Rapture dream:
In my dream, I woke up like anyone would if
the light was suddenly turned on when it hits your eye lids. Even
though it was 1 am on the clock, the window blinds were
brightly lit, and so was the room as if it were 10 am. Squinting, I
decided to open the blinds/window and the sun that had looked so
different in the distance,now emitted a different type of ray. I
immediately knew this was the rapture. Jesus was back, but
I had not gone up with the rest. I was still here, and deeply
regretting it.
United States
had a dream that I was riding in the car with my sister in law and my
husband and as we were driving down the street the rapture started to
happen. And as I looked around I happen to see an older couple maybe
in their late 50s to early 60s ascend into the sky. I then turn to
look at my husband and sister in law they too ascended into the sky.
Then I found myself worried if my children were okay so tried to rush
to where they were at (home I'm guessing) just to find that they to
had ascended into the light filled sky. But I myself had been left
a wonderful dream. Thanks for beautiful message too.
this year i had similar dream twice. Both of the dreams are about
rapture . I have seen somewhere in the day light the
sky began to darken like night and people all
over walking wondering ,and i saw some flashes coming from sky n
taking humans in glimpse of an eye ,so fast and im trying to search
my family,but i felt that flash strike me too .
2nd dream also similar ,there is huge chaos in the streets and people
are confused ,and sky becomes dark and i realised and there is sound
of horn i think and i realised He is coming so i took my family to
church and there at once people are lifted up....
really felt the presence of holy spirit in these dreams and i
realised God is telling me to be ready and to preach the gospel to
all need to be ready,don't get caught up with worldly pleasures,Jesus
is coming .... I'm not the only one who dreaming, lots of people
Jesus warning us.
Be prepared my friends and pray for
me too.
morning i had a dream of the rapture....earlier in my dream...its
like God had told me that at that very day he is gonna i
sought a man of God to pray for me in order for me to go to heaven
when am clean...i then saw very bright round shaped balls in the
sky...i then knew that the Lord had indeed there were lots
of people ascending but when it came to me....i was taken up then
brought back down....i remained on earth and people were beaten by
the devils agents....i was terrified...what could this possibly
mean??? and in my dream....i couldn't believe that
the Messiah had really i took one of
the newspapers and saw that the date read 7th but could not
remember the year or month.
United States
Hello, I had a dream a few days
after an almost 7 day fast. The dream is very unclear to me, so I
only have pieces that I remember. \
So I dreamt that I saw a ball
of light coming from the sky or heavens, and I, as well as some other
people I didn't know, seemed to have known for a fact, that it was
Jesus coming. I remember the happiness, joy, and peace I felt when I
saw this light.
Then, immediately we felt the Lord's
presents among us. A voice spoke to me but I can't remember exactly
what he said, but it was something like, "not yet, or not yet to
come," or something like that.
Although I knew he
wasn't forsaking me or anything, I remember feeling sad.
anyways, I can't stop thinking about that dream and I am overly
curious to know something or anything about what this dream means, or
if it's a dream to hold on to and remember at all.
United States
I was shocked by how close these dreams are to the one I just had.
what had happened was that I was in a car with my new born son and
going down the highway. It was some time in the night. All of a
sudden everything became really quiet, and then the rapture happened.
Another person and I were looking around and we could see
people in a bright light being taken away. There was the feel
of an awesome raw power like no other I had ever known. Although
the light was shining on me I did not get taken up like the
Just before I woke up I saw a sheet of paper with my
family's last name on it. Please tell me, what does this all mean?
New Zealand
About My Dreams: I
think it's important to say, for anyone else reading these dreams,
that I myself was able to understand what they meant.
know when you have that 'feeling' of the Holy Spirit, that a thing is
from the Holy Spirit. I remain open minded, that my dreams may
not have been from God, but I think most probably they are.
main point is, I needed a kick up the bum to get me to sit up and
realise the rapture may be soon, and that if I don't walk the narrow
path, I will be left behind.
But, I am not fixating on the fact
that the rapture may be soon (it may not be, it may not happen it our
life time). But I am fixating on the need to be ready, everyday, in
case it does happen soon.
It doesn't matter how near or far
away it is. I will still be judged on how I lived, and I must make
sure my name is in the book of life. Therefore I must try hard to
cultivate a real and tangible relationship with the living God.
find when I am absolutely honest with myself, and clear out all sin
from my life, like a perfectionist, going for absolute 100%
devotion to Christ, is when things start happening spiritually. And
it seems so very hard to give up things like drinking and sexual
immorality, but you must deal harshly with things that cause you to
sin, and block your relationship with God.
