United States
had a series of rapture dreams and of the great tribulation. The
first dream was that I was awaiting the delivery of child at a local
hospital w family.
The sky was darkened and filled w
clouds, it began to rain blood, and I sensed Jesus was returning. In
the dream I began to plead w my family to accept Christ with
As I pleaded, i looked out the window and heard
a loud sound greater than the loudest thunder. Jesus was in the sky
coming on a cloud.i also saw a winged creature, similar to a leopard
with 3 sets of wings.
the rapture i saw the decimation of the land, the sky was no longer
recognizable, stars had fallen and it looked like several low lying
moons? The sky was neither light nor dark but dusk continually, the
land stripped bare with many wide open spaces and few houses.
saw the torment of the people left behind without the mark of the
beast. Men, women, children slaughtered, burned alive and constantly
in fear, running from a military force dressed in all black with
black tanks crushing through safe houses, killing many w utter
disregard and cruelty. My heart was deeply overwhelmed as i saw a few
people i know personally
When i awoke i fell to my face, praising God for hours continuously, in tongues.
United States
I had prayed to god to reveal to me anything he
wants me to know. I had a dream of the rapture. I didn't necessarily
'see' jesus. I guess he used my brother to represent himself probably
for my own good. I saw something like the judgement seat of Christ.
But I don't remember much more. I didn't see heaven. I wasn't in hell
either as I wasn't suffering. I saw my name in the book. But he
crossed it off. But I was not condemned. Perhaps it was a warning of
the real thing.
United States
Hey everybody. last night 12/12/14 I had a dream
unlike any other I have ever had. I don't remember a lot of it but
here is the parts I remember.
I was at my little cabin we
have on our land (not sure why I was there), when all of the sudden
there is a big b000m that felt very real, and I appeared out in a
field somewhere. (after the boom its almost like i woke up in a gut
busting fear.)
I went back to sleep and the dream continued,
in the field was a lot of people, and as I remember, they looked
really mean!
Was the boom i heard in my dream the rapture
taking place? I feel this dream was not an ordinary dream because it
wont leave my mind. I hope God sends me more so it will make since
and I can share it.
United States
"The Rapture - A Dream within a Dream"
had a dream back in 2009 concerning the Day of the Lord, it was so
terrifying, the sky turned black and stars were falling from the sky.
I could not escape the terror no matter where I ran. This
is when I did was an unbeliever, and I had no clue what
the dream meant at the time.
Last month, well last
week, I had a dream that I had turned back to my old lifestyle. I
was cheating on my husband, drinking, partyin,g and I had
a very vulgar tattoo on my chest.
In the
dream, I was a security guard at a convenient store. While patrolling
the grounds, I fell asleep outside. I woke up and saw many moons.
I was aware I was dreaming. Since I had a dream the week
before with many moons and a blood moon I wanted to make
sure that I counted these. I counted five moons.
I was
happy to have counted them, but then the clouds moved out of the way
and they were everywhere. The moons changed their
appearance and were now glorified bodies being raptured.
I thought to myself, the Lord must be showing me the rapture. Then
the bodies began moving, and I got fearful.
begged and pleaded with the Lord to take me with him. I
repented and told him I was not worthy, and I was late, but
to please not leave me here.
That’s when a tunnel
appeared. It was colorful, and looked like it had stars the entire
length. I ascended through the tunnel to Heaven. I saw
what appeared to be God or Jesus. He was about five or 6 stories
and very wide. He appeared to be, pure Gold.
had no control of my body and just floated right through
heaven and to the 1st heavens (the sky). It was
as if the
Lord was giving me a tour. I saw mountains, oceans, and much beauty.
I told the Lord he was amazing and that his work was
Then I awoke telling my husband
about what I has seen. I told my grandmother, but she did not believe
me. I
got off my work shift to head home, and that is when
I really woke up. A dream within the dream.
Lord is returning soon, and he is calling his people to repentance.
Thinking that I was going to be left was the worst feeling
God bless
Bonny: United States
recently had a vision, not a dream about the rapture. But it was
peaceful, it was about an airliner. This large jet, was sitting on
top of a large body of water, it was nighttime. These entities, they
were like white misty beings, coming out of the plane. I don't know,
but it was very impactful and upsetting.
Allen: United
Tonight I also had a dream of the rapture to come, but
more than that in my dream I saw the judgment of God fall upon those
who were left here. I felt the weight of Gods judgment and their
eternal damnation. I saw people being herded onto buses being driven
to the pit to be cast in. I saw the hopelessness on their faces. I
saw the pit where they were being placed. Time is short and fast
approaching the rapture i do believe. God have mercy on us and tary a
little longer that we may warn people of the wrath to
Sontinish: United States
Recently I had a
dream about what I think was a rapture. In my dream, our fate was
determined by horses. if you had a white horse you were going to
heaven and you began to float up into heaven and if you had a Black
horse you were going to hell. I;m not sure what my dream means but
I'm pretty sure its a sign from the Lord. I would consider myself a
Christian because i go to church and i pray when I can but its so
hard for me to talk to the Lord because I've always been judged by
the things I do, and I feel like God wouldn't want to hear what I
Have to say. Trust me I fear God and I love him! but I am so scared
to talk to him and its so hard to stop cursing and stop smoking. I'm
trying but not hard enough I need to push myself harder and focus and
put him first because he is worthy to be praised!
had a dreamed that I saw Jesus in the form of a man, on a cross like
a cloud, crucified. He raised and pointed His left hand at the cross,
and pointed his right hand to beyond the clouds. About 15 people were
coming out of the cloud, and lined up side by side.
I ran to get a
bible and to tell my mother that Jesus is back, and she told me
she already knew.., (she has been dead for 9yrs).
So I got
the holy Bible and tried to read, and I Saw Jesus on Every page.
of the ladies told me to, come on, there is no reason to hide, this
is end.
I was dead, but alive in judgement.
This is
my dream this morning. I believe the world will end soon
It was the most terrifying dream ever: "I was at
the top floor with all of my family members. The sky was grey, and
there was no sun or moon to be seen. It looked exactly as though it
was about to rain. it was not raining actually, but the sky was
We all knew the rapture was going to happen. I quickly
asked the people around me for their forgiveness for all the things
I've had done wrong.
Then I prayed, asking for
forgiveness. After I was done praying, I was quite nervous, for
fear I might be the only one left behind."
Then, to my expectation, the others vanished. I stood there alone. I was left behind. I would rather die than see this in reality.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Mar 10, 25 12:51 PM
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802