Last night I learned about a woman whose only son was 11 years old. He and a friend had decided to go four wheeling, and as he was riding, the boy fell off and hit his head. He died.
I asked this person’s name as I was going to pray for her, last night. Although I did not know this woman, I could certainly feel her pain. Nevertheless, I did not pray; I was too tired and caught up in my thoughts and situations.
When I went to bed, I fell asleep. I wanted to pray….but my mind was just too worn out. To be honest, I had already forgotten about this woman. Does any of this sound familiar?
What can we do?? Sometimes we just aren't sure. Would it be the right thing to call her and talk about it? Should we fix some food, and go to the funeral? Should we ignore what is happening and think she will feel better in time?
There is that word again, time. If we do not have anything else, right now at this very moment, we have time. What are you going to do with that time?
I would like to think I could be a comfort to those who are suffering. However, most of the time, I am not. I am either too busy or thinking about what is going on in my little corner of the world.
Now, is the time to help others, to be the light of the world. I would like to recommit myself to my Lord and Savior. Right now at this very moment, today; (not when I have the time or when it’s convenient for me) but here and now; I want to be the Lord’s hands and feet, here on earth.
I want to wrap my arms around this precious mother who is mourning the loss of her young son this morning. I want to pray for her with a sincere heart.
I pray that God will allow me to be a comfort to others that they may see and feel the Love of Jesus in my actions and deeds.
To this mother I say, "May God Bless and Comfort you this day. Please know that others are sharing in your grief and care greatly about you and your family. My prayers are with you. As another mother who has lost a son also, I love you and feel your pain."
Sandra Mills
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
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