Chris: United States
My testimony of what God can do.
Past time and Future time
Life of hard knocks.
A churchgoer, A god believer, A Bible reader
A boy scout seeker, Summer camp doer
Camping time, Travel time, With my family time
So many stories of my life
Don't know where to start
A rough childhood of mine
So many choices, So much crime when I was kid
Never listen to my family, Ran away so many times I did
Stayed in school, so I did,
A mother who loved me
And forgave me for the mistakes I did
So much fighting to surviving
So much crime I did, Crime never pays
So many lessons I learn, So much time I severed
Two and half years for the time of my crimes
One chance to change my life or 7 Yrs of prison time
At the age of 14 that was
Turned to God who saved me and changed me
No more crime, No more time, So many lessons learned
When God gave me a second chance at life
Stayed in high school until I was done, Not good grades I had
But I graduated anyway, Walked away from my faith
Because I thought I could do it on my own
So many jobs I had, So much money I made
Left home to live on my own
Joined the caravel made money, good money in the games
Made many friends, So many drugs I did
So much traveling, So many miles, So much road trips
Hard work of five years but got hooked on drugs
So many times I tried to quit, So many rehabs I did
Flushed my drugs down toilet, Gave God all my life for good
He saved and healed me from my drug life
He set me free, and I let him lead me for eternity
2007 was the year I was healed
Moved to a new city
A new city, a new start, So scared I was,
Knew no one from the start
But homeless may I say, So much fear in me
But I prayed it lead me the way,
Not knowing where to go anyways
Fifty dollars in my pocket, Nowhere to stay it was cold that day
A few pairs of clothes, A tent and a blanket I brought to stay
Found a tree where I stayed for six weeks of my stay, in my tent I lay
Without God, I wouldn't have survived
Got a job, Got on my feet, Not homeless no more
But no fear I can live anywhere
But God is by my side everywhere
Because he blessed me with a new life
So here I am a new person in God, Many new changes
Freedom of life from all the drugs I did
New friends and family I made
So many stories I have told
So many lessons I learned
Joseph: United States
Miracle Tuition True Story
August 2005
So, back in 2005-06, I had looked into going back to college to finish my BA. I started way back in the early 1990's, but a pretty bad car accident sent my life spiraling out of control and with medical bills mounting, I realized that I had to quit school and go back to work full time to pay them off. I got lucky and had a few ok paying jobs, enough to slowly pay off the medical bills, but I still wasn't making enough to start paying tuition and books, etc...
My employer at the time had a tuition reimbursement policy, but you had to complete the classes and turn in your qualifying grades before the reimbursement showed up on your paycheck. To complicate matters, tuition for the next semester was due before the reimbursement payout showed up on your paycheck. So in reality, I had to pay for two semesters of classes before my employer completed their end of the deal.
Discouraged, I prayed. Lord, I don't know if you want me to finish my degree, but I do. I want to prove once and for all that I could become a college graduate. I prayed, and I prayed, and I did not even consider myself a Christian at that time. In fact, I won't go into detail here, but I had some pretty low moments during those days. But, hey, even Atheists pray in foxholes, right?
After I met with an adviser at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, MN to assess my transcripts, I learned I was only about 30 credits shy of completing my BA degree, but I still didn't have the money to pay the tuition costs. If I recall correctly, I needed close to $1,000 to start the classes. If I had that, I knew I could cover future tuition costs on my own.
One late Friday afternoon a few weeks before the start of fall semester, still discouraged, the phone rang. The caller identified herself as a manager at my bank. She began to tell me that they had been analyzing my bank records for the last few years. She offered an apology on behalf of the bank for the number of service charges the bank had taken out of my bank account. Now, I've never passed a math class in my life. The service charges were 100% well deserved. Math has always simply confused me to the point of extreme frustration. I didn't complain about the obscene number of service charges and the thousands of dollars they rightfully took from me. Even though I tried utilizing the check register, I just couldn't keep track. It's the bane of my existence.
Towards the end of the conversation with the bank manager, she said she was going to put 75% of the service charges back into my account which amounted to roughly $1,500. Soon after that, I paid the tuition, went back to college and graduated four semesters later. Three years after that, I completed my masters at Northwestern University.
Louise: United States
I broke my back in June 2012. On January 2013, I had a lower back surgery which went bad. Woke up from the surgery with movement disorders.I lived the following three years in pain and with no mobility as I was losing feelings in my lower extremities. I was put on pain and psychotic medications. Depression took over, and I almost took my life. One thing I will tell you is that God listens to all of our prayers, and we should never doubt him.
God gave me my life back on July 18, 2015. That day, I stop taking all the multiple medications I was on without any complications following the abrupt stop. That same day I was able to walk back again! I have had no more seizures like movements since then! I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl on June 17, 2016. I was able to go back to school and finish my college degree. I am now pursuing my Bachelor in Electrical Engineering. Never stop believing, keep your Faith up and trust in God!
Thank you, Lord for all your blessings.
Christian Testimonies Main Page
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802