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"Decision Making Skills"
And Spiritual Guidance

XDo you have good decision-making skills? The decisions we make often chart the course for the rest of our lives.

Most of us at one time or another have found ourselves wondering what God would have us do. Is this the person God would have me to marry? Is this business deal right for me? Should I change jobs, or perhaps move?

To develop sound decision-making skills involves seeking Spiritual guidance, and to do this, we must first be born again. This is the best decision anyone can make.

When we are born again, the Holy Spirit enters in, along with the benefit of His Spiritual guidance. This means that every minute of every day He is available to help in our decision-making process.

Satan's purpose is to take as many to hell as possible and to bring unhappiness and harm to all the rest. However, it doesn't have to be that way. We must learn to pray, ask, and seek His will; then to listen for the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

God's Children are not ignorant of the wiles of the devil. We know that he will always do his best to interfere with our decisions, but the indwelling Holy Spirit who guides and directs our lives is much more powerful than Satan (1 John 4:4).

A part of the decision-making process is to seek confirmation that it is God's voice we are hearing, and how do we do that?

Recently, while visiting an elderly aunt, now beyond the age of 93, she played the piano. She still plays beautifully and only struck one wrong key. This one note had a distinctly different sound and stood out from all the rest, and so it is with the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Just as one sour note stands out from the rest, a wrong choice or evil spirit will not find peace with the Holy Spirit. They will not agree. This creates a feeling of uneasiness and apprehension, an inward sense, or "knowing" that something is just not right.

When the Spirit is of God, it will have a ring of truth, and you will have peace within. This must have confirmation, which may come from another Christian, something you read, or a providential occurrence, something that could only have come from God.

It takes time to develop these decision-making skills, and the decision-making process takes time, so if possible, do not allow yourself to be pushed into hasty decisions.

Nevertheless, there are decisions one may be forced to make promptly. If you find yourself in such a situation, use such time as you have to pray and listen for the inner prompting of the Holy Spirit, then make your decision! It will be the best decision you could make under those circumstances.

Even at our best, we sometimes seem to miss His directions, but that is not the end. The truth is that with God it is always just the beginning! If you have sought His will and guidance, and still make what appears to be a wrong decision, He will not allow it to wreck or ruin your life.

Looking back, I now realize that decisions I had at one-time thought were mistakes may not have been after all. At any rate, God knew I was sincere and eventually nudged me back onto His chosen path. He always brings us through.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Hold onto your faith, keep believing and praying; look for confirmation, and especially the inner peace of the Holy Spirit, and you will soon have excellent decision-making skills.

Samuel Mills

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802

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