Many in today's Church believe in what is referred to as "generational curses," wherein God has levied curses upon His people for the sins of their forefathers.
These beliefs are based on Old Testament scriptures such as:
Similar scriptures are found in Exodus 34:6-7, Numbers 14:17-18, and a few other Old Testament books.
Ezekiel 18: written some 850 years later has a different message:
Many of us have been taught that our children, grandchildren and we are suffering from the sins of our forefathers and that we should fast and pray for this curse to be removed.
Although some believe "the Generational Curse" was withdrawn in the 18th chapter of Ezekiel, I will leave the Old Testament part of this issue to the theologians.
On one occasion, Jesus and His disciples discussed the subject of Generational Curses:
People in Jesus' day, were still clinging to the "Old Testament Laws." They could not grasp the incredible changes in store for them through faith in Jesus.
Jesus gave His life so that anyone who would receive Him could have eternal life, grace, restoration, and freedom; freedom from the "Old Testament Laws and curses."
The Apostle Paul said:
Condemnation means: "to declare guilty, to inflict a penalty upon." Is receiving a generational curse, not a penalty, a condemnation?
Jesus death on the cross, ushered in the "New Testament," and a new beginning for humanity, breaking all spells and curses, and redeeming all who would believe in Him. We have received victory and freedom in Christ, not condemnation.
If Jesus doesn't condemn us for our own sins, would He hold us responsible for those committed by others?
The concept of being punished for the "sins" of the forefathers could have only come from the "Law of Sin" and Death, from which the above Scripture plainly says we have been set free.
We can know that, at least for the Christian, the problems referred to as Generational Curses are not from God; because Jesus on the Cross broke any generational curses God may have at one time had on His people
We have been freed from the bondage of the Generational Curse. We don't have to do anything because it's already been done by Christ.
He paid it all on the cross. We are entirely free from all sins, including those of our forefathers.
It's not that problems are not passed down from generation to generation. On the contrary, it is quite evident that grandchildren often look, act and talk like their grandparents, and many of them share the same weaknesses, problems, and illnesses.
However, these come from the natural man, the bloodline, possibly tracing all the way back to the "Fallen Man" in the "Garden of Eden."
These are not the same as what is referred to as "Generational Curses," wherein we are punished for the lifestyle and sins of our grandparents during the past three or four generations.
These things passed down through the bloodline of our forefathers need restoration and healing, and who better to do so than Christ our Savior?
This is much better than attempting to break curses that have already been broken by Jesus on the cross. Why should we try to do what has already been done?
What a useless burden to carry.
Jesus said:
No one living under the shadow of unforgivable curses from the sins of their forefathers is free from accusation or blemish.
God demonstrated His great love for us by sending His Son to die for our sins.
Jesus, seated at the right hand of God, is interceding for us in Heaven. The fantastic truth is that God loves us so that He sent His Son to die in our place, to set us free from the Law of sin and death, free from all curses.
Samuel Mills
Comments on This Article:
I am interested in reading more about "generational curses " Your article is very good and may help to steer people out of the curse of sin and death. Geoffrey: Australia
Thank you for your article on generational curses, I was laying in bed thinking about this subject, and as I got on the internet, the Holy Spirit gave me the answer.
Thank you again in Jesus wonderful name.
David: Fiji
Thank you so much for this message.... I was so confused about the generational curse...but now its clear that we are redeemed from this curse by Christ Jesus....
Jung: India
Thanks for this exposition I write and pray there is a ministry in Kenya who thrive on preaching this message-indeed they conduct deliverance. from the so called generational curses...
Samuel: Kenya
"Was and still in church this morning, and the message for the day is about generational curses.
I felt a sense of disappointment about it being preached because I have a clear understanding of the reason why Christ died for our sins.
I have always had the belief that the discussion of generational curse is in the Old Testament, but behold after I read through this brief or content has made it even clearer.
Just want to say thanks for this important message as I believe the churches today are making people feel so afraid, whereas they, the (church) is supposed to be the symbol of salvation and hope."
M: Nigeria
"Thank you for this teaching on generational curses. I have been wondering about this for a while, and God showed me Ezekiel 18, and it made me think of Galatians 3:13. Christians are in so much bondage to wrong teachings that it really is sad. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole'” (Gal 3:13 NIV).
R: Trinidad and Tobago
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