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Caroline's Christian Testimony"
How Jesus Transformed My Life

This is my testimony about how Jesus has come into my life and transformed me.


As a child growing up, I experienced seeing severe domestic violence and felt rejected, scared, and unloved by my father. In my teens, I suffered from depression and anxiety.

I blamed myself for my relationship with my father, and I felt worthless. This led to me self-harming and attempting suicide twice. I got some therapeutic help, which helped a little, but the depression, anxiety, and low self-worth always returned.

Over the years, I got married and had four kids. Life was better, but worthless feelings always haunted me, and I still self-harmed. I never thought I was good enough for my husband, kids, or anyone. We had ups and downs, a lot of them due to my insecurities, but we managed to get past them.

Recently, my depression came back strong, and I thought I wouldn't be able to manage this year and considered giving my life up. I have always believed in God but never read the Bible and rarely went to church. I never gave my religion much thought, but I did pray often.

During my latest depression, I was praying more than ever. This was when Jesus came to me.


I will now describe some of the spiritual/supernatural experiences I've had. I know that some reading this might find them hard to believe. But these experiences are very real and vivid to me. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, and it has changed me into a follower of Christ.

I believe God wants me to share this, so I hope it benefits anyone that reads it. Jesus Christ is real; open your hearts and let Him in and watch as He transforms you.

A few weeks leading up to my bad dose of depression, I had a strange dream. It felt like God was instructing my family and me to get on Noah's Ark. The dream made me feel safe and secure at the time. I told my husband about it but thought nothing about it after.

Some months later, at the beginning of this year (2021), I had a dream. This dream felt like it was actually happening in real life.

Life-Changing Dreams and Visions

I dreamed of being on a beach, sitting down on the sand, and I could feel the sensation on my skin. There was a presence of a person next to me. I knew this person was Jesus Christ. Then everything just stopped. The waves of the ocean, the noise, everything came to a standstill.

I had an awareness that He stopped everything and that He had done it for me. I felt like a child and was at ease playing in the sand as He stood behind and watched me. I turned to look at Him and could see he was wearing a purple robe, and He had a peaceful presence about Him.

He spoke to me in my mind and told me to enjoy the time I had left. He made me feel like something was coming to an end.

In my next dream, my father and I were sitting in a room together. I was aware that Jesus was next to me. He told me to forgive my father. Then I woke up, and for the first time in my life, I felt no resentment towards my dad.

In my heart, I felt able to forgive him. Bitterness had been lifted from me. Doing this opened the door to inner happiness, something I had never felt before. Although this had a positive impact on me, I felt there was more I needed to do.

felt compelled to communicate in person with my dad. I decided to ring him. I told him I was sorry for any bad stuff that happened between us and told him I loved him. He told me he loved me too.

A vision: While I was praying one morning in bed, a vision came to me. My eyes were closed, but I was experiencing myself somewhere else. I could see a clear blue sky and white fluffy clouds. It felt like I was in this sky. I had an internal feeling of a never-ending river flowing through me, and it felt amazing.

Words cannot describe this feeling. I had a strong awareness and feeling that what I was experiencing was a part of Heaven. The feeling of the river flowing through me stayed with me after the vision.

It left me incredibly happy, and my husband noticed I was different. To this day, that feeling of the flowing river still comes to me but not as strong, but it comes, especially when I pray.

My next vision, was not as pleasant. I believe Jesus showed me Hell. I was experiencing myself as if I was looking from above at an area below. It was dark. The place looked huge, and it seemed to be in a pit.

The ground looked like lava with flames coming out. I saw black trees. These trees looked withered, hairy, and disgusting. I could hear distant screaming. I could feel the unbearable heat, and I had a thirst that I knew would never be quenched, just like what it says in the Bible.

I had an awareness there was no way out of this place; it was forever. This vision was about 1-2 minutes, but the extreme fear stayed with me for a long time. It still scares me now; it was absolutely horrifying.

In still another dream, I was with my husband and kids, driving along a road during a bright sunny day, and we were all happy. I looked up and noticed there was an opening in the sky. It looked like I could see another planet like the earth through the opening.

Then all of a sudden, it was like I was sucked up into the clouds in an instant. All I could see was the sky and clouds. Then the dream ended. It was so real, like it just happened. It also left me with a cough which I cannot explain.

I have had more spiritual dreams, but I will leave it at this for now.

The Healing

For years I have suffered from severe heartburn, which I neglected to get checked out. Over a year ago, I had a check-up at the hospital about it as it was getting to the point where I could not eat food without vomiting.

It was found I had a hernia, gallstones, and gastritis. I was prescribed medication and put on a waiting list for surgery. During my spiritual experiences, I was compelled to pray for healing. I prayed and felt some force come over my stomach, and I knew healing was taking place.

The next day the problem was gone. I no longer need medication or surgery. Praise God for my miraculous healing.

The Gift

Through having these experiences, I began reading the bible and watching Christian sermons. I learned about the spiritual gifts that God can give.

I decided to pray and ask God for the gifts of wisdom and knowledge. I am a person who has had little education in my life. I was barely at school growing up due to home circumstances, missing whole years at school. I have done no more than three years of education in total and even needed help to write this testimony.

The Lord has answered my prayer. After asking for these gifts, the Lord gave me them. I know this can sound hard to believe, but I can ask the Lord a question or for some advice, and it is given. The information I get is by hearing His voice or an image He puts in my mind.

I asked the Lord what this gift is for, and He said it's for guidance, safety, and building the church up. The Lord has greatly blessed my family and me with this.

What I have learned is that the Holy Bible truly is the Word of God. Everything in that book is true; it all happened, from Adam and Eve to what is going to happen, as is stated in the prophecies.

And I asked, what is the key to salvation? - it is to believe. Believe in the work of Jesus, that he died for our sins and rose from the dead in 3 days. Faith in Jesus is the key to salvation. I also asked when the Rapture would take place, and I got 'soon' and 'the next generation.'

Life Now

Life has changed for my family and me now. Knowing the truth of God gives our lives meaning, and we hope this testimony helps inspire someone to get saved.

I thank Jesus for giving me hope, courage, strength, and love. Thank you, Jesus, for making me feel like I am worth something.

Have faith in Jesus Christ- that He died to take the punishment for our sins so that we who believe in Him and what He has done will have eternal life.

Caroline: United Kingdom

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Caroline's Christian Testimony

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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