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"Amen Let it be So"

Amen Let it be so

When I pray to God in Heaven, the creator of the universe, maker of all things, and my risen Savior, I used to end all my prayers as I have been taught all my life with the word "amen." The definition of amen biblically is may it be so, but when I used it, it was more like a period at the end of a sentence. The signal that I was done with my prayer.

I wonder if that is what a lot of Christians do. After a while, I found myself becoming uncomfortable with saying Amen. I always thought of something else I wanted to say to God, not just at that specific time, but all through my day. I Thess.5:17 says we should pray without ceasing, and I believe God was raising my awareness of how dependent I am on Him, not just at prayer time, but all day long.

I quit saying amen at the end of my prayers several years ago when my daughter was small, and just as I grew up used to hearing my granny say amen to end all her prayers, my daughter, who listened to my prayers, said: "Momma, you forgot to say Amen." I found myself putting into words the way God had moved my heart in this matter. I told her I didn't like to say amen to end my prayer anymore because I wanted to keep the line open. All the time.

I find myself talking to God all day long anymore, and I'm much happier, and I believe He is too. He moved me to take Him out of the prayer box and actively place Him in my life box. Through this change in my thinking, He's become my best friend, the one I can talk to about anything, at any time, in any place.

He is active with me all day long. Now if I slip up into my old habit and accidentally say amen, I find myself apologizing to Him for unconsciously trying to end our connection. That is something I never want to do again.

Now if you are someone who says amen at the end of a prayer, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. But for me, God used it to make me aware that I was limiting His ability and my time with Him. I don't keep Him in the prayer box anymore, but in my life box, where He has always belonged.

Hosea 7:7 "...none among them calls upon Me."

Carolyn McDaniel 

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