Eric's Mysterious Dream
Jesus and Demons

Kimvenley: United States

A vision of a woman with her back to me with black shoulders.

Eric's Mysterious Dream:
My daughter's mother had just left me. I went from her dream guy to being selfish, self-righteous, jealous and possessive. Although I loved and still love this woman very much I cannot blame her, I had lost my way with her and more importantly with God.

She gave me a list of things I needed to work on in order to show her I loved her, our daughter and our little family. Because I loved them, so much I embarked on my long journey to gain back what I had lost. Many months later after I had made some positive progress I had talked to her about making it work. She informed that she was proud of the progress I had made but we would not be getting back together. This was devastating to me and I felt I had worked for nothing and I had lost what meant the world to me. I was lost, did not know what to do or where to turn.

I was depressed and cried myself to sleep that night. When my dream had started, I was in a cave, a pitch-black deathly quite cave that had no exit or sign of light that I could see. I started to have a minor anxiety attack and started to walk to seek a way out or to wake up. As I was trying to figure this out, I thought I had heard something. The noise and the voices started getting closer. I was scared and I had started to run but felt like I was going nowhere. 

 Although it was dark, I could start to see shadows and Freddy Kruger like hands coming toward me. As they got closer and closer I was getting more terrified and started praying. I asked God to save me from these demons or to wake me up from this dream because I did not want to die or be scared any more. 

After I was done praying, I had started to see a light at the end of this terrifying cave and I thought my prayer had been answered. As I reached the end and exited the cave the only vision I had seen was a ledge of the mountain that led nowhere. I then stepped to the edge of the mountain, got down on my knees and started to pray again. I was certain it was not going to end well because the demon figures were almost to me. 

As I was coming to the terms with my demise, I had felt a new presence. I stood up and turned around, and there stood Jesus in between the demons and me. He was holding them at bay, turned to me, and asked, "Do you trust me?" 

Without hesitation, I said, "Yes.” I saw a tear roll down his cheek and in a flash he grabbed me and we hurled off the ledge of the mountain. I was not worried and I felt safe, and all of a sudden, I woke up. God is mysterious and God is great

Eric: United States

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