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"Anna's Rapture Dream"


I was praying: "Jesus Jesus Jesus! Help me, nobody can help me but you, Lord! Help me, God, they drugged me and stole my identity."

My Vision

I yelled, Rapture this is the Rapture!" I was on the freeway with cars and people everywhere… And my Family was not hearing me…so I screamed to each by their name and said, listen," it's the Rapture! Now he is coming, and you are not ready."

I started repenting and speaking in tongues, but was stopped by some people. An ambulance came to take me away, but I said, "no, I need to tell my family that Jesus is coming now."

The ambulance handcuffed me and didn't know what I was talking about; I felt pain and thought I was dying, and going to die and go to heaven. God, please take away the pain, it hurt so bad. I can't die. I am backslidden and will go to hell. Jesus take the wheel, singing Break every chain. 

Every time I fought to die, it hurt, but letting God take control and use me was peace…I spoke what God's word promised, that he was coming just like he said he would. 

God Intervenes

God took over, and the Holy Ghost spoke through me. It was the scriptures of the story of how he died, buried, and rose again. Also, the way to be saved was only through his name Jesus, one way, one truth, just Like Peter said in Acts ‪2:38‬ on the day of Pentecost. I couldn't accurately quote Acts2:38, and I couldn't recall it. 

The devil was fighting me and said, "just die and stop the pain," I said, "no, I must live and Repent, or I am going to be lost. "I know the truth, but God, I need you to do it for me, I can't, I am weak, and he is fighting me." 

Then God said, "Devil, she knows the truth, and you can't take it from her."  God said, "repeat what I say." Then I became strong and focused and quoted every word of Acts ‪2:38‬ correctly without messing it up. I had power from God to do it and to speak it with authority.

 God said, "she was born to know my story from beginning to end, and you, devil, cannot steal this away from her. It is now a part of her story. Her story is my story, and you can't take it away. She knows my word, and I am the one true God! No other gods and no other story."

Rushing Mighty Noise

When I start to lose or let the devil fight me, I am weak,  and I know I must let God take control. 

I am confused about what is real in the vision. Who is speaking to me, real people, or the devil…I am not sure who wants me to live or die.

 I know though that God wants me to live and not die before I repent. That is how I know to keep fighting even though it hurts.

 I wasn't ready to live anymore. I felt my heart slow as my body went into the casket, and darkness surrounded me. I couldn't see. I just wanted to die and let go of the pain. I knew God was fighting the devil and taking care of me while I rested in the darkness. No pain, no noise, no sounds, just peace. 

I heard a rushing mighty noise, and I could see the light and was about to go into the brightness, but I couldn't meet the light. I was stuck in the darkness; Just dying, heart slowing—no sound, no noise, calming. 

I fought to come awake and said, "no, I can't die, not yet. My family, they need me to tell them He is coming soon." He is coming. Please be ready. 

Anna: United States

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Samuel L Mills
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