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"Christina's Christian Testimony"
And Encouragement for Others

Hi everyone. God works in our lives in beautiful ways. Today I wanted to share with you a testimony of how God worked in my life. I pray it will be an insight & an encouragement for you to grow closer to Christ & experience His love & wonders.

I studied at a Christian school. I'm the only child of my family & when I was around 15,16 years old, I heard someone mentioning that to go to Heaven you need to witness to at least one person.

I was never in a church choir, but at home, I always used to sing alone & praise God. When no one was at home, I would even preach to an imaginary audience. I was somewhat a shy person, but still, I wanted to share God's Word.

When I was around 16, 17 years old- One day, while praying alone at home, I told God that I wanted to do something for Him. I told Him about my passion for ministry work.

Most of my friends were involved in ministry work, but even though I liked to do it, I did not have as many chances as my friends. That did not bother me a lot, and I never wanted to be equal to them, I just wanted to do something for God.

Using Social Media

After a few days of prayer, & spending time with God through His WORD, God spoke to me and brought me an idea. 

He has made us human & we humans have developed advanced technology. Using social media is a good platform in sharing God's Word & that was how I began my Twitter page anonymously which is @ living for our god .  

Through this account, I have spoken to many unbelievers, from different parts of the world. It was a good experience.

Speaking to People

A year after starting that page I still wanted to do more for God; so, in the latter stages of high school I began socializing and speaking to people about Jesus.

I was proud, happy, and grateful to where God has made me stand. God made me realize that I may be a living Bible for a lot of unbelievers through my deeds, and I can win souls to God.

I felt so grateful to God and still wanted to do something for Him.

I kept praying, and then I decided to start a blog to encourage all believers and to bring new people to Christ. Later, https://  lifewithchristsl-dot-wordpress dot- com was born. 

I got good comments which made me feel very blessed & approved by God. 

God can Work in Your Life

I want to end this part of my story, but would like to help you see is how beautifully God can work in your life. Sometimes we might feel that we are worthless; But please keep in mind, we are here for a reason &  because of our Almighty God.

Today I'm a 20-year-old Christian blogger, a wife in waiting & in the making, a Godly daughter, a Sister-in-Christ, a 2nd-year University student majoring in Business, & a proud woman of Christ. I'm here because of God.

I'm not in a rich family,  and I do not own my own house. We have trouble paying my uni fees, managing finances & everything. But God has been, providing everything we need. (Matthew 6:33)

Growing Close to God

The bottom line- Seek God first before anything! PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY & PRAY. WORSHIP, PRAISE & PRAY. READ YOUR BIBLE & PRAY. Always make sure to grow close to God, learn more about Him, develop a passion for serving our Amazing Heavenly Father and maintaining a close relationship with Him. He will never let you down, and He is going to use you in a very great way.

YOU who are reading this: I pray and declare that in the mighty name of God, YOU will experience His blessings & wonders abundantly from this moment onwards & all your burdens will be washed away. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my testimony. I hope it was a great insight to you.

You can contact me via insta dm - @__.christiiina.__

or even via my twitter page or my WordPress site.

Jesus loves you. God has an amazing plan for you. He is going to prosper you & make you more successful. Stay in faith & claim His blessings & promises for your life! AMEN

Christina: Sri Lanka

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Christian's Christian Testimony

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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