"My Rapture Dream"
By Antoinette

Rapture Dream by Antoinette:
Interpretation by Carolyn:

Lately I have had the same vivid dreams. I was raised believing in the rapture, and knowing that Jesus would return the same as He left. Now many times when I had rapture dreams, I was being whisked away in the clouds with many other believers. 

That was of the mind of an innocent young girl who hasn't experienced our world yet, or the times we live in today. I'm 52 now, and know we live in a world of debauchery and sin. Now my dreams are so vivid and loud that when I wake up,I feel as it has just happened. The strange thing is that the same dream recurs many times the same way.

Here is the dream:
I'm driving across a bridge towards a big city with very tall buildings, and there is an ocean under me. All at once I see a huge tidal wave hitting the city, destroying the buildings, windows being blown out by the rush of high waves and water, everything turns dark, and there is so much chaos.

Then I hear a great loud voice with the sound of a trumpet, and there far in on top of the ocean, is Jesus with 2 archangels on each side. Jesus is so bright you can barely see his face, and so large is the silhouette that the world can see Him. The angels were as tall as he, bearing swords on their sides. Jesus says, "I am He, I have returned for my faithful servants." 

All at once believers are taken, and chaos breaks out all over. Earth quakes, tidal waves, volcanos, car accidents, people begin destroying each other. Those left behind that are still innocent without knowledge of Jesus fighting off those who have denied Him. Battle lines drawn on goodand evil.

Poverty everywhere, no electricity, hunger, etc. One side good, the other evil preparing for battle. Those who know Jesus are telling everyone to, "Accept Jesus and you will be set free."

I wake up so shaken because I can see and feel everything as I have just been there. These dreams have been coming stronger and stronger, more detailed than the next for the past 4 years.

Last night I actually recognized those left behind, seeking the truth yet still in denial. Family members left hehind because of their sinful lives. These experiences are so real. Does anyone have anything similar??

Antoinette: United States

Antoinette's Dream Interpreted by Carolyn

Carolyn: Canada
Hello Antoinette, Most people think their dreams are literal but the fact of the matter is that our dreams are symbolic and about ourselves. Most Christians do not understand their dreams because they do not understand that God speaks to us through symbolism and parables Just like Jesus did when He was here on earth, and just as He does all through the bible.

In order to understand dreams, we need to understand prophetic symbolism. If you or any other Christian would like to learn how to interpret dreams for free, please join us at this FREE Christian dream learning forum: http://papagodsdreaminterps.freeforums.net - we love to help train and teach those who want to learn!

It is important to remember that the PEOPLE in your dreams are also symbolic and not literal -- so be careful to not go out and tell people they're going to be left behind at the rapture. That is a big no no and mistake some dreamers make. This dream may not yet have come to pass as most dreams/visions of this nature from God take years to manifest.

Regardless, here is what the Lord is saying..... During a time in your life when it seems like "all hell" has broken loose and you are feeling like your life is in a crises, the Lord is going to bring a great revival and spiritual awakening to you.

Tidal waves speak of feeling like you may be completely overwhelmed or overcome... and earthquakes speak of a great shaking coming to your life. But you will not be overwhelmed or overcome because God is permitting these things to happen in your life for the purpose of refining and perfecting you.

That's what this dream is all about = It's about bringing you into a greater relationship and higher spiritual place with Him. Heb 12:26-27 [nasb] "And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, "YET ONCE MORE I WILL SHAKE NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO THE HEAVEN."

This expression, "Yet once more," denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain." When God does a shaking in our lives it is done to refine us in His refining fire.

It's usually not a pleasant experience but God permits it because it is through difficulties that we learn obedience to God, just as Jesus did. During these shakings, unhealthy things are removed from our lives.

Experiencing a rapture in dreams & visions is simply symbolic for God bringing you up higher in Him. There is going to be a great battle in your life as God separates the areas of your heart that are already redeemed and belong to Him from the areas of your heart which refuse to be redeemed.

ALL Christians have areas of the heart which are still sinful - This is because sanctification is a process that takes a lot of time. If our hearts were already fully sanctified, we would be perfect, but we are not perfect because it is a battle between our redeemed spirit and our flesh to become what God wants (this is depicted in your dream as the battle that is getting ready to happen in your life).

The other parallel is that the people who are unsaved in your dream symbolize the unredeemed areas of your heart -- These areas need God's cleansing and refining touch and healing. If, however, those areas of the heart refuse to submit to God, they will be left behind - and that is good news for you! - Basically God is promising to get rid of the areas of your life/heart which are of no use to you in a higher walk with Him!

The word "rapture" means ‘to be caught up in ecstacy’ -- The real word for rapture is actually ‘translation’ which means a sudden change of location and being moved from one place spiritually to another. "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." - Rom 5:1-5

"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth" - Rev 3:10,   Be blessed! 

Carolyn Papa's Dream Forum 

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