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"A Year to Live"
Ndanatswa's Healing Testimony

A year to live: cancer met Jesus Christ and bowed down:

"God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?". (Num 23:19, NKJV)

This is the verse that God placed on my heart the day I received a life-altering diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 2015 with locally advanced invasive lobular carcinoma left breast, grade 2ER 8/8 HER2 negative, 5/8 nodes (breast cancer). 

I remember sitting in my Consultant's office, not being able to stop the tears flowing down my face. At first, I found myself praying in tongues underneath my breath in rejection of this horrible news, but then God strengthened my resolve.

 In that moment, God led me to the decision that I was going to fight this horrible disease and conquer it. I endured the trails of chemotherapy and radiotherapy only to be told that none of it was very effective, as the tumor had attached to my chest wall, leaving nothing further that could be done for me. 

I did not want to die, and I knew that there was no back-up plan other than putting my full and absolute trust in God the Father, God The Holy Spirit, and God Jesus Christ. I chose to cling to His promises because I knew that He would be faithful to see them through. Then He acted in a powerful way.

I was feeling the weight of being told that I only had a year to year to live, alongside the fact that I live in the United Kingdom alone while my family is in Zimbabwe. I remember asking God who was challenging His power? Though I trusted in Him, I needed constant guidance through prayer. 

In this, The Holy Spirit led me in seeking wisdom from my consultant regarding referring me to a specialist hospital. This conversation led to me being admitted at Royal Marsden, where God was about to follow-through in the biggest way imaginable.

The surgeons at Royal Marsden were able to operate, and all cancerous nodes, including the tumor itself, were successfully removed. God was indeed faithful to His promises like He put on my heart through Numbers 23:19. He had answered my many prayers. 

The post-surgery MRI results came back, showing that I no longer had cancer. I rejoiced in God's victory as the surgeon said to me, "it's as if you never had cancer." Those words echo in my heart to this day, reminding me of God's power and faithfulness.

Jehovah Rapha is a healer and is far more powerful than any disease. He showed this to me through the powerful healing that He brought to my life.

I want to encourage anyone who hears my story with Jesus' words in Matthew 17:20 (NKJV): "I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

God proved this to be true in my own life, and I believe without a shadow of a doubt that He can do it for you as well. 

I strongly believe that God healed me in order for me to spread the Gospel of Jesus, share with others how He healed me, and encourage others who are battling this disease through both my testimony and prayer. 

I found great encouragement from sermons on TBN and KICC TV, as well as from the ministries of Sid Roth, Nathaniel Bassey's Hallelujah Challenge, Joyce Meyer Ministries, Daystar TV, Bill Winston Ministries, Joseph Prince, and Creflo Dollar.

If anyone battling cancer would like me to pray with them, please contact me through this website, or if you are interested in booking me for a speaking engagement to hear the full journey of my many encounters with God, and how l battled breast cancer living alone and overcame this major obstacle in my life. 

Thank you for reading my testimony, and God bless you.

Ndanatswa, (England, UK).

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A Year to Live

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