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"Anja was Healed by Faith"

I feel that it's essential to share my story with the world, and hopefully, if I change the mind of one person about how great God is, it will still be worth it.

I feel that the prophecies are being fulfilled like never before, and I will keep on sharing this miracle until people realise that God is real, and He cares and love us all... There is not one person He does not love; in fact, God IS love. Please feel free to share my testimony, even ask questions. I have paperwork, CDs, etc. If you like I used to be before my miracle, I wanted everything in black and white.

God is healing people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I see many miracles every day; count your blessings. Use this age of Grace that's given to you to repent of your sins and accept Jesus into your life.

How Anja was Healed by Faith "
My Healing Testimony"

Hi, there; my name is Anja Scrooby from South Africa, and this is my testimony of my miracle healing.

 I was at Moses Mabidah stadium on 20th April 2019 when a big heavy-duty catering trolley got carelessly pushed from the back into my Achilles tendon, cutting my Achilles tendon by more than 80%.

I then had my operation where they manage to put my tendon together. I did my warrant officer's Army promotional course in a wheelchair.

Somehow my leg got infected, and I almost lost my leg.

The doctors told me that because of the infection, they had to cut it out and my tendon was 5cm too short and that I will have to go for an extensive tendon lengthening surgery where I had two options:

1. They can harvest a dead person's tendons
2. Weave an artificial tendon into (what's left) of the original tendon.

I had to wait a very long time for my wound to close because if any infection gets in, the possibilities were much higher than I could lose my leg but this time for good!

Once it healed, I went to the original surgeon that did the operation, and he said that the medical report says there is a 5cm gap in the tendon, so I told him a lot of people have been praying for me. He looked at me, laughed mockingly, and said, " I will be praying for you too, but we need a second opinion."

He then sent me for an Ultrasound, and the results showed that fatty tissue was in the way. 

So they will first remove the fatty tissue and then operate to lengthen the tendon because, with the fatty tissue in the way, the tendon won't be able to attach after the operation.

After I gave feedback to the original surgeon who did the operation, he said it looks like the tendon is attached, but it can't be said I must go for a 3rd opinion by another surgeon. So I went, and he did extensive tests and said my tendon actually overcompensated in growth and did not need the surgery anymore!!!

God came through for me!! He also said that healing will take another four or five months and that I have to take it easy because a tendon injury is e of the worst injuries you can get; it takes a loooooong time to heal. I must also get extensive physio done but luckily, no lengthening operation at least! God heard my prayers!!

So I want to say that even though I had less faith than a mustard seed, I still moved mountains!!!!

God is alive, and He is giving us this age of Grace, so use it to turn your life around.

Don't you think it would rather be better to live your life as if there is a God than to live as if there isn't and then die to find out that there is? God is the only one that will be able to give you rest; you have a purpose. He says every hair on your head is counted; trust Him; He will lead you and direct your path.

All God asks is that you have to call His name, confess your sins, and believe that God sent His only son Jesus died for us on the cross. I hope this testimony would mean something to someone and that people would open their minds and hearts and see what an amazing, loving God we serve!

It's time to get back on your knees, accept God into your life; he said things would be difficult, but He will be there to carry us through it. Trust God; let Him direct your steps.

God bless you and keep you safe.

Anja: South Africa

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"How Anja was Healed by Faith"

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