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"My Family Was Delivered

I stay in Navi Mumbai and my mom, dad, brother, and sisters in Mumbai. I got a call from my family that my mom, brother, and both of my sisters have symptoms of covid; they all went to a clinic and had medicine and have self-isolated themselves. 

My dad was in Native; hearing this, he came to Mumbai, and all of them have self-isolated. My brother and sisters have recovered at home with isolation, but mom, being a diabetes patient and oxygen level dropping to 94, we decided to admit her to a hospital in Sion, and my dad was taking care of my mom,

Mom was Hospitalized in Sion in a hospital.

On the 17th of May, mom was Hospitalized for a low oxygen level; the next day, my dad developed typhoid and was taking medication and was advised bed rest. Upon hearing this, I came to Mumbai to take care of Mom;

On the 18th of May, mom is COVID and has pneumonia.

Mom's oxygen level was continuously dropping, and her oxygen requirement increased; then, we found out she developed pneumonia and that the pneumonia was increasing; the pneumonia patches were increasing with each passing day. The doctor said that mom's lung was working at 50% capacity. 

Then, on the 22nd, with no improvement, we decided to shift mom to a different hospital but were unaware of which hospital or how to move her; then Jesus helped me.

I spoke to my organization manager about the situation, and the company arranged for a bed in a hospital in Chembur, and we got my mom admitted. We learned they charge 50k per day, and the doctors informed us that she would have to be in the hospital a month at a minimum.

We were worried about the money; we felt that the min we would need to pay every day was 25- 30 lakhs. My manager spoke and arranged an initial 1.5 lacs from the organization and even asked me to apply for a medical claim of 10 lacs, which if he had not said, I would not have received the medical claim. I believe this all happened because of God and that God has been with us throughout.

On the 23rd of May, my dad's oxygen level dropped, and we shifted him to the same hospital in Chembur.

Dad was recovering with fluctuations in oxygen level, and mom's oxygen level was dropping continuously. Once it went to below 80 without oxygen, she was kept on 8 - 10 liter oxygen.

Mom's oxygen requirement was fluctuating, and as a family, we prayed every day for mom and dad; at one point, I was so scared but kept showing confidence in my God, Jesus. Then dad got discharged on the 1st of June, and mom on the 5th of June.

On the 19th of June, I was having stomach pain and was admitted to a hospital in Sion and found that I had kidney stones, and the doctor advised surgery; on the 21st of June, I was sent to the same hospital in Chembur. 

The doctors advised surgery, and all my family members were praying, and then while doing the surgery, the doctors found no stone. The surgery wasn't necessary, and I was discharged on 23rd June.

Now, thanks to God, we all are recovering and better now. All thanks to Lord Jesus

Jesus has always supported and helped me. Even in this toughest of all circumstances, God has been with me all the time.

Because of Lord Jesus, we all have recovered, and I Praise the Lord all the time!

Raglin: India

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Delivered From COVID

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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