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"Blessed with Rapture Dreams"
My Son's My Sister's and My Rapture Dream

The Lord said to me:

"Do all that you can to enter through the narrow gate for many will try to enter but will not be able to."

(Matt 7:21-23) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I believe the Lord wants us to strive to walk in holiness and to strive to enter through the narrow gate by living a life of prayer, reading and practicing his word, and fasting. We must not allow anything or anyone to move us from standing firm in God's Truth, and we must continue to carry our cross & live by faith until we make it home.

My Dream

My husband and I were in our kitchen, looking out of our kitchen window, when suddenly the clouds began to open up and form a hole and a light shined through the clouds, I knew in my spirit it was the Rapture, I began to fear and asked myself, "Am I ready to go?"

The scene changed, and I was now standing in the middle of my living room, speaking to two close relatives. I looked out of the living room window and saw the same light still shining through, and a bird flew out of it and landed on my shoulder.    Suddenly I started to rise, ascending slowly up into the sky; halfway up, I looked down and began praying continually for my two relatives who were being left behind. Interestingly my prayer in the dream was, "Dear Lord, please protect them from the coming wrath or tribulation."

As I rose higher, I felt more joy, peace, happiness, and lighter, I finally was caught up (raptured) inside the clouds, and I look down to the earth and remember saying, "Yes, I no longer have to go back to that evil earth!." 

As I looked straight ahead inside of the clouds, I saw Jesus, my Lord sitting with a white garment and a shining face a distance of about five houses away! I said yes, I am about to enter the Glory of God! And I was so excited to be able to meet him, then I awoke!! 

Amen, All Glory and Praise to Our God!! (Galatians 1:4).

My Son's Rapture Dream

This Rapture dream was given to my son Christopher Nathan when he was 6 yrs. old:

In his dream, "He was shown himself, his two sisters, his dad and I all sleeping in our rooms at our previous house. When suddenly an earthquake hit, he then saw us all awaken and go to the living room.

Nathan looked up and saw a hole in a cloud open up with

a light shining through it. He then saw us ascending into the shining light; as we were ascending, he looked up at the hole in the Cloud and saw feet with sandals, and he also saw a white and golden garment and heard a voice say, "Come, my son." 

The dream ended, and he had so much peace and joy!" Wow, Amen!

My Sister's Rapture Dream

Crystal's Rapture dream:

"Last night, I had a weird dream. I dreamed that I was talking to you (Candy) at a Movie Theater, all of a sudden, you disappeared when I was talking to you! Right there, when you vanished, I knew God came for you, that the Rapture happened! My daughter Vayda and your kids were also gone.

But I didn't see it, somehow, I just knew in my dream that God came for his people, and he took you (Candy), your kids, and Vayda. I was left behind. But then God returned you to earth. But then after a few seconds, you appeared back on earth But just you. (I didn't understand this part) Then I woke up."

Praise God, the Rapture is real, and it's soon!!

(Note: I don't understand the background of these dreams, but it's more about the Rapture revelations.)

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

 For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

How to prepare yourself to make the Rapture:

Spread the Gospel, Speak or Preach the Truth that Heaven and Hell are real, share Holiness, Repentance, that Jesus is the only way. Consecrate, fast, pray, praise, and worship God in Spirit and in Truth, read and study & practice God's word, live a holy-set apart life for God's purpose and serve God wholeheartedly, also faithfully tithe and offer out of Love to God!

Jesus is not coming back for any person who is living a double life (lukewarm) or for any person who has walked away from God's path. Jesus is coming for a Holy and Prepared people who are daily seeking him in Spirit and in Truth and Are Doers or obedient of his will. 
Prepare yourselves, be Ready!!

If you have walked away from God and desire to reconcile your relationship with him, pray this prayer:

"Heavenly Father,

I am sorry for walking away from your path. Please forgive all my sins, I repent and turn away from all sin, I ask that you place me back in the narrow path. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, help me to live in your will for my life. Write my name in the book of Life. In Jesus Name, Amen."

If you don't know Jesus: Jesus gave his life out of love and mercy for humanity so we can proceed to Repentance and accept him as Lord and be saved.

I also want to warn you Heaven and Hell are real, and Jesus is the only way to Heaven!

The word of God says in John 3:16:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

If you'd like to be saved, please pray this prayer:


Thank you for giving your life to save mine, I now repent of all my sins, forgive me for sinning against you. Write my name in the Book of Life; send me your Holy Spirit. I now accept you Jesus in my heart, be my Lord and Savior. Help me to do God's will for my life. Thank you for saving me in Jesus' Name, Amen."

