I am glad i found this forum because i have been having visions for a very long time and just recently i started putting the pieces of the puzzle together and wondered that all the different visions i have had over a number of years are being given to me to prepare me of what is to come, the rapture. They all involve me and not my family
This is a period where i had just started going to church for the first time and was praying a lot.
At this time i was living in Illinois with my parents and brother. The city was several hours away from Chicago and had only farm land. It is important to emphasize this because at the time i had this dream i was living in a rural community and not in an urban community.
So in the dream, i find myself in a big city in the midst of a very large crowd, perhaps inside a train/subway station or a similar location. I was walking and all of a sudden, it gets dark, i see and her people running in all sorts of directions, screaming and pulling their hair. There is clearly fear and chaos in the street. Suddenly, i hear a very loud and commanding voice: Telepathically i ask, what is going on: The voice says that 1/3 of the world will be destroyed. Then the voice said: Don't worry. You will be okay!
A year later i moved to NYC, a very urban area with large crowds. In the beginning i used to think this was a vision of 911 but now i think it is still part of a larger vision.
I switched beds with my brother that night because i felt his bed was more comfortable (i used to sleep in the couch in the living room). This is when the lord spoke to me. i had been working long hours in the factory, 12 hours shifts and was very tired and wanted a good night sleep. Well, that night i had no other dreams but one very real contact with the lord. I was in a very deep sleep, when i heard a very strong commanding voice (the voice could be compared to an archangel voice, very earth shattering). The voice commanded me to get up. My tired body responded and immediately got up. The voice then commanded me to look outside the window. The bedroom i slept that night had a small window. Outside that window was a tree and there were several private houses and a neighboring building, all in a small distance. Well, when the voice told me to look out the window,i saw no tree or houses or buildings. The window and its frame melted away as if the room opened into the sky. Not just a regular sky, but the most beautiful rainbow of colors. Colors that dont even exist to us, so many many colors and so much light and warmth. At the same time that i was being mesmerized looking at this light and bright beautiful colors, i was hearing angelic music playing in my ears and my whole being was filled with sooooo much love, It felt like the heavens open up. In those moments i felt no worry, no pain, no sorrow, no fear. I felt like i came back home, where i belonged with the lord.
I felt so overwhelmed with joy and love and i said out-loud, God i know its you. I love you.
Then i fell my body getting tired so i went back to sleep. I woke up in the morning and i started crying out of joy because i felt it was not a dream or a vision but it was a real experience.
I dreamt that i was lifted way up in the sky, the height of a satellite and i was looking down on our beautiful planet earth. I felt very comfortable in the air as if i had wings and i could maneuver sitting up on air. All of a sudden, i see a very big ball of fire from the sky, with a tale, fall down on earth, to be exact in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, lighting up the sea on fire and creating a very big tsunami and all of the countries that surrounded the sea where engulfed in it and disappeared. The earth was being destroyed and i felt i was not going back to that place and i was saved just moments before this travesty on humanity could happen
Rovihaj: United States
Rovihaj's Christian Dreams and Visions
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802