"Spiritual Understanding is of the Holy Spirit"

Principles of Bible Study

God’s Word is the only authentic revelation of God’s will. 

God reveals His heart and grace in His Word. 

God delivers all the life and power there is in the Word into the heart and being of His child. 

The Word of God is a living power. It carries a divine quickening power in it. The life of God dwells in His Words. He is in and with His Word. 

Only God Himself can, and most assuredly will be the interpreter of His Word. Spiritual understanding of spiritual things can only come from the Holy Spirit Who dwells in my heart. 

The Word works out His richest purpose as it fills me with the reverence and dependence that comes from the divine presence and nearness. The Spirit, Who is in me, reveals the spiritual meaning and power of the Word. Let God teach me. Hear Him speak to me by His Word, all day, every day. 

My Position in Christ

As I approach my Father, I have full consciousness of who I am by the Word and the Spirit of God – 

1. I am in Christ, and my life is hidden with Christ in God. 

2. In Christ, I died to sin and the world. I am no longer in the world or conformed to the world. I am separated from the world and delivered from its power of sin and death. I live unto God. I can freely come to God and claim and receive all the divine life that is hidden away in Him. 

I tell God this is what I am – in holy reverence and humility. I seek and expect nothing less than grace to live the hidden life of heaven here on earth. I confess/claim – Christ is my life – He lives in me, moment by moment throughout the day – He fills my heart – my indwelling friend and Lord. Who am I? “I live in Christ, and Christ lives in me” “You alone Lord can make me know and be all that truly means.” 

** I come as one who desires, who seeks, to be prepared to live the life of Christ today on earth, to translate His hidden, heavenly glory into the language of daily life. As Christ lived on earth only to do the will of God, it is my great desire to stand perfect and complete in all His will. My ignorance of that will is very great. My power to do His will is even greater, and yet I come to God as one who must not compromise, as one who in all honesty accepts the high calling of living out fully the will of God in all things. 

This desire brings me to the prayer closet. As I think of all my failures in fulfilling God’s will, as I look ahead to all the temptations and dangers that await me, I can say to God – “I come to claim the life hid in Christ,” that I may live for Christ. I cannot be content without the quiet assurance that God will go with me and bless me

Thank You, Father. I receive all this because my Father Who raised Christ from the dead and then set him at His right hand has also raised me with Him and given me the Spirit of the glory of His Son in my heart. A life in Christ, given up to know and do all God’s will, in the life God Himself wants in me, and He will work and maintain increasingly in me by the Holy Spirit. He does this each day with a fresh anointing. I accept this with thanks and praise God, my Father. It is the strength in my heart, both in going in before God and going out with Him to the world. 

Brian McMichan

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Spiritual Understanding

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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