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"Angel's Prophet Dream of an Unknown Garden"

Note: Before I get into it I want to make it clear that this is not a prophecy or prediction. According to Scripture, only God knows the hour or the day of the Rapture; but at the same time, I simply cannot ignore these kinds of dreams. 

These are my dreams told as accurately as I know how.

The Unknown Garden

Last year in the first weeks of December 2018 I dreamt of going to an unknown garden, and there was a farmer who happened to be my friend in the dream, though, in reality, I've never met him. 

In his garden, he had planted sugarcane, corn, and mangoes and they were all green but not yet ready for harvest. He was weeding his garden, and I was there watching him. 

Suddenly he told me that he would be planting another bunch of jackfruit seeds and that he would be back to harvest the fruit in Jan the coming year. I asked how it would be possible to collect in 2months since it takes that type of plant more than a year to grow. 

He said his plant was unique and that he was sure it would be ready for harvest by Jan. Just outside his garden were some jackfruits he had harvested, and even though little in quantity they smelled delicious even from a distance. He told me it was from some of his previous harvests, but that it was not enough. 

I couldn't interpret this dream, so I prayed to God and asked Him to tell me what it meant, and in my spirit, I kept hearing that Jan 2019 is the month it will happen. Because I wanted to be sure I'm not delivering any false messages to anyone I requested God to show me a sign to confirm that it will be January or at least a dream

My Confirming Dream

This morning at 5.22am I dreamt I was in my room watching TV, and suddenly there was a mighty earthquake.. so strong it dug a big hole in the ceiling of the building right in the middle, creating huge cracks. In my spirit, I knew the rapture was about to happen and the 7-year tribulation, and I began to run, looking for the exit. 

The setting of the building was a hostel, and so everyone was dashing out, confused and scared, and wondering what was going on. When I was safely out I looked up at the sky and it was evening hours, around 6pm. I found two of my sisters and told them God had sent the final sign and that the rapture was going to happen in the next couple of minutes. 

One of my sisters suggested we go to a nearby shop and grab something to eat before the looting and chaos begins. We went to one of the restaurants and grabbed snacks, and the owner wasn't even bothered whether we paid or not. As I was coming out, I met my second sister, and she told me she also knew that that was the last sign before the rapture happens. 

Suddenly I see two prostitutes laying on the ground unbothered and not even aware of what's going to happen, and weirdly I see my sister who had accompanied me to the restaurant, with them. I told them that we had just a couple of minutes to have the rapture and that they should go and repent, but none of them understood. So I decided to leave them there and returned to my room and began to repent. 

And in the dream, I kept hearing a voice tell me that January is all we have and is when it's all going to happen.  I know He has chosen to show these dreams to me because He wants me to tell His people to get ready, myself inclusive.

I'm not special, and it is by His grace that I even found this website and am sharing this information with you. So please ask God to show these lucid dreams to you too because our Father is so kind and loving that He will respond even when you may think you're not worth it. 

May God bless you and help you be ready on the day He returns for His church. Amen

Angel: Uganda

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Angel's Prophet Dream of an Unknown Garden

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Samuel L Mills
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