Julie: Canada
My Dream, on December 6, 2013 – the dream was in colour. The house inside was light and bright. I was sitting in my breakfast nook with the back door open to let fresh air in.
I heard a breeze, then a wind and then a sudden loud strong powerful wind like a wind in a hurricane that blew the rain horizontally sideways (almost white) from the left and the trees were bowing over to the right.
I got up and went into my family room and for some reason my grandmother crossed my mind. I think she was alive in my dream. (She isn’t alive. She died back in the 80's). I walked into the living room, glanced around and there were several windows in my house, much larger than normal and I could see the powerful winds and lightning surrounding our home and the local area.
I thought for a moment about where those of us in the house could hide, (basement?); dismissed that idea and immediately determined that I would rebuke that storm!
I walk into the family room, looked out the window and a massive, very wide bolt of cloud-to-ground forked lightning struck in front of me about two acres away, very close to my neighbors house across the road. A thought came that I could die if I challenged that storm.
I decided, if I die, I die. I AM GOING TO FIGHT! Then I saw a massive grey tornado heading toward
our house, then a small one passed through the family room window. I thought, “No you don’t!” I rebuked it and it immediately dissolved.
I started proclaiming at the top of my lungs, “I claim the protection of the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ over, around, underneath and through my home,” and as I was saying this, my heart included my neighbors and their property as well. The words I spoke came out very slowly. I was preparing to rebuke the massive tornado and I awoke.
My husband put his hand on me because I was hollering out in my sleep. When I woke up, I felt the emotion of fear. I had been sleeping with mouth open. My mouth was dry. Perhaps that’s why the words I was speaking in my dream came out slowly. Looked at the clock. It was 6:00 a.m.
Could you please help with the interpretation of this dream? God bless you.
Tammie: United States
I have also had a number of dreams. I have ALWAYS felt that we were the last
generation. When I was a young child. My guardian angel took me for a visit to
Heaven where I experienced many wonderful things and met Jesus. One of the
things I had experienced was Him preaching to those in Heaven, shouting that He
is going to get their loved ones very soon.
About 10 years ago, as I was waking
up, the Lord spoke to me and said that I am seeing the first waves of His
coming. Just about three weeks ago, in a dream, He spoke again and said, "I'm
coming soon."
Yes, I believe the time, just as in Noah's day, is at hand! Woe
to those who do not heed and ignore the signs!
Shenique: United States
I had a dream that I saw Jesus face in the clouds looking straight at me &
and words the clouds spell out Jesus. Is their a meaning behind it? Or what's
your opinion on it
Tara: United States
Had a dream that I missed my stop on the bus. I was with my sister & she got
off, I kept yelling for the driver to stop but he just kept driving
Cynthia: United States
had a dream that people were wearing white come down from heaven.And then
they went back up to heaven.And I drop on my knees crying.And at the end Jesus
was behind them.And when he reached to heaven.He appeared really close to
me.And I started crying a lot.
Anna: Cyprus
Millicent:United States
I dreamed,that my cousin, son and I were walking alongside a dark road,i all of
sudden disappeared into ongoing,and incoming traffic.She screamed out my name
and my head was down I start flowing up,it was dark.I looked up. it was like I
was in a tunnel with brite lite with streak rays of red and blue as i went up I
said Jesus, Lord Jesus and I turned to look to the left.I start flowing down onto
my bed.I woke up in the dream and I ask my grandson where was his mom and I like
saw my other daughter and my friend in the spirit at home too.
Shelly: United States
I had a dream about my niece and god-brother who both passed at ages 10 and
27 and the color green but it would keep saying it in Spanish as verde. They
were both half Puerto Rican.
kristina: Malaysia
month after my friend died because of cancer i had a dream that she
back to me and asked me to go with her. I just nodded my head and
followed her. She
looks healthy and beautiful, like she never got sick before. We arrived
at a
place that was surrounded with clouds and bright light. There is no
and that place full with people that were overjoyed and smiling at each
other. We
played and chatted all day until sunset. At that time i could see the
turning into many colors, so beautiful and calming. Then suddenly
my friend ask me to leave because my time has not yet come, and i could
not stay in this place. She said i must go back. I refused because i
didn't want to
leave this beautiful place where there is only joy and no sadness. She
look at me and smiled. Then gently she push me at my chest, suddenly i
could not move
and was sucked away from that place right away. Then i woke up, and all
trouble that i left before is coming back to me...
First Response:
Hello Kristina,
I know you must have loved your friend and miss her very much. And how blessed she was to have such a friend as you.
Your dream is a clear illustration of how much God loves you. He knew you loved and missed your friend and so arranged for you to be with her again, even if for a little while, you now know that she is in a beautiful place, that she is in perfect health, cared for, and happy in every way. How fortunate that God would bless you with this beautiful dream.
Yes, life on this earth can sometimes bring much sorrow, but now, not only do you know the great life you friend is enjoying, but also what is in store for you some day when you to will enter into this beautiful place called Heaven.
