see what the power of God can do! The parents were there for the children first, so I gave the children into their hands and the woman who was with me, and I started to run as fast as we can Fir I did not care to deal with the crowd we were running and leaping and rejoicing in the power of the Lord our God! Then I look at her as we were running and she is no a woman but a young man now! I didn't say anything I just kept in running and rejoicing in the Lord!
Please help with interpretation! This is my second time I had dreams like this! Thanks so much for your help God bless you!
Grayce: United States
This dream was last year, but I still remember it vividly. There were no people around, and everything was burning, and it was very out. I was running from something when suddenly I turn around and start fighting this dragon (it wasn't big) before the dragon flies away to this evil man standing on a pile of ashes, and he was laughing menacingly at me. I started to fight him, and I believe that he was the devil. I had told my dad about this, and he told me that God said that some children would be prophets. Could this be a futuristic dream maybe? Idk but it was weird and scary.
Paula: United States
I dreamed I was in my son's room and praying for something to go away
I dreamt that I was fighting off a spirit that was scaring me and started screaming mother mary at it.
I told my very religious grandmother in law, and she told me she dreamt of me in labor having a baby with stars in the sky and surrounding our heads.
Please help...
Vanessa: United States
I dreamed a black Horse was talking to me and said he was going to send me straight to hell
Phillip: United States
My dream started I was in a field kind of like a park, and I saw kids playing, but then I realized something was off they were playing with something I couldn't see, and when I got close enough I found it was a demon, but the strange thing is it had a weird name, DOGMA.
So the dream continued, and I was trying to see this Dogma, but no matter how hard I focused my eyes I could barely see them, and when I finally got close enough to barely see one, it laid down and started whimpering.
Next, I heard a voice from heaven say, "My time is soon so now is the time for you to choose, who do you say that I am?"
That's when I woke up
Ruby: United States
I dreamed that my sister was decorating a black angel figure.
Tikia: United States
One day last year I was watching Heaven is for real. At the end of the movie, it showed at a picture that a little girl had drawn. I started looking at the eyes of the picture. His eyes did not look like the eyes of an ordinary man.
It was like I was looking through the heavens and then I found myself like I was floating through the heavens. After while I heart a male voice from behind me saying, repeat after me. He started speaking in an Arabic, Hebrew, or some other language.
I did not repeat him. He said it another time repeat after me. He spoke the same words in the same language, but I once again did not repeat after him. Again for a third time spoke to me and said repeat after me. Once again he said the said words in the exact language, but I once again did not repeat after him.
After I did not repeat it for the third time, I came back to myself, and I was now facing the window looking at my backyard. I was so afraid, but now I'm realizing it could have been Satan.
Hector: United States
I had a dream where I was traveling on a train at night time. When the train stopped, I walked out. The first thing I saw was Jesus on the cross. I fell on my knees weeping. I turned my head to my right, and a demon screeched, and I woke up.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Jade's Demonic Apparition Dream
Boog's Dream about the Lies of the Devil
"Tikia's Dream of being Chased by Demons- Part 1
Tikia's Dream of being Chased by Demons - Part 2
Mar 23, 25 02:48 PM
Mar 17, 25 10:27 AM
Mar 13, 25 04:14 PM
Mar 06, 25 03:52 PM
Mar 06, 25 03:46 PM
Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802