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"Christian Testimonies Page 10 at Trusting in Jesus" 

Reag: Nigeria

This is my Salvation Testimony

I was living in darkness and bondage of Satan before I gave my life to JESUS. I watch porn to the fullest, lust in my heart always, lying, stealing, malice, anger, gambling, to Numerous to mention.

But then I said I will repent and give my life to Christ, which I did, but was still living in those sins I was doing, no Salvation.

I was ignorant about John 1:12, thank God, I listened to one message from pastor WF Kumuyi titled The Great Salvation of Christ. 

Pastor Kumuyi said if you are genuinely born again, those sins you did before you can't do them anymore. Then I said, Lord my whole life I give to you, I surrender, I accept your finished work on redemption Calvary, and I see that I cannot save myself, and then a peace I have never felt in me came to me. 

Since then, those sins I couldn't do anymore. Jesus has the power to save. I invite you to come and taste and see that the Lord is good.

Hil Karen: Philippines

I am 24 yrs old with so many dreams, but when I have pursued my goals, I have always failed. When I graduated from college, I didn't go for what I wanted because we didn't have enough money to support that dream, so I needed to work to save money. 

My father died when I was in my 1st year High School, he was our breadwinner, so it became hard for us financially. After three years, when I decided to pursue my dreams, I failed the exam two times for my entry, the one I always dream of. 

The first time I failed it was just okay for me because I hadn't review it that well, but the second time I took the exam, I prepared myself by studying after work and reading when It was my break at my job, but again, God didn't allow me to pass on the 2nd time. 

I cried to God that time, I said to Him, I prayed for this, but why? And one time I read the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, this book is given to me by my Pastor. That book talks to my heart; I just realized that God has his own plan, God always has his right time, God is still there sometimes He is just quiet.

And I was moved by the quotation in the book, "When you feel abandoned by God yet continue to trust Him, you deeply worship Him." In this book, God makes an example of Jobs's life, which is when Job's life fell apart. And when He was silent, Job still found things he could praise God for. Just trust God to keep his promises. 

I feel embarrassed to God, because my experience is only small compared to Jobs, and yet I get a little bit discouraged. But this time, God is so great and wonderful that He used these things to talk to me. 

I Now realize the purpose for all these failures, and that God didn't allow me to pass this year because I am not yet ready physically and mentally for what I am pursuing. Now, with the grace of God, I am starting to prepare myself for next year's battle, if it's His will.

Danai: South Africa

Jesus is alive. He will hold you up from falling down. He will lift you. Do not ever give up on getting closer to Jesus. Put God at the center of your life. Whether you are going through a bad situation or your happiness is overflowing, never ever forget Jesus Christ.

Daniel: United States

Hi, my wonderful brothers and sisters praise the LORD!

I know several of you are veterans. I just wanted to say thank you for the sacrifice you made, without which I would not be in a free country in a free library using a computer to write and ask for prayer, which is such a blessing to me!

So thank you, and always remember some may have forgotten your sacrifice, but GOD never will! GOD richly bless you, Brother Danny 5/22/19

Elijah: Senegal

Hello Family, demons used me for years after I was called from prison to serve God. Since 2010 and 2012, I came out of the prison, although this Nation is 95% Muslims, God is working Amen.

Roseanne: United Kingdom

After reading through some testimonials, I have been encouraged to share some of my own blessings. 

In 2004 my marriage of 23 years had collapsed. My husband and I were both Christians; however, my husband was not a practicing Christian, one day he came into the home, and an argument ensued, I was very depressed and was blaming God because the relationship was not restored. 

With my husbands' encouragement and my children in the house, I overdosed on pills. My husband walked away, and I lay on the bed, terrified. My capillaries around my neck, arms, and parts of my legs started looked like they were hemorrhaging.

As I lay down, I began to panic. I did not want to die and go to hell, so I kept praying over and over God; please don't let me die and go to hell. 

At some point, I fell asleep, and in the morning, when I woke up, I was completely healed; Praise God for his mercy and his son Jesus.

Sentle: South Africa

The following wasn't a dream or a vision, but a reality. 

My mother, sister, and I had just come from my grandmother's place. We were in the car about to turn into the main road. There was a drunk in the car coming towards us. It was going at least 90. 

As soon as we realized the car wasn't going to stop or lower its speed and that it was going to bump into us, we started praying. 

We cried. My sister wanted to get out of the car, but my mother locked the doors. We cried; we were shaking and praying. The only prayer I knew was Our Father. Repeating the same prayer killed me.

