God Has a Plan: I have asked God to take control of my life, and told Him "not my will but His," giving Him free reign in my life. When things happen in my life that I don't consider good, I immediately cry and complain to Him.
The Bible says His ways are not our ways, but it seems because I don't necessarily like the circumstances He's using to bring about change in my life that maybe I'm not giving Him free reign.
God uses whatever He considers necessary to bring about the change in our lives that He desires. We need to learn and know that not everything He causes or allows to happen in our lives is going to be comfortable for us, or even seem right at the time.
I just lost my job of 19 years, and right now it couldn't seem darker in my life, but I know God has a plan for my life, and apparently, it includes this significant change. Somehow this is going to move me in some direction or to someplace that He wants me to be.
It's definitely not comfortable for me, and I can't lie and say that I like it. I am way more like the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness than I care to admit. Although He had delivered them from so much already and was providing for their every need, (not want but need), proving to them that they could trust Him, they still complained over every little thing.
They were always ready to believe the worst about God that He didn't care about them, wouldn't take care of them, didn't love them. If He did, why would He let these bad things keep happening? Exactly like me. Maybe, exactly like you.
But listen, people, God has a plan. He doesn't exist to serve us- we exist to obey Him. Sometimes we get too comfortable in this life. God is kind and gracious, and the more comfortable we become, the more we care about us and the less we care about others.
God created us, He understands our nature, and like a painter who is finishing his creation, He is continually touching us up here and there, so that in the end, His work of art will be the way He wants it.
I wrote a little note awhile back, and I think it applies perfectly here - "my life is not turning out the way I wanted it, but maybe it is turning out exactly the way God wants it."
I am still praying "not my will, but yours," just like Jesus did, and like others, I have to add, "forgive my unbelief," and trust Him to get me through this stressful time.
When we tell Him, "use me any way you want, take control of my life," we better be ready to believe His word and trust Him completely; because things are going to change. We are going to see just how much we do need Him in our lives, and how much He can accomplish through a faithful servant.
Carolyn McDaniel
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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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