Juan: United States
My Living Testimony:
On dec. 9 2013 I awoke at six thirty am. I went back to sleep, and moments later I awoke laying on my side with many tears streaming out of my eyes. I felt a very strong presence in the room, but saw no-one, (i live alone then and now), and then as if standing over me, a voice spoke to me and said `Write this down, Today I deliver you.`
I wrote it with pen on paper that was nearby and went back to sleep. Moments later, and for the next two mornings, evil knocked at my front door, and I rebuked them in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
I was reborn that a.m. By the Holy Ghost. Saved by Christ Jesus. The Light has spoken to me. I am a witness that Christ Jesus is real He is very real. He loves me, and I love Him and His Father whom He calls ABBA, and I love the Holy Ghost. And I love you in the name of Christ Jesus. JESUS made them that believe, and those that don't believe, including the evil one.
Consider yourself blessed if you believe. In the name of my GOD, JESUS, this is true. John 10:30.
Lucas: United States
I am a Marine Corps veteran that served in Iraq twice. I came back with bad PTSD. After nine years I hit rock bottom. I sought help through the VA to get inpatient treatment, but they denied me. I WOULD have committed suicide if I wasn't a Christian. After this, I decided to seek the Lord. After two weeks of reading my Bible and praying all throughout the day, God completely delivered me of ALL symptoms of PTSD. I was able to get off of all my medication without any withdrawals in only one day.
Since this happened, I quit my job and have decided to work for the Lord. My wife and I are now foster parents and go on missions trips. God also told me to write a book, how to write it, and what to put in it (I am NOT a writer). It is called The Guide to Life: An Inspiration from the Bible. It was just published now for the world to see. God told me it would be a best seller and I know it will be. Here is the address: http://amzn.to/2chUi9K. It is about how Christians should live their life according to the Bible.
I wanted to share the story of what God did for my family and me. Please share with the world and for veterans, because so many of them commit suicide (over 20 per day) without knowing they can be healed by Jesus. It is an epidemic that has been sweeping through the United States. A friend of mine that I served with had PTSD and killed two people before taking his own life (http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/archives/2013/12/04/in-depth-questions-linger-about-blame-for-ocs-murder-suicide/78544176/).
My story has to get out there, so veterans stop killing themselves!
Thank you for listening.
Kathy: United States
I trust in God. As I live and Breath, this is my testimony.
Grace is not by my power or might, but by the Grace and mercy given to all who believe.
I have done nothing for this nor does anyone. Believe with all your heart and all your strength, in each weakness walk in trust, through the storm; because with each step confidence will come from the Spirit of Christ.
When we are afraid or weak, His courage fills our hearts. His strength becomes our strength, and all we can say is, thank you. Thank you, Lord...
I don't know what tomorrow will bring, yet I am holding on tight to trust and certainty, and what could be more than this, that Christ is in me and I am in Him
Even that I can say thank you to God, is certainly Grace. I am grateful for all the above.
Megan: South Africa
I thank the Lord for delivering me out of a work situation which was impacting negatively on my life and placing me exactly where He needs me to be.
I have received the blessings of emotional freedom and value to myself as an individual who can use my talents in a deep and meaningful way.
Edward: United Kingdom
Today in a dream I sat chatting with two black guys who looked like real gangstas.One of them spoke about the brokenness in the world the betrayal then he spoke about the love of God the faithfulness of God of Jesus, and he sang the most meaningful most moving song about the love of Jesus. It was real black soul singing as I have never heard. I got the impression he was a gangster in his life died by the gun but somehow was saved by Gods salvation people can harp on about misleading spirits nothing misleading about this the message was simple God is love God is faithful he cried when he sang about the love of God.
Marie: United States
I've done every sin under the sun... Abortion, adulterous women, cheat, liar, thief, back bitter, gossipers... You name it I've done it, and God is testing my faith right now, and I want to give him all the glory right now and shout to the world that before its all said and done everyone will see more of thee and less of me. I love the Lord with all my heart, and my testimony is that I'm working on my miracle right now but have faith that God will deliver me and his will be done. It is in Jesus name that whatever someone is going through that he will deliver them... Amen
Christopher: United States
I believe God through Jesus for a breakthrough financial miracle. Deuteronomy 8:18 says it is the LORD that GIVES YOU the POWER to get WEALTH so that it can be used to establish and expand HIS COVENANT....commander paraphrase!! I was at a place in my life where I felt God wanted to bless me so I asked HIM to give me a good idea to be patented and the very next morning HE leads me to a simple problem with a simple solution and I just received a PATENT on it within the last few weeks.
Shalom. God has just healed me and forgive me all of my sins I believe it, and I have faith in him. I used to be a very bad girl sleeping with different men it was like I had a demon. I never trust having one relationship until I was tested HIV positive and by that time I did not know God, so I become stressed very much. I never slept well or think perfectly. Later on, i talk to someone a friend at work who was saved. He took me to church, and I received Christ. I have never been sick my health is good I stopped all the bad behaviors to me this is real LIFE TESTIMONY. I Thank GOD FOR THAT
Cynthia: United States
I LOVE JESUS! I TRUST JESUS! I HAVE FAITH IN JESUS! I Am A REAL WOMAN OF GOD! My Heart, My Soul, My Spirit, and My mind All Belong to JESUS! THANK YOU, LORD JESUS! For seeking, and saving me when I was LOST in A World of Sin! And ALL I want is MORE of thee And less of me! For My Good, but for our GLORY!
Andrew: United States
Psalm 119:57 "Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words."
I am standing on the rock of my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid? I was wrongfully terminated from my job of 8 months where I was never late, never missed a day, never called out, I worked so hard. I worked as unto The Lord from day one. A man who is not a believer caused me to be terminated when he lied about me to my manager who was absent for three weeks. I didn't tell anybody about it because I want to let The Lord handle it.
It has been three days now. I have been told by HR and managers not to worry and that they are fighting for me. If even unbelievers say "Don't worry, we are fighting this." how much more of a promise, a certainty do we have from our Heavenly Father? Just like Paul and Silas who sat in prison, praising The Lord until the entire place shook apart with the Glory of God, so will I continue to Praise Him until the walls of this situation shake apart with the resonance of God's glory.
I remember times past when God delivered me from scary situations, and He was ALWAYS on time. His word is true. I thank God for allowing this to happen so that I will be able to see Him perform an awesome work.
There is an old song which says "I believe the answer's on the way. I believe The Lord has heard me say- "Cast not away your confidence!" says The Lord my God!"
Let us continue to Praise Him in all things and know that nothing takes Him by surprise. Let us lift one another up in prayer. We have victory in all things when we trust in God.
Christian Testimonies Main Page
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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