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" Personal Choices vs
God's Plan"

What is most important, Our personal preferences and choices, or God's plan for our life?

For many years I so-o-o-o much wanted to be loved and accepted! I didn't want to be depressed, lonely, ashamed, and guilt-ridden; I wanted to have joy, to be happy, and I wanted to be somebody!

During those long years, I made many poor decisions; then later, (when dealing with the consequences) would wonder how in the world I ended up with so many problems. The big word here being, "world."

I would get in a hurry and make decisions based on emotions; or, as a result of wanting instant gratification, would act too quickly. Then problems would arise. Have you ever been there?

When we don't give God priority in our decision-making, and selfishly go after the things we think we want in life, we end up not only hurting ourselves but others as well; because every choice we make affects someone else.

We should seek God first all the time. We not only have to read His Word (the Bible), but we have to obey it. Sometimes that requires us to put our wants last.

Jesus tells us that if we lose our life for His sake, we will find it. Now I know, (as the old saying goes), "I am just... saved by grace," accepted by God, loved unconditionally, just as I am.

What freedom to be able to grasp this great truth, and accept it deep down in my heart. To listen to God's voice and hear Him tell me that He loves me!

I often think of God's grace, and of all the blessings and gifts He has given me over the years (John 1:16). He has helped me overcome all sorts of obstacles, including shame and pain, and, in the process, has been growing me, and making me, "me."

As I sit here thinking about the past, I realize that it is impossible to go back and change anything; but I can press forward in complete confidence, knowing that the One who made me and died for me is still in control, and wants what is best for me.

I now realize that God has a plan for my life and that it's never over or finished until He says it is. (Jer 29:11)

My prayer is that I will be willing to accept His plan and that my personal choices will always remain in the background.

He has a plan for your life too. Have you talked to Him about it lately? It could be that you don't have to go through as many "bad choices" as I did.

Talk to your heavenly Father; He wants to hear from you! Be specific, tell Him every little detail. He already knows, but He wants to have a genuine relationship with you.

Praise God!

Sandra Mills

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802