Hey, I am Kat, and I am 34 from Scotland; this is my testimony of how I came to Christ, or rather how he found me.
My childhood wasn't a normal one, and it was very difficult. I ran away from home at the age of ten out of necessity for fear of my life. I went to live with some kind family members from my dad's side of the family. I went to a catholic school but didn't pay much attention and thought it was boring.
I had a lot of issues when I went to live with family and had troubles quite severe in my teenage years. I had mental health issues and was bullied. I wanted to die pretty much every day as I couldn't cope with life. I couldn't hold down a job either.
I always wondered if there was more to life and if there was a way things could be better for me. But I turned to the wrong things to try to find happiness. I did some drugs in my late teenage years and went out partying trying to find happiness.
I also eventually identified myself as gay and thought this was okay and that I was being brave by being openly gay. I later realised this was a complete deception by the enemy. I also went to psychics and tried to contact spirits as I thought this was okay but later found out it was demonic.
Basically, I lived in the world and wasn't paying attention to the bible or church or anything like that. The enemy had me where he wanted me. But I eventually grew out of the drugs and faded away from lesbian relationships and didn't have many friends in the end because I didn't trust anyone.
I felt so lost, alone, and like things would never improve. I had tried therapy and everything possible, and nothing ever helped, and I struggled to cope with my mental health and physical issues associated with my nerves. Things were grim; I was dead inside and had no humanity left in me. That is until Jesus found me.
Jesus reached out to me through someone I worked with at the time. But the enemy still deceived my mind at this point, and I wasn't ready. I went along to church, but I didn't feel comfortable and didn't go back.
Then years later, after still being miserable, Jesus sent another co-worker who invited me to church. I went along again and, this time, persevered. Something deep down in me knew this felt right and that this was the truth and everything I had been hoping for my whole life.
I gave my life to Christ, and I haven't looked back. It's just an inner knowing that it is the truth. He is the way, the truth and the life, and I have to say, in all my years of misery, I never thought I would finally find my Saviour.
He has changed me and my life, and it's undeniable that it is Christ. He is the only one who can save you. We all need a saviour; we cannot save ourselves. I had come to the end of myself, and Jesus showed up and changed everything forever, but I realise he has always been there looking after me, maybe knowing one day I would come back to him.
So if you don't know Christ, please accept him as your Saviour and ask him into your heart. Get baptised with water if you can as well. He is the only way to the Father and so the only way to eternal life. The other option is hell and serving the devil, and the devil hates us.
Serve Christ, and he will save your life like he has saved mine.
Kat from Scotland
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
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