Emily: Australia
It was the last day of grade 12 tomorrow, and I have gone to a non-Christian school for my final year, to study theatre. I was yelling at God that night, asking things like, "Why did you send me here? You know how lonely I've been! Why weren't you there?"
I was also listening to Oceans by Hillsong United, and I started to sing at the bridge for some reason (I now know the reason). I was singing, but then I looked up the lyrics and read what I was actually singing, "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger, in the presence of my Saviour".
I then felt His presence. It was as if He was saying, "I was with you all year, I just needed you to get to an absolute low for you to truly realize how much you need me and how much I will always love you!
It was a fantastic experience, and my faith has gotten so much stronger, I'm in His presence as I am typing, this wasn't a usual thing before that night! Jesus loves you so much, and He is always there; there's always a reason for everything He does for those who love God!
Mesfin: Canada
Never give up!
I like to testify by describing my recent experience. I was to be-laid of my work as a financial Officer from working 14 years full time in the federal government.
In hindsight, it was the devil that had me laid off with spinster intentions.
I was a believer in Christ throughout my 14 years of employment with the federal government. However, I got a revelation of the real cause of my trials as time progressed. Because of these trials, I invested in rental properties as an alternative income for when I stop my employment.
Eventually, I abandoned the idea of quitting my work come what may; this is when I start learning a lot about spirituality but ended up being laid off in 2015.
Thank God I had made my investment in rental properties, which kept me busy. However, I ended up selling 2 of my properties as my debt was mounting. I must say God's hand was in those sales as the sales were for a reasonably good price.
The real financial miracle happened for me in September 2018, when we had the tornado in Gatineau, Canada. Two of my properties were damaged, one the other partially. A reasonable price compensated me for the damaged property.
I was very humbled by the experience, could not help but recognize the hand of God in my situation. I started going to church regularly, which was less often before even though I had been a believer and went to church now and then.
The lesson I learned is never to give up if you are to see the hand of God at work in your life. I have learned to pray always as the Bible commands because we have a spiritual enemy. God bless you all!
Danny: United States
Father Yeshua / Jesus Holy Spirit, thank you for the time you give and the voice that encourages and heals me that refreshes my soul and salvation refreshing hope in the light of my (our) everyday lives.
Thank you for the inspiration you all give me and the voice that leads my soul and me into perfect grace. Show your mercy to all and bless our homes - help us to create a life that has transformed to God's will and pleasure.
Bless those that I pray for and answer each prayer - and the other requests.
Please help me (us) to be a light in the darkness and to keep our promises and work miracles, and that you would work through us that we, and others of the same faith, might be a beacon and light providing hope and direction to the lost and weary.
I ask that those you are sending and placing in positions will receive the goodness and reality of the Trinity and salvation by sure deliverance as you have done to my family and me, passing the time in faith
Debby: United States
I have been asking God for a husband; through daily confessions and sowing my seed, I have found my soon to be husband sent from God. We will be getting married in 2020! God is good!
Rick: United States
The favor of God is awesome!
Jim: India
When I was 12 years old, I had blurred vision and was irritated one day. That night I had cried aloud in sleep. I was sick. I was taken to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed I have meningitis. I became unconscious, was in a coma. My family was shattered. Doctors also lost hope. I was unaware of the people who came to visit me in the hospital. They announced in my school assembly that I was sick and to pray for me. Fathers and sisters prayed for me. Three days passed, and I was improving, and I became better . I was reborn again. Even now, when I think of those times, I feel what would have happened if Jesus had not saved me. I just want to live my life for Christ.
Danny: United States
Bless all that Jesus christ / Jesus has ordained and blessed the things yet to be still be realized and come to fruition, his salvation is endlessly full of grace, mercy kindness, and love.
He takes from the darkness and feeds life into the desperate soul that is alone in his misery and mistakes and renews a right spirit and heart in him (me) man. Restores the Child to the Father of Lights and moves the confusion and darkness out of the way - he brings dead bones to life and restores the man from his hell - grave.
He sends his Angles to minister and comforter to counsel and guide he brings comfort to the comfortless and anxious and makes faith hope the light of his all salvation for when he decides to deliver he moves the mountain to places they must go so that we can be seen in his life - light.
He answers prayers, keeps his promises, is the way maker, and the light in darkness removes the shadows of death, and gently gives life and the new wine.
Stefan: Germany
A few years ago, one of the first things God ask me to do when I believed in Jesus was to forgive my brother and to ask him to forgive me.
