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"Kevin's Christian Testimony"
Don't Give in to Satan

I would like to take this time to share my experience with God to show that he is not hidden. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and did not believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God. I went through life reading the Bible but never understanding.

I was married at age 25 (I am 35 now) and enjoyed my marriage in the beginning. Then life hit me hard and got caught up in sexual sin, drinking, partying and just plain old lasciviousness. My wife too went along and got caught up in sexual sin and our marriage was a mess and we had 2 kids already.

My Marriage

I looked at my life and saw that I needed help, so I started listening to sermons from Christian people and began to see another side to Jesus that I never knew before. My love for my wife was rekindled but then found myself in a fight for my marriage. My wife confessed to me that she was having an affair with a workmate and this totally broke me. Not only was she sleeping with him but had fallen in love with him. This broke me even more.

In this broken state I cried out to God and he heard me. I opened my Bible and it fell open to Psalms 34 and my eyes fell on verse 17. I believe God was speaking to me. Two days later I went with a very faithful Christian buddy of mine, that I love dearly, to a place where Christians pray called Mount Zion Prayer Mountain.

On My Knees

I was walking and looking for a place to sit down and pray, but my legs stopped working and I lost control of my body. I fell to my knees and started weeping with tears the size of hailstones. These tears fell to the floor and I watched them falling and I just couldn’t stop weeping.

This all happened while I was in the sunlight, but I was heating up internally. As I was getting warm I started breathing very deeply, and out of my control. I was wondering, " what is happening here?" and a voice answered, " you will need the oxygen, my child". So,  still burning up I thought, perhaps I can move into the shade adjacent to where I am kneeling.

As I stepped into the shade my entire body became like pins and needles (like when you lay on your arm or leg). I felt this all over my body, in my face, my nose, my eyes, chest arms, legs, feet etc. 

I was in shock and confused and asked again " what is happening? " And once again I heard a voice say, " I am giving you new blood". So, this went on for some time; then something even stranger happened.

A bright light fell over me and I again felt the heat and knew I should be in a shaded area. I closed my eyes because the light was so bright, but even with my eyes closed the light shone through my eyelids.

Then I realized I had experienced a supernatural encounter with God. This really built my faith, and I needed it because of the grief caused by my wife’s affair. 


I forgave my wife for the hurt of the affair and she forgave me. We are now growing in Christ and it’s the best experience ever. We have frequent Bible readings and the Holy Spirit leads us in understanding the scriptures. I heard the Lord say" he who denies the Father and the Son is the Antichrist". Hearing this added more flame to the furnace.

All I can say to anyone who is having their faith tested, please consider Christ. "He was and is and is to come." He is faithful and ever loving. If your faith has been tried in any way, then please give him a chance. He wants to come in and eat with you. 

We must really take time in the Word because our problems are the same many others have experienced over the past few thousand years and the Bible shows how they overcame their troubles. 

Most of our trouble is in our minds where Satan attempts to  form a stronghold so he can capture our souls and break our Faith. Don’t give in to Satan. God is everything and to Him, you are everything, believe this. Amen

Kevin: South Africa

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