Like many dreams that are from God, this experience may stay with you for the rest of your life. Years from now you will likely be able to recall the calming colors, warmth, and love you experienced in your dream.
I encourage you to allow it to be a source of healing and hope that will transform into a sense of knowledge and absolute certainty that what God's Word say's about our future is absolutely true.
It is very important for all who would want this kind of eternity to, as the Apostle Paul said, make sure of your salvation, (Phil 2:12).
Samuel Mills
Ifeoma: United Kingdom
The year 2012 I saw heaven. What I saw and felt is amazing and I cannot put
on words the volume of what I saw because it still remains vague in my memory.
I can't say for certain it is a feeling of so much joy and happiness. My
physical body could not contain it and I felt I was almost going to bust open
because I couldn't contain my joy of seeing heaven. I also felt a powerful
amount of light flooding into me and around me. I was in a state of worship,
praise and I felt God's presence just around the corner. I can say for certain
I was not the only one there ,a few other people were around me and although I
wasn't paying much attention to them, I know we were all praising God in one
accord. I can also say I wasn't in heaven per say but I was standing in
heaven's gate. One thing was certain for sure, I felt the need to settle all my
account here on earth and go into heaven to be with God, because I felt to
happy to be there. The one thing for sure I will say is heaven is light and the
best way I can describe it is as if it's a ray of sunshine burning away all
your depression, anger, e.t.c and pouring into your soul joy that never end.
God was passing me a message and telling me not to miss heaven after my life
here on earth. Ifeoma
Mark: United States
I dreamed my daughter whom I lost years ago was grown up and had a beautiful
inlaided canoe built for me at the boundary waters of Canada, and two weeks
later I dreamed of a cabin up there and I heard the Lord say " This is your
cabin in heaven" It looked like Canada to me, a place I'd love to see
Benjamin: United States
I had a dream that I was being showed heaven it was really detailed it was
golden like never ending it was like the sun was shining but there was no sun.
It was not like a city but like a planet a world all it's own.the buildings was
not like any buildings they was like chapels gold and silver chapels and they
was never ending as far as my eyes can see a horizon of chapels after another.
So can you tell me was this just a dream are was this God?because I have not
had any more since. It was so clear not like any dream I've had before.
Oluchi: Nigeria
Was going somehwhere in my dream with my sister and a friend when suddenly I
looked up to the sky and all I saw were angels up in the sky walking all over
and looked up another place in the same sky and saw a beautiful place like
heaven people where going into the place so happy.I was overwhelmed with joy
and I kept looking up and seeing angels everywhere deep in the sky. But I woke
up and don't hav an idea what the dream meant. Please explain to me. Thanks
Antoinette: United States
I had a dream I was in the church pulpit and I was going to be ministering
but as I stood there an Angel in white with a bright light laid his hands on my
head and I fell out and when I awoke, I was laying in the pulpit but there was
two dogs walking all around me I had been out from morning worship and it was
five o'clock in the evening everyone was gone except me, the first lady and a
usher, finally the bishop Pastor came back and there was a closet in the church
he was putting something in or taking something out. I went to the back of the
church to get some water and to ask the usher what happen and she said the
debt was cleared.
Maria: United States
I woke up tonight sweating and crying my eyes out. This happens often that I
will see dreams of people passing or messages from others that I never met
before but I find out later are related to me. anyway tonight I had a dream
that someone was passing and everyone knew we just didn't know when. I look up
in the sky and there is a man that apparently i know and he is beautiful. The
sky behind him is amazing and he is literally walking on clouds and he waves. I
knew that the person I knew didn't have much time he was comming to get her.
well in the dream time passed and I saw him again and she passed and again he
saved at me. Everyone was sad including myself but it was because this person
revealed himself to me. I asked him where Jesus was and the next thing I knew
Jesus appeared in the clouds as well. He didn't say anything but right when I
saw him I woke up. Never in my life have I experienced something so real I
think the man was an angel he looked too perfect to be someone here on the
Lisa: United States
I was in a hospital hallway about to go into a room where a man was lying in
the bed. I was there to pray for him. A nurse stopped me (she looked evil). She
said that I couldn't go in because he was in a coma & it wasn't visiting hours.
I said, O.K. I'll just wait then until I can go in. She asked me, "are you one
of those Baptist that is going to pray for that man"? I said well I'm going to
pray for him but I'm not Baptist. She said you can't go in & pray for him, he
is in a coma. I said, yes, I will go in & pray for him & God will raise him up!
I woke up from the dream.
Claire: Philippines
dreamed that Jesus came down from the cross and lied down in the altar.
I cried and hugged him and told the other to touch even his hand, and
when they
did they sat down and cried heavily. After a while I saw that the sea
was about
to have a tsunami, but it subsided and never happened. And when i looked
at the
sky i saw a white image/picture of Jesus like the Risen Christ fading
away, and
I waved at Him. Please tell me what it means.
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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
Mar 23, 25 02:48 PM
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802