I just had this dream 30 mins ago and I have never felt so scared and yet happy at the same time. I was only asleep for maybe 2 hours but I went through an 8 hr day. I wish I could show you the stuff I saw. I believe in God but lately have been feeling questionable. Like, is God real, who am I, and why does it even matter? After this dream..I believe 100%.
I have never felt so scared to be left out of what was going on. My dream was a dream within a dream.
I went outside to see where my aunt was. I was at my grandma's house and my whole family was there from both sides. Even people I've never met but felt like I had known them forever. So I walked out back and couldn't find her.
My grandma has a small farm. So I went to the garage and there were two wolves in the garage. Huggee! And they both looks at me curiously. No growling or anything but I knew they wanted to hurt me. They started to back me into a corner and I grabbed a shovel and started swinging and screaming for my brother because everyone else was asleep. He finally heard me.
Tons of emotion in this dream and I felt like crying. I'm 25 years old in real life and I've been going through a lot lately. Anyways, I got inside from the wolves and told everyone, so we got all the 9 dogs and my brothers and I chased them off.
While we were outside a meteor hit the field next to us. It was huge! Everyone ran out of the house and people started showing up from town, a lot of people! We were all putting out the fires and I kept meeting people I've never seen and they calling out to me and telling me they love me and that I was like a brother o them. The meteor looked like mercury but it was formed like a meteor. The joy that was in the air was something I've only wished I could feel.
Then, out of nowhere the sky, ground, and distant mountains went blurry like lines on a broken phone or tv. Then it flashed and it seemed like future computer stuff was everywhere showing us the past and future of the world. There was a button to press that said, "Light travel to other worlds." All the animals were crying and it was loud.
Then I woke up..from the dream in a dream, but only thought I was awake.
I took a shower and did tons of stuff till we had to go to a wedding in the field where the meteor in my dream had hit. I didn't know who it was but I had to go. I had my girlfriend and my 2-year-old baby with me. A few months ago a few of my friends drowned in a lake near bishop and they were all in my dream. So the wedding was starting and I was in a dining car type thing with my baby when another meteor came. It hit and shattered all over the ground and I was scared.
People started running everywhere and I walked over to it. Some people who started grabbing the mercury looking meteor turned into the same color as the meteor, and when they touched it they died.
As I was walking away I tripped with my baby in my arms, and as I was getting up she touched one one of the meteors and I held onto her as she turned all silver looking. I was so sad. My girlfriend came running and when she grabbed her from my arms she turned back to normal.
Then I got a text on my phone. I looked at my phone then back at the people who had been running and screaming, but now everyone was standing still, just staring. I look back at my phone and it was displaying a slide show of my baby ad she was growing up until the age of 18. It looked just like her and me. Ahh, it was crazy. I wish I could see it again. The ending of the slide show got weird..something scary happened to me in the picture so I put it down. Everyone appeared to be baffled as they also had visions of their lives.
So then I realized that I was still asleep and didn't want to wake up. My girlfriend told me her future and it made me sad. Then my phone started ringing and it was from some weird number. When I answered it was a man's voice, I couldn't understand him but he was asking for someone. Then I got scared so I looked in the direction the meteor came from but the clouds were thick and gray so I couldn't see but there was something behind them staring back at me.
So I woke up. I made myself wake up. I think my dream was God showing me both sides of when he's coming, how it feels to be lost, and how overwhelming joy feels. I had grown apart from him and forgotten how it feels. This is a sign that He wants me. He is real and I have a choice. I love you, God.
Thank you site for letting me share what has just happened. God bless
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Mar 13, 25 07:17 PM
Mar 13, 25 06:34 PM
Mar 13, 25 04:14 PM
Mar 06, 25 03:52 PM
Mar 06, 25 03:46 PM
Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802