So they say that “It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.” I for one have always walked alone down my own path. My sandals are worn and my cane is tall.
My clothes are worn out and my hair needs trimmed. My face needs a shave and my feet need a rest. But, ask me if I am happy!
Happy for me, is to be able to go, and to do things the way I think they need to be done. I go from town to town, village to village seeking out people who are going in the wrong direction. Why would I care, you ask me. Let me tell you why.
One day when I was going the wrong direction, someone came up alongside me and gave me the “talk.” I was definitely going the wrong direction.
I was mean as a snake and didn’t care if I stepped on anyone going up my own corporate ladder. I used people as stepping-stones and had every convenience I could ever want.
I ignored warnings from my family and lost my wife and children. They didn’t fit in to my idea of what best for me.
I had all the money I wanted for everything I thought I needed in life. Wealthy friends, big apartment, and bigger house, fastest car I could buy, designer clothes, beautiful women; I had it all! Until one day, I lost it all.
I fell hard and crawled in the dirt and grime of the world. Rejected and alone I was lost in my worldliness. No longer did I wear designer clothes; I had to sell and barter them off. Vehicles and homes repossessed, bank accounts emptied.
Scorned by all the women and all of my so-called friends. I found myself begging for food in front of one of the restaurants I used to frequent.
It was on a cold and snowy day when someone brought me a cup of coffee. He was a young man, about the same age I was before I found my wealth.
He looked at my uncleanness and long unshaven hair and beard with a compassion I have never seen in anyone before.
I was so ashamed and feared what he must have thought of me. I found it difficult to look into his face, scared to see what his expression might have said.
But, when he said, “Look at me Sir,” I looked up and could see only compassion and warmth. I followed him to a little coffee house where we sat and talked for a very long time.
I shared my life and warned him about the pitfalls of becoming rich and wealthy. For some reason I knew he would not have the same issues as myself.
He had that “something” I lacked and did not know existed, and He had a friend I had never known whose name was Jesus.
I learned about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I learned that He was the One who loved me when no one else did.
I learned of how He had died on the Cross, but was victorious over Death and the Grave! I sat and wept until I could not weep anymore. My mind was made up. I asked the King of Kings into my heart and I felt such warmth when He said, “Yes, He would come in.”
I knew my life would be different, and what it meant to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Suddenly, I wanted to help others find a new life, and to show them the way I had been set free, and that was through faith in Jesus Christ.
So, I gathered up a few things, found a staff, put sandals on my feet and began my journey. I’ve been walking for years now.
Some have found eternal life with Jesus; others have turned down the opportunity of their lifetime to trade it in for worldly treasures and pleasures.
My heart has been very heavy lately. Time is drawing near for me to go home to be with the One who loved me enough to give His life in exchange for my fifthly one.
I must hurry, more souls wait to hear the Good News. It has been a long road, but this time, in the right direction.
Ann Quinn
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802