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  6. Anthony's Dream of Seeing Jesus

"Anthony's Dream of
Seeing Jesus"

MY dream that I had was on Sunday, August 28th, 2019, around 4pm while I was taking a nap. I was with my family, and I was showing them what I saw in the sky, a bright white gleaming cross slowly dropping from the air. AS it got closer, through The bright glowing, I could make out the outline of a body. 

After we were all looking at it and enjoying the feeling of pure happiness and love and peace and excitement, all of a sudden, we were not in the sunroom anymore. We were like in a bubble up in space & now we were equal height with the falling cross and then we passed it and I seen Jesus smiling and we continued to go up as we watched the cross drop down beneath us towards earth till it got smaller and smaller and smaller and then I woke up and I had a true feeling of happiness, but not as much as IT was in the dream. 

I would give anything to feel that kind of love again. I felt it once before a couple years ago 3 days after my Wife's dad died of cancer 3 days to the hour at 5am. I call it the MEETING PLACE. The dream started with people in dark suits were after me, but I didn't know why. Then there was a guy in a white suit who was helping me get away and hide me from these bad men. He guided me even though I didn't know him or know why I had to run. 

Anyways, I followed the guy in white, and we went through hidden passages, he would take me through a wall to a room, then a through a door, I was on a train, then I was taken to a white double door wooden fence. The doors slowly opened and I saw a beautiful field with white, I don't know what, like snow but way shinier and beautiful flowers. There was a picnic table over in the distance, and a man was sitting on it.

Then when I took a step inside all of a sudden, I was teleported before the table and man.

The Table and the Man

 I was in a kneeling position, and I saw it was my father-n-law all dressed in white and gleaming; he looked in his 30's and was health and had a natural white light embellishing him. He was clean-shaved, and he just sat there and smiled and then crossed his legs the way he always did he talked to me telepathically and being still knelt I remember digging my fists into the ground that was made out of white fluff that sparkled like snow, but it was not cold.

There was a flower in front of me, and during my frustration and anger, I ripped out the flower. Bob knelt down and poked the flower back in the ground, and all was well. He smiled at me; it was all better. I agreed to look out for his daughter (no matter what) and he repeated that to me. After he smiled, I knew everything was okay. Then he said, still telepathically, he had to talk to his daughter, and for a split second I saw my wife appear in a knelt down position right beside me and then I woke up. 

I woke up in tears crying, but not sad tears, I was filled with the best kind of love and positive everything. IT was like a high, and I craved it, so I tried to immediately fall back to sleep to get back there, but unfortunately, it never happened. I can remember that dream like it just happened. I can remember that dream with more detail than I can remember important real memories. 

Well to wrap this all up. Last week I was able to get that high again and feel that same pure love. I'm sure I'll remember this dream with the exact detail of the cross falling for the rest of my life as well. I can't wait until Jesus comes to take us home. If anybody who reads this has any input on what you think either dream meant, Please share your thoughts with me.

Especially the dream I had last week about the falling white gleaming cross. Thank You and GOD Bless you all. Also just as I was finishing up getting ready to post my computer suffered a lost exception thread and closed down on me,  and while I was laying in bed waiting for my computer to boot back up, I looked down at my right calf and seen 3 raised scratches on my leg. 

I never really believed in getting scratched, and I didn't think I could become touched by evil with God in my house, but now I'm concerned I will have to re bless my home. The computer shutting down and then the scratches really freaked me out, like maybe I should not be sharing my story. I don't even know why I searched out this site to share my dreams. I just had an urge to do so.

Anthony: United States

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Anthony's Dream of Seeing Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
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