Candy is My Angel

In this experience, the Lord visited my sister Crystal and told her: "Your Sister, Candy is my Angel;"  this was after I practiced the command to be kind and forgave my enemies, including a leader who did not receive my testimony.

"Candy, Please don't turn away from God, if you serve him faithfully and obey his Commands, a beautiful mansion truly will be waiting for you in Heaven. And in Heaven, no thief can break in and steal all your blessings! Though we serve him not for rewards, our Heavenly Father is so Graceful and so Generous towards us!!"

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:2-3).

God also confirmed to my Sister that I am his Watchman and Prayer Warrior after a time of seeking the Lord for confirmation of my Calling. And the Lord also revealed to her that he hears my prayers. Praise God!!

I encourage you all to keep praying people of God!

Proverbs 15:29

"The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous."

My Daughter Thalia's Dream

In this last experience, my daughter thalia, states:"In my dream, I was outside of the Gates of Heaven, The Gates of Heaven were shiny gold, with pearls at the top and bottom. All around the Gates were palm trees, bushes, tall flowers, grass, and

The path to Heaven was gold with diamonds carved inside of it. Suddenly, the Gates opened, and I walked in. As soon as I stepped in, my clothes (my jeans and shirt) changed into a garment, I looked around Heaven, and I saw small houses, ordinary houses, big houses, and mansions. I continued walking; I then stopped at a little white house, and entered it, and sat down on a chair.

There was only one other person in there. Suddenly, I heard my name being called. I then walked to another room, inside of this room,

Are You Worthy Enough?

I saw Jesus face to face; he looked the same as in my previous dream, except in this dream, his eyes were blue. Jesus began to ask me questions.
He asked me, "Do you think you are worthy enough to live in Heaven?"
I answered him, "No, I don't think anyone is worthy of living here in Heaven; it's just way too beautiful!"
He then asked me, "Have I ever sinned?"
I said, "Yes, I have sinned."
He told me, "Right answer."
Jesus then asked, "Would you rather live in Heaven or Hell?"
I said, "In Heaven."
He said, "Everyone always picks Heaven."

Then, Jesus told me to go to a Church in Heaven, I then sat down at a Church in Heaven, and I heard Angels inside of the Church singing. They sounded like a choir full of women, so beautiful (worship music). 
After a while, I went back to the little white house, and asked Jesus, a question. I asked him, "Can I see my house, my brother Christofer Nathan's house, my mother's house, and my dad's house here in Heaven? Jesus said, "Yes."

My House in Heaven:
First, Jesus showed me my house in Heaven, and it was almost like the one I live here on the Earth, except in Heaven, I had a 3-story home and more brilliant. Then, I was shown my brothers, and my dad's house, they were about the same as my house in Heaven.

Then, The Lord showed me my Mom's house.

My Mom's House in Heaven:
It was a huge mansion, and I would say it was about 17 stories high)!

As soon as we walked in, the first thing that I saw was my Mom's kitchen,  and it was enormous. Inside of her kitchen, I saw a coffee maker, (my Mom loves coffee here on earth), I saw a microwave, fridge, stove, table, and a dishwasher. Her mansion had many stairs and rooms, the stairs were curvy, going up and up, she had so many rooms, including an art room, inside of it she had a chalkboard and a whiteboard. I saw she also had a vast library full of books and many Bibles and notebooks for a bible study.

Her bathroom walls are marble, with a shower and a sink, and a few of her room walls were also marble. In the back of her mansion, she had two balconies (and my Mom has always wanted her heavenly mansion or house with a balcony). Some of my Mom's carpets in her mansion in Heaven, are multiple indescribable colors, while yet others are just one color, she also had leather couches and a TV. 

After we left my Mom's beautiful mansion, I asked God if I could see Angels, and the Angels were very muscular. A height of about 6-7 ft. tall, they had halo's and had huge wings, which were light blue and very soft. Then my dream ended."

However, I'd like to mention that in the dream, The Lord's voice sounded sad. I was thinking to myself, why would he be sad? Then I heard a voice say to me in my head, "Many people have turned away from me." ~ Thalia'"

May the Lord bless and keep you!

Sincerely Your Sister in Christ Candy! 

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Blessed With Rapture Dreams

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

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Love is the answer!

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