"Tara's Dream
       of the Rapture"       

In may 2016 I dreamt that a huge dyson sphere landed in the sea. 

I'm in the UK, and noticed that it was in an area abroad. It was red and grey with a big raised sphere in the middle. It caused 3 tidal waves, the 3rd being the worst.

People in Space Suits

Then God took me to a field where workers in space suits were trying to gather the people together. When a lady in a space suit came to help me I told her to help someone else. I was in a big field, and the sky was red and orange, and I was running. I looked behind me and saw a big fire ball entering the earth, but when I turned back around it went blank. 

Suddenly, I started to rise out of the darkness, and for the second time in my life I heard the voice of God. He said, "I'm coming for you!"

I'm Coming For You

The grass passed by my face as though I had been underground. Then I was staring at the sky where the sound of His voice was coming from.

A woman to the right of me, dressed in white, was also  rising, as was a man to my left wearing orange and blue, and a few in the distance were rising from the ground, and we were all staring at the sky. 

Suddenly, there was a massive roar and the sky ripped open.  The orange gas clouds got sucked out of the atmosphere, and everyone started rising up towards the opening. We were all in a standing position, not tumbling or hurtling uncontrollably. 

God had been reassuring me the whole time, telling me, "its okay, everything is going to be alright. Don't be scared, you will soon be with lord Jesus Christ, it won't hurt." I was trying to dive in the air to look for my daughter, so I asked God where she was, and He told me not to worry,  she was ahead of me.

We will soon be with the Lord 

The lady in white who rose next to me looked horrified, so I held her close and repeated what God had said me, "it wont be long now, we will soon be with Lord, and its not going to hurt!" Then, when I was about to reach God,  I woke.

Two nights before this dream He had shown me a planet that looked like a big black cloud, passing between the earth and moon, emitting bolts of lightening that were striking the earth.

I've had many dreams but this one was the most moving.

Tara: United Kingdom

(A dyson sphere is a hypothetical mega structure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its power output, Wikipedia)

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Tara's Dream of the Rapture

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