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"Cadine's Tribulation Dream"

Warning message from God

Hello, people of God, Believers, and Nonbelievers saved and unsaved I've got a message for you all this is a warning to repent and baptize now get saved for he Told me to tell yall he is coming soon. Now I begin the message please read to the end and share.

November 15, 2017, about 2 Am I dreamt that I was at my home it was night fall in the dream so I decided to take my children outside to look at the stars, we were laying down on the grass and looking up at the stars when all of a sudden the stars grew larger and began to join to their one another as if making a path, I could see someone walking along the path that the stars made,  the sky was getting so close to the earth my father was there in the dream he is a none believer and when he saw that he said God is coming. 

I took my children and went inside to look out my window,  I saw fire descending out of the sky it hit many houses and people were fleeing while the fire was burning them and their houses, the fire was near my house but didn't catch it but the heat was so hot we had to run out of the house,  everyone was trying to find shelter from the fire but there were no buildings left so we had to take the wrath of the fire, people were crying out the screams were so terrifying our flesh was burning.

Black Liquid

Minutes later the fire stopped but it didn't end there. A black liquid was poured out on us and we began to feel severe pain all over our bodies children babies and everybody was experiencing this, we were all crying out in agony Lord have mercy on us and people began to repent and the moment we started to repent night turned to day and everything was ok but the dream didn't end there. 


I saw Jesus and an Angel was with him I said to the people look to the sky there is Jesus, They all looked and we started to give him praise we all could hear our voices echoing up into the heavens then Jesus looking down and smiling at us and he said this I AM COMING SOON, but the dream didn't end there he disappeared and the day turned into night again we were all going back to our houses when we realized there was no house to go back to but my house was still there so I invited some of the people in. 

I decided to look through the window up to the sky and I saw Christmas in the sky the stars were lighting up in their own colors and twinkling they formed in to shapes like a cross, animals churches it was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen but the dream didn't end there, night becomes day again in a flash this time it was raining and there were lightning and thunder,

Surrounded by Water

I opened my door to see what was taking place outside only to find we were surrounded by water, the sea was all over there was no land only my house stood there in the middle the sea was red as blood and the waves were so high they almost touched the sky, now we are panicking all over again I tried to use my phone to get In touch with my family but didn't get through my house disappeared leaving only the foundation and whatever was in it

The waves began to close in on us and I began to say, people, this is it this is the end, the waves came over us and we are trying to shield ourselves and our children from drowning, the wave passed we got covered but we weren't dead the water began to withdraw from us and I then woke up out of my dream 2:47 am this morning. I wrote down everything now I have to get this message out please help me to share this thank you.

Cadine: Jamaica

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