Second Dream:
dream was a few months back, when I had just renewed my relationship
with God.
The rapture happened, I was in my car driving. I
felt my soul trying to leave my body. I was being pulled out of my
body. And I remember the thought, 'this is what the rapture will be
like'. I felt it very vividly.
I was given this dream after a
challenging day
South Africa
a dream, preparing for women function for the church. We were busy as
women with deco and the rapture happened. Two ladies were taken up
and left us and we were left behind. We were worried why we were left
behind. Suddenly the other lady came backand when we ask about the
other she just said she was asked to come to work urgently. We could
see that she was not telling the truth, she just made us to relax.
what does this dream mean
had a rapture dream this morning 29/03/2016. i was in a story
building, had the trumpet sound then i went to take a look i saw the
stars receding,the sky opened i knew it was rapture so i closed my
eyes and began to pray though people around could not here the sound.
I noticed i was floating upward still with my eyes closed
by the time i opened my eyes, i was in the cloud it was bright
and sharp,no dirt its more perfect then the earth day. I saw
beings floating too some with white beard, still i was
afraid. i noticed i held unto a being tightly then we left there
to a big building inside were people waiting to receive their
price the floor of the room was almost covered with
pure white clouds bobs. white horses were brought out by beings
from the upper room to the hall of this building to those who are
waiting for there rewards the pillar of this room was of gold i
held tightly to this being in fear then came back to share the
experience to others in this same dream. God have on me cant miss
heaven for anything
dreamed a big cross full out of the sky. We was saying please don't
let it hit us it bounced up and my twin sister jumped on the bottom
and someone else jumped on it and it was going back up and the other
person told Wanda to let go. She fell off from way up
and I ran to go see and everyone in the streets was praying and
running saying god is coming.
dreamed about people next to me and all around me been lifted to
heaven so I started praying then I was stated to lifted towards
heaven what does it mean
United States
had a dream about the rapture. At the time I was just a spiritual
infant and had no idea of prophecy etc. But In the dream, I was going
at college/work (I'm not sure) in an environment I've seen all the
time, Like a weekly routine. I was looking at a familiar
building and the horizon I'd seen countless times before. Then
I noticed the sky had opened up and the entire area with all its
people and activity completely stopped. In the sky opening was a man,
just standing there smiling. He was so peaceful and graceful just
being there. I somehow knew who he was and I didn't have to say it. I
knew what was happening. The opening was so beautiful, so High def,
it was like seeing a sunrise from all angles and all distances.
Suddenly the complete stillness was gone as massive winged being
began flying everywhere. I'd estimate their height at 20 feet tall.
They were brown, with eyes all over them. It was like they were just
4 wings attached to a body. One landed in front of me, shaking the
ground and kicking up dust as everyone ran in terror and confusion.
The dream was over. Later in my walk with God, I learned about the
rapture, the seraphim, cherubim angels etc, and eschatology. I had no
idea what I was dreaming until years later.
United States
my dream, I am leaving work with my coworkers early around 310 PM
which is unusual. When we are outside, I hear a long and loud trumpet
horn. I immediately know that Jesus is coming back. I also somehow
know that everyone on Earth knows this too. It doesn't matter
if your Athiest, Christian, Muslim, or whatever, you know. I have
this incredible overwhelming feeling knowing that this is the return
of Jesus and all of my worries about money and everyday life no
longer have any meaning. I immediately kneel on one knee and bow my
head. I look up at the sky and the clouds are pulling together. A
bright sphere similar to the Sun appears in between the clouds. It
becomes larger and closer the longer I look at it, and then I wake
up. When I wake up, I look on the internet for the trumpet sound I
heard from my dream. It is from a shofar(a ram's horn). I have NEVER
heard this sound and I have never heard of a shofar before this
dream. This dream happened six years ago and I still think about it
to this day. God bless.
United States
my dream I was taken to heaven and I found myself surrounded by
angels who brought me to a big temple look alike to a church made of
gold; when I was guided in I noticed the church was full &
painted with stunning frescoes/ paintings particularly in the
ceiling. I noticed there was people like me sitting in benches and
angels floating around us. I sat in the last row and noticed a high
priest in white robe preaching to us, the audience. I got up to go to
a lounge room and when I headed back the audience was gone and I felt
fear so I was brought back by awakening sometime 1:30am
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Mar 10, 25 12:51 PM
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802