Beta: United States
It was Christmas Eve, I weary sick with flue/cold, chills, hives, killing bone pain, I was not able to stand up. My husband and kids were pleading with me to spend Christmas with them. I went to bed prayed to God, asked Him, "either take me or heal me."
In my room I saw Jesus He was standing at the end of my bed, with white rope, long dark wavy hair, fair olive skin, crystal blue eyes and bright white shiny smile. He asked, "what you dong in bed while the whole world is celebrating my birthday?" I respond, " I'm sick, my whole body and bones hurt."
He touched both my feet, and I could feel the pain leaving, he came around the side of the bed and asked again, "where else does it hurt,"I told him my elbow's, He reached out and touched my elbow's and again I can feel the pain leaving.
He asks again where else it hurt, I told him my head. As He was trying to touch my forehead I heard my husband talking to me, he said, Hinny are you ok, and touched my forehead?
I woke up and looked around the room and asked him where He went? He asks who? Are you okay? He said he heard me talking and that's why he came to the room, I told him Jesus visited me. I realized that all my pain was gone besides my headaches, and when I took two Advil 30 min later, I was like never been sick.
I was completely healed and started preparing to celebrate Christmas. Since then I have never been sick on Christmas, and Christmas never been the same. We really love Christmas, and we celebrate with my family and friends. About 20 to 25 people love to spend Christmas with us at our house.
I can feel Jesus' presence and all I can say that God and Jesus' presence is over at my house.
Naleli: South Africa
I thank God for saving me at such a young age. He snatched me away from all the bad things that are happening to people my age. I realize it's not because I'm wise or anything, but it is only by the grace of God that I am who I am.
Reena: India
I praise and thank Almighty God the maker of heaven and earth for delivering my family and me from all sorts of false religious groups and cults. Almighty God has been gracious, kind and loving towards my family and me.
I also praise and thank Almighty God for leading all my family members and me in the truth of His word alone. I praise and thank Almighty God for delivering me both spiritually and physically. Had God not remembered us what would have been our plight?
I praise and thank Almighty God for all His love, care, mercy, affection towards all my family members and me. I praise and thank Almighty God for delivering me from all my problems emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, earthly and socially.
I expel all falsehoods and unclean spirits from my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!I expel all damages caused to my family members and me by the false religious group's cults in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! As per 1 Peter 1:5.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
I praise and thank Almighty God for helping us to live in the truth of His word alone. I thank Almighty God for all His amazing and wonderful blessings in my life. Hallelujah! Praise be to God!
Maureen: Philippines
I used to be an atheist. I used to scorn God, because of the trials that I have faced in my life. But now, I see the true beauty God has given the world, and that is faith.
I heard Him call me, in which I had subtly asked, "Is it me, Lord? You're actually talking to me?"
I heard Him tell me that He loved me, that I should get up again, and that everyone in heaven, the angels, the departed, and Jesus Himself, were cheering me on on this race, and that I may have stumbled before, but that never really mattered. I felt loved, protected, cherished.
Only then, did I KNOW what God truly is: He is peace, love, family, mercy, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and humor.
Now, ever since I have been saved and decided to walk with Him, my relationship with my family changed, we became closer, my friends and I became closer, I learned to forgive the people who hurt me. I learned to apologize, and to get up again after falling, (because that's what Christ did) and I learned to surrender to Him because He has everything under control.
I have been set free from a short-tempered, and cold spirit by the Blood of Christ, and by the grace of God.
Truly, the day I decided to hear Him speak was the day I was set free. God truly works miracles; I turned from a disrespectful atheist into a faithful and happy Christian. God bless you and see you in heaven!
Love from the Philippines!!
Shiv Arora: India
I'M from Punjabi family (Pakistan and northern India), but Almighty lord brings me under His kingdom.
For a long time, I struggled with my life facing rejections and failures, but the Lord held my hand and brought me out of the failures. I feel the lord around me.
One day before sleep, I prayed and said, lord I really want to see you.
I had a dream, and I saw a white light that was too bright that I couldn't even face it, but I somehow manage to see with full courtesy.
I saw, 10 ft above my head, a man standing, and I felt numb when I saw the lord. I cried a lot and thanked the Lord for bringing me to the kingdom of joy, and for answering my prayer's. Thank you, Jesus thank you.
Tanya: U.K.
Shortly after, while still on the machines, I began breathing on my own. This was all a part of God's perfect plan for my life; He is our hope in a hopeless world...
Angel:United States
Hello! This is a part of my Christian testimony!
I was born a stillborn baby, my whole body was blue with no sound of life, and God raised me from the dead!
My mother's sister was there at my birth and
witnessed the Power of God raising me from the dead!
To make a long story short, I was born by a midwife, (my mother's sister).
Just before I was born, she asked for a glass of water, shortly after here came this stillborn baby girl!
At first, mother's sister did not know what she was going to do with the glass of water.
Taking the baby by her feet, (with her little head down toward the floor), she dashed that glass of water in my face, and God put breath into my body. THANK YOU, JESUS! SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL, YOU DO!!!
God told my mother's sister to name me Angel! That is how I got my name, right from Heaven!
Christian Testimonies Main Page
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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