Driving my car down a long, lone highway, as if in a desert, it is a sunny day. A friend is riding along. Nothing to see on either side but plants, small growth, as far as the eye can see. It's a long straight road.
Then the sky opens and golden light pours out, a substance like golden yellow paint, a supernatural effect. I stopped the car in amazement. I said, 'This can only be God.' He was acknowledged in this dream with respect.
We got out of the car to the right. There appeared a crowd of people, now, waiting in a line, out of nowhere. My friend followed suit and got into place. I get in line, too, with the others. The people walk into a fence gate, like at a ball game, but it is quiet, no fanfare, no speaking. Quiet dream.
Walking along and forward, there is a person at the gate. I see an older lady. Single file we all pass inside. No one speaks. A little curious, I must confirm my feelings of God and the supernatural. At the gate, I stop. Question it. Question the lady who is allowing us in the Gate.
Here goes. 'Are you an angel?'
She doesn't answer that, yet she proclaims, 'Your name will be Elizabeth.'
I woke up. Amazed. Sounds like the Bible.
The next day was Sunday. I visited a church in my community. Nice. A printed bulletin is handed to each person telling the church program that day. Amazingly the front cover was the image in my dream...... oh yes. In church, I see my dream. The yellow bright sky, the long, long lonely highway, there on the front cover.
It disturbs me, that when discussing my dream with a good Christian man, and the church bulletin, he just joked it off and would not discuss it. We were at dinner, it wasn’t he the place I guess. I was disappointed. He preaches to a lot of people, friends, but had no response.
Declaring this a dream of death, or Rapture, I changed my interpretation since. It seems an invitation to join the fold again. I am a good person, a Christian. But maybe it’s a lesson of change, to stop goofing off, playing, being off task, gone on jags and tangents in life, to get serious.
I've been begging for help, to change. Recently I've had an accident which broke bones, limbs, and confidence. I'm changed from having sport fun. Fearful. Having to learn to walk. Go in a wheelchair. Handicapped parker.
I'm weaker now. I'm changed, not feisty or funny. Sickly. What have I learned?
Is this Elizabeth? Am I Elizabeth, shy, afraid, and cautious? Attitude adjustment on top of my head?
I've asked God for help the last two years. He shows up with a Bang each time...... seems like. Just saying.
We are all invited in. How do we change? Just do it. Do good.
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