For me, that was impossible, and I was angry because I thought that my brother made my life hard and so why should I do that. God said to me: I have forgiven you, and now you forgive your brother. But I don't agree, and my situation went worse and worse.
One day finally, by the strength of God, I went to my brother and asked him for forgiveness. That brought healing and freedom and a real change in my life. I want to encourage everyone who is in a similar situation to trust in God and his purpose.
Danny: United States
I have a home today, which I did not have, and people who care about me in my life. I have things I'm working like reconciling my family and hoping to visit soon; either they come to me, or I go to them.
I am just getting back on feet with jobs - work - etc. I have had health issues that are associated with my back, and it has gotten better. I no longer use a walker, but because of it, I once was limited to what I could do for work.
I have been clean and sober for almost three years. I would have had five, but I relapsed about three years ago for a day. Yeshua/ Jesus decided to deliver me from years of trying and getting nowhere and having troubles financially, and I was once so poor and depressed. Still, God has done a lot to deliver me out of that darkness.
Today, I have a good Church to go to and people that are really interested in me. They have been a great help during the months that I have struggled to try to get back on my feet again, financially, with a good stable job(s).
God is still working in my life and all the issues that have come with it. God promised that he would help me and heal me. I have not given up smoking, but I 'am working on it. I know once I do, he will do more with my life.
I have been working on reconciliation with all my kids. I have good contact with a daughter, the oldest one that is still my baby like the other two. I thank God for them; they are unique, and I hope the love we have for each other can rekindled.
My daughter that I speak with is an encouragement; I hope to visit with her real soon again. The other two, I'm praying and hoping that they will have an interest in me still.
Family is so important, as is the ability to get to them. I have lacked time and work and have not been able to afford to go personally and see anyone. I am working on it today since the Lord has made me employable again. God has provided for all my needs, even the emotional ones.
Keaira: United States
Let me share my testimony with you! So, I got pregnant in 2017 and suffered from severe sickness every day. In my mind, I wanted an abortion, but something kept telling me to keep on pushing. When I made it to 38 weeks, my ob-gyn told me that if I dilate to 3 centimeters, she will induce me at 39 weeks.
My next appointment was a week away, so I prayed and prayed; finally, when I went to my 39 weeks check up I just knew I hadn't dilated any, but when she checked me, she smiled and said you're 3 centimeters dilated!!!
God came through for me because he knew that I was suffering! Thank you, Lord, once again!!
Linda: United States
I was a counselor on a Christian campus and had a young college-age girl come to saying she feels like there is something evil in her dorm she shares with four other girls and is afraid to go to sleep.
I told her when I need After a trying day, I say a prayer for him to hold me while I sleep, and I feel great in the morning.
So she said her prayer, asking Him to hold her. However, in the morning, she and her roommate came running into my office. She said when she woke up; her friend believed something was in her room.
While she was sleeping, she had seen a shadow of a man holding her throughout the whole night but was too afraid to move. Just as I thought, Jesus is always there, even for me.
Arun: India
Praise Jesus
I got my delivery pains around 7 pm and got admitted to the hospital at 11 pm and was having contractions every 10 minutes. The doctors said the pains were not recording in the tool they had, but I knew something was wrong. None of the doctors believed that I was in labor pain.
I started telling in my heart 'the lord is my refuge and strength' the whole time, and my fluids broke around 2 am. Doctors then confirmed that I was three cms dilated. Pains increased as time passed, and I never opened my eyes until the baby was born.
But some thought inside me told me that the baby would be out around 7 30am, and I was continually saying the Lord is my refuge and strength. I was taken to the delivery room, and in just three pushes my baby girl was out correctly at 7 39am
My Jesus was with me the whole time, and I thank him with all my heart for the things that he has done in my life. Praise the Lord.
Natalie: United States
I'm going to keep this as short as possible, but the Lord placed it upon my heart to share my testimony.
Two years ago, I went through the greatest tragedy I hope to ever experience in my life. My Fiancé was killed in a car crash the day I got my wedding dress. A lot went on behind the scenes that I'm not going to go into, but needless to say, I was hurt and left without closure.
Today, God has restored my life and given me more than I could have ever asked for; I have a better job, my physical and mental health is better than its ever been, and I'm now in a relationship with someone quite special.
I never thought I'd be able to love anyone again, but God went above and beyond in giving me someone who I love even more than the last. Praise be to the most high God
Christian Testimonies Main Page
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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