I accepted that I was about to die, but when the time came that the car would bump into us, it suddenly turned in an unexplainable way. 

No human would have been able to do that. It was Jesus, only Him. At its speed, if a human turned the car, it would have swirled in circles and hit one of the houses nearby. 

From that day on, I saw that God really never leaves you nor forsakes you, just as the bible says.

Kennide: Country

I've been having a hard time lately, and I've been calling out on the Lord and Jesus to heal me; today, I was having an anxiety attack and had so many overwhelming feelings. 

I closed my eyes and saw Jesus opening his hand, and it felt like a hug, and all my pain slowly faded, not all of it but most of it.  

I felt so loved I opened my eyes shocked; I'm now a true believer I love the Lord and his son.

Abc: India

Praise be to Almighty God!

Yesterday I was really disheartened both mentally and physically. But God enabled me, so I was able to face the day by the grace of Almighty God! Hallelujah! All glory to my Jesus Christ!!! Jesus Christ helped me, so I won the battle. Praise be to Almighty God!

Kathleen: United States

I prayed that my partner and I would be able to visit California together as he lives abroad. He is not a believer, but I am quite devout. As he sat waiting in a secondary interview room with immigration waiting to find out if he'd be allowed to visit, he actually prayed. Our prayers were answered, and he was allowed to visit me. I am so grateful to God for hearing us in this moment of need, and in all moments of need. Don't despair. He DOES listen to you.

Faith: United States

I used to be a sinner, but when I found God, I realized God is my Lord and savior. I'm blessed to have him in my life.

Kiee: Philippines

We always wake up in this life with the blessings of God. And one of those blessings is his guide. In this world, God is not giving up on us even though we are very sinful, although we broke his heart many times through our sins. But never set aside our Loving God for he is the one why we are here, why we are stepping out of this reality.

God never fails to sustain our needs, maybe sometimes there are trials that we are falling on the ground like we are failing on that trial, but because of God, we manage to get up and start again, right? Because God has a better plan for us. Everything happens in this world for a purpose.

If God didn't allow us to get what we desire, always think about God has a better plan or the best plan for us. So never give up on anything; just keep your faith strong, my friend. God will always be by your side. Only trust and believe in him, and someday you will be so thankful for what God did for you to succeed. 


I love my God, our God. But sin is not far away from us. Sometimes, I only know Jesus when I have wishes or needs, but after that, I will be happy and forget to pray again. 

I know this isn't right. So I listen to worship songs that make me feel the presence of our God. It's very overwhelming, and I thank God when all of my prayers to him are granted. 

God is good all the time, and we just need to follow him on the way to eternal life. The gifts are nothing without the giver, and yes, gifts are important because it is what we are needing, but the most important is the giver because, without the giver, we don't have any gifts, and we are NOTHING. 

We should not forget our God, for he is always with us when there is no one; Thank you, my God, you are so great. I LOVE MY GOD SO MUCH. 

I recommend my friends to listen to worship songs; I promise, you will forget all of your problems. 

Just surrender yourself to God, and he will be the one to help you in every situation of your life no matter what happens. God bless you all.

Alexis: United States

When I was young, about 12 or 13, I had a dream that I was in an all-white room that was so big, and there were no walls. I was huddled up on the floor, hugging my knees, my head was down towards my lap, and I think I was crying. 

I saw Jesus walk up to me, but I wasn't in my body I was behind the both of us watching, and he touched me on my right shoulder with his right hand, and then he told me, "EVERYBODY DESERVES FORGIVENESS," then I woke up... 

Now I'm 22 & since that day I feel like I have lost everybody in my life, some with mean & hurtful words, most in silence for no reason at all, & on top of that every long term relationship I've ever been in I've been beaten. 

But since Jesus came to me at such a young age, every time something has been done wrong to me in my lifetime, I already know what I have to do. because I know the Lord stands at my right side #Pray #FORGIVE #GodBless

Barbara: United States

About a year ago, on new year's day, my mother passed away battling cancer. I sat by her watching her helplessly dying. I looked at her as her eyes turned from blue to dark brown with a big smile I have never seen. I want to say this was Jesus, anyway she looked at her hands, and lifeless body then looked back at me. I said, I love you then all I got in return was a Big smile; two hours later she died. I will see you again, momma, don't know when but save me a spot by Jesus.

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Christian Testimonies Page 10

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Message Of Jesus

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