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"Christian Testimonies Page 15 at Trusting in Jesus"

Anjal: India

I from India, I got baptized in the year 2013. In the year 2015, my sister had a complication in her pregnancy, due to which my mother had to go to the USA to take care of her for a few months. As I don't have a dad, I was alone at home for a few months.

I went through a lot of sicknesses during this time. One of my family friends always tried to put fear in me; they said as I am alone, someone may attack me. Due to that fear, I could not sleep, one day I decided to go to another city to visit my friend for a few days. Every time I go there, I attend a very popular prayer ministry.

I visited the prayer hall with a lot of fear. As soon I started praying, I saw a verse on an LED screen. No harm will overtake you; no disaster will come near your tent from Psalm 91;10. I was filled with divine peace; I realized how much God loves me & speaks to me.

I came back home & I had no fear slept peacefully. He is always protecting us. Love you, Jesus.

Anurichukwu: Nigeria

I am happy to share this testimony of the goodness of our God.

Over 15 years ago, I had discomfort in my right eye. It seemed to be an itching behind the eyeball. I was then an adolescent and wasn't willing to tell my parents because they would take me to the hospital to see the doctor, knowing the doctor would mention a condition, I wasn't ready to hear. I bore this condition for a few years. 

While praying on the miracle night, I was awakened by the itching discomfort; then I remembered that the Bible spoke of Hezekiah praying while sick, on his bed. So, I said, "Lord JESUS, please heal me of this eye problem." And immediately, I heard the LORD speak to me, "Keep saying "JESUS" until you sleep off." So I obeyed, kept saying, and repeating "JESUS" over and over until I dozed off. 

I woke up a moment later and kept repeating the name "JESUS."

Brethren, I awoke that morning, even until now, and no more signs of that.

JESUS did it. AMEN.

Meghal: India

Every time I visit church, tears come to my eyes and also when I see the crucifixion of Jesus. I feel pure when I attend church. I have watched dreams where Jesus had proved his powers and how important it is for me to wear the cross. Sometimes people say to me that open the cross, don't wear it, just on that day I see a dream where Jesus makes me realize how he is protecting me and how much the cross is powerful and holy. Jesus is always with us. I believe that.

Cynthia: Country

I was a virgin up until I dated my husband at age 21. I wasn't saving myself for God but for the right person, which now I see how the sin of having sex before marriage has real consequences. 

When I dated my husband, everything seemed perfect, and we even lived together. He took me on countless dates and bought me many gifts. I thought I knew him, and I thought he loved me and would never hurt me. 

We got married after dating three years, and I found out I didn't know him at all. He began emotionally abusing me in every way. I am a tough woman, so I would stand up for myself and speak up, but it didn't matter because he didn't realize he was abusing me. After all, this was how he was raised. 

The criticism and controlling nature were sucking my soul away, and I felt like I couldn't escape, mainly because he didn't know he was a monster. I prayed, and things seemed to get worse and more confusing. 

But God sent me an angel with anointed Christian advice, and I saw my situation slowly change. I kept praying and learned to love him unconditionally. 

My marriage isn't perfect, but I can say Jesus can and will move mountains. He did it for me, and he will and can do it for you as well.

Lia: Trinidad and Tobago

Hopefully, this can inspire anyone dealing with witchcraft and the Left-Hand Path to come out and focus on God's light.

I began working in Theistic Satanism around 2 yrs ago, and everything seemed fine. On the 13th month (coincidence?), I attended a Holy Mass (work-related situation. After that day, all the entities I worked with turned against me (They always were, but then they finally showed it).

I started having nightmares, became suicidal, self-harming that went on for around five months until I finally got help from Spiritual Baptists (They're Christian based); from that day onwards, I was cleansed of most of the demonic co-workers. 

One month later, I'm doing much better; I started attending church, next month going to be baptized. It's a miracle; no words could describe how amazing it was to be saved like that; it's a wonder that I'm still alive.

It turns out that the demons/Satan intended to mess with my mental stability (I Was told so by a very anointed pastor at my church), and it worked for months, but praise the Lord I'm better now and almost fully healed.

Linda: India

I had lived through my childhood without much care for my studies, but my elder sister has always been very hardworking. I always imagined God would take care of 90% of my burden while I laze around.

Later on, when my sister took a critical exam, she worked hard to score the perfect GPA, but she fell short by a few points and was very disappointed. Seeing her upset, I began to work hard to make her proud; that is when I started praying a lot more. 

But even then, I wasn't doing as well in studies as I should have been. After attempting my exam, I felt completely unsure and nervous. I felt restless and wondered how I even got on so far, but then when the results were published, I had scored a perfect GPA. My sister felt very happy with this as she had been working hard to be a good role model for me.

Through this experience, I learned several things: God works through mysterious ways, the gifts and fruits He grants us are better appreciated when we strive for them. Only by experiencing a few trials do we develop a mind-frame to appreciate what we have. He knows that and a lot more about what we need. He shall grant it all in good time.

Christabel: Nigeria

I want to share this testimony to inspire someone.

I got married in August, and two weeks after my wedding, my husband dreamt of someone wearing white and holding a baby... I, the angel asked him to come and see his baby. That month I saw my period and was disappointed.

The next month, a friend of mine dreamt that I was pregnant two days later his brother dreamt too and both dreams were similar they both said it was a boy. That month I saw my period and was disappointed.

The next month, a colleague dreamt that God blessed me with a baby... I didn't take it seriously, because it wasn't the first time I heard such dreams....lo and behold I didn't see my period that month...

God has perfect timing; God knows how I feel, so he kept showing me, so I'll be calm....Glory to God. God loves us so much.

Loyette: Philippines

From the start of 2019, a will from the heart has been formed. I don't know that all those years, I was out of God's shelter. I desperately wanted to make things right according to the human standard. I thought the solution was to follow man's voice and to agree to them.

Almost every night, I cried, asking God to end my suffering - that the only solution is to kill myself. The emotions clouded my mind, which leads to confusion. Words from the mouth of my loved ones kept uttered and echoed, "unworthy, failure, disrespectful, liar, sinner." It was emotionally, verbally, and physically dragging that have come to the point that I can't forgive myself.

 But God used someone to rescue me from the mud. He continually used them to show His great mercy and grace - that He loved me unconditionally. Slowly, I hear God's conviction and voice. He wants me to get healed and is waiting patiently to call His Name desperately. 

I slowly opened the door of my heart and let Him enter. He just revealed that He needs to break the life that was created to fill me again. And when I said YES - God made moves right away. 

The pain was unbearable; it suffocated me to the point that I found myself running away from Him. The hope that I thought was from the Lord wasn't there anymore. I feel empty and shuttered. I don't know where to run or hide or call for help. But He keeps calling my Name again and wants me to listen to Him.

 I kneeled, bowed down crying, and then He whispers, "I let you be broken to make you whole again." 

Snap! God is moving and crying over me. I wasn't aware that He was always there to comfort and redeemed me. I neglected His work because of my selfishness. And then I slowly turned back to Him, and let Him give breath as I was dying. 

From that point, He carried me all the way. He doesn't want me to get hurt anymore. His love covers me all over again. Now, I am enjoying His goodness and love.

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Christian Testimonies Page 15

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Message Of Jesus

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