Judy: Kenya
Praise the LORD. In 2013 August the Lord touched my heart and led me to His alter where He set me free during the mission month in my local Anglican church. Before this incident, I had ignored God's voice although He boldly spoke to me through His word and dreams.
Since that day my life has never been the same. Lt's because of His love (John 3:16), compassion and mercies that l have been forgiven. I have learned to love, to forgive, to serve Him and to listen keenly to His voice by reading His word.
Even though I fall many times, He picks me up. He is always ready to forgive me and led me to the right path. He has protected and saved me from enemies, accidents, witchcraft, pride, lies, doubts, dishonesty, family conflict, etc. He continues to deliver me through the power of the Holy Spirit. His blood covers me. He is my strength, my rock my salvation, my redemption, my creator, my giver....
What He did for me He can also do it for you. All you need is to ask for forgive, belief and accept Jesus Christ as your savior. If you haven't accepted Him, please do it now. Crown Him as the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. If you trust Him, He will give you everything you ever needed... eternal life.
Do it now through this prayer:
"Lord Jesus I come before you with thanksgiving for what you did for me on the cross. I am a sinner and l confess my sins before you. Please forgive me. I believe in you and accept your sacrifice. Please fill with me the Holy Spirit to guide me to your knowledge. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ l pray. Amen"
If you have prayed this prayer, you are forgiven. Listen to God's voice by reading His word and being obedient to what He instructs you to do. May God bless you and use you for the extension of His Kingdom. Amen
Andrew: United States
Psalm 119:57 "Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words."
I am standing on the rock of my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid? I was wrongfully terminated from my job of 8 months where I was never late, never missed a day, never called out, I worked so hard. I worked as unto The Lord from day one. A man who is not a believer caused me to be terminated when he lied about me to my manager who was absent for three weeks. I didn't tell anybody about it because I want to let The Lord handle it.
It has been three days now. I have been told by HR and managers not to worry and that they are fighting for me. If even unbelievers say "Don't worry, we are fighting this." how much more of a promise, a certainty do we have from our Heavenly Father? Just like Paul and Silas who sat in prison, praising The Lord until the entire place shook apart with the Glory of God, so will I continue to Praise Him until the walls of this situation shake apart with the resonance of God's glory.
I remember times past when God delivered me from scary situations, and He was ALWAYS on time. His word is true. I thank God for allowing this to happen so that I will be able to see Him perform an awesome work.
There is an old song which says "I believe the answer's on the way. I believe The Lord has heard me say- "Cast not away your confidence!" says The Lord my God!"
Let us continue to Praise Him in all things and know that nothing takes Him by surprise. Let us lift one another up in prayer. We have victory in all things when we trust in God.
Cynthia: United States
I LOVE JESUS! I TRUST JESUS! I HAVE FAITH IN JESUS! I Am A REAL WOMAN OF GOD! My Heart, My Soul, My Spirit, and My mind All Belong to JESUS! THANK YOU, LORD JESUS! For seeking, and saving me when I was LOST in A World of Sin! And ALL I want is MORE of thee And less of me! For My Good, but for our GLORY!
Timothy: Zambia: All Creation is His
I have always lived in my own understanding. Life has become unbearable. Friends and family are nowhere near. I have decided to follow and put my trust in the lord. What is impossible with man is possible with the Lord. All creation is his. The silver and gold are his. The scripture says; Give burdens to him" Am looking to god for my sustenance. "The righteous shall not be forsaken nor his descendants begging bread" My prayer is that god shall honor my growing faith. Pray for me too
Philip: Kenya: KEEP KEEPING ON
"But as for me I watch in hope for the lord, I wait for God my Saviour; my God will hear me." (Micah 7:7, NIV)
When everything seems to be falling in around us, when the walls seem to be closing in, when everything looks completely hopeless, just remember that God gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.
God is not ever taken by surprise; He is present to hear and save those who are his from calamity.
Just hold on you will not be crushed neither will you be consumed, His mighty hand will always direct your steps.
Jay: United States (Born in Kathmandu)
I come from Nepal, and I have down syndrome. My great-grandfather was a leader of the Manj tribe in the Lamjung district village where they worship Krishna. The word Krishna means Christ, however, he was a butter thief.
When I was born, in Kathmandu, a Hindu priest put water on my head while invoking and chanting the name of Saint Issa.
I went to Kapilvastu to get an education when I was 12 years old but continually moved to many other parts of Nepal.
When I was sick with a (sprung ankle), a missionary with the Gospel for Asia came and told my family about Jesus; however, my father banished him from his house, and I was sent to a Hospital in Vellore India.
After that, we moved to a lot of countries, then finally to America, in New York. In 2002 we moved to Michigan, then to Westland, then to Plymouth, then finally here to Florida.
My sprained ankle leads me to the lord, now I am thinking about becoming a pastor in the Episcopal church.
Christian Testimonies Main Page
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Samuel L Mills
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