"Tikia's Dream of
Demons - Part 2"

This is part 2 of a two part dream -  Go to Part 1.

I was sitting in church, when I heard my name being called. I stood up and was very nervous and shy just like I am in real life. I was called to the front of the church. I don't know what was said to me. I don't remember hearing or seeing who spoke to me. 

I only know that I was standing up front next to what appeared to be a very huge podium or pulpit. There was a lower side connected to it. The lower side seat I would say was about a one to two feet taller then me. 

In this lower left side was a young man.  We made eye contact and smiled. There were two very large rows of seats separated by an aisle.  I did not count how many people were seating in each seat but between 10 to 25. I saw a man sitting in the midst of the podium or pulpit in a very high seat. 

The seat looked to be white or very light in color. He asked the the women  to come up front.  Women started coming forward in single file. I could not see all the way to the end of the line of women, nor to the end of the church and he seats were all filled. The women would go up the stairs of the podium where there was food. This dream with the food reminded me of Joseph's dream.

 I saw what appeared to br 10 to 15lb bags of flavored rice. At first the women would get a bag and say thank you, and they were very happy with what they have chosen. Then came some more women and they would tear a little piece on the top of their bag, but I stepped in and told those who were tearing the tops of the bag to stop it and they would stop immediately. It must have been my responsibility to make sure it was done fairly and in order. 

Lots of women had gotten their one thing. Then came a young woman who looked at me with mean eyes. She grabbed one bag of rice and a box of oatmeal cakes.  She looked at me again and began ripping the tops off the bag of rice and the box of oatmeal cakes, and I told her to stop. 

She gave me a mean look and when she attempted to rip both the bag and box completely open I had to stop her. I gently handed her the bag of rice and said, "come on.". n. I had put my arm around her. I talked with a meek and humble spirit, and with love. I did not scorn her at all. Many people do not know what it's like until they try it.  I was one of those people. 

We had walked down all the steps of the podium and were now walking to the right side of the church. I had also gotten a bag of rice, and I told her I would give her some of what I had left. She had chicken and I had beef. 

When I said that she spoke and said don't give me anything. You only have a little bit left, keep it for yourself. At first I was sad I, but then I realized that the devil was trying stop me from doing what was right. So I  gave it to her anyway. She thank me with a big smile, and with a big smile I said,  you're welcome. and left to attend to things at the table where some of the mothers of the church sitting. 

Then I heard the man sitting in the highest seat call my name. I turned around and stepped a little higher and looked up at him. I thought that perhaps he was dying or something, but he was not. He was shaking his head, and called my name at least two more times. A couple of the mothers that were up front on the same side decided to go and find me, but another group of mothers who were up front with me said, she is right here, then others said, there she is . He said i need you to do this now. There is no one else who can do this, you are the only one. I didn't know then, and still don't know what I was to do, but I said in my spirit, I hope I don't have to sing, because I can't sing. I called for my cousin and he came from the left side of the room without hesitation. Before he could get to the front I started singing, don't let him pass you by. My cousin and one or two started singing a worship song, but it had a little bit more to it. 

I said, no, stop, this is not what the people need, then I started to sing the song, don't let him (Jesus) pass you by and I could feel the Holy Spirit moving. People were crying out to God and lifted their hands into the air. 

There was a change in the atmosphere. My cousin said you are right we don't need to sing that song, you are singing the right one, then he and the other two started to back me up. Then I saw two men on the left side of the room holding on to something in between then. I was trying to see what they were holding, but could not tell what it was. 

I do not remember clearly seeing either of men or the thing they were holding, but  both of them smiled and nodded their heads, and one of them pointed at me. 

It was as if two of  God's angels had come to say, well done. They were still smiling as they looked at the people, and the anointing was flowing through out the entire church/sanctuary.


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Tikia's Dream of Demons - Part 2

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