Deborah: United States I had a dream one night that I was pregant and then I lost my baby. I criedand cried and cried. There was people around me but I did not know who theywere. I went to a man and told him I lost my baby and was screaming andcrying..
agnes: India there is fire of bullets from helicopters and am trying to save myself fromit but at the same time worried my son whom i leave in creche but at safehands.
Jane: Philippines Airplanes are crushing and buildings are burned out, then I was hiding in atable , then Jesus appeared in the sky and he said something that I can'tremember, then after I began to sing in the streets
Lakeesha: United: States I had a Dream about a new suv purchase
Nikki: United States i saw Jesus standing on a hill pointing at me with a smile on his face. thishappened while i was driving today and it took me by suprise. please help mefind out what this means.
Reply: Hello Nikki, I may not know the exact meaning of your dream, but since Jesus was smiling and pointing at you I believe you should expect something good! Perhaps it has something to do with an issue or problem you have been dealing with. Samuel
Corey: United States: Recently I dreamed about what I believe to be angels. While sitting on theporch of my childhood home, I observed a man walking from the beautiful bluesky. As I continued to watch, more people walked down. There were two otherpeople in whom I knew there witnessing this act. I sat explaining to them as ifI was knowledgeable of what was transpiring. At one point I noticed a starshining in the day lit sky. Once these people came down they immediately beganworking in the land and helping people around us.
VICTORIA: United States For the past week I have been having dreams about alot of death. A few of mydreams I have seen my deceased sister. The people get killed inmany different ways. I see people I havent seen in a long time. What does allof this mean?
TEEJAY: Nigeria i saw my computer loosing power and i plugged in the power cord and itstabilized; immediately thereafter i caught an insect flying towards me with myright hand; and i then saw different types of insects hanging on the wall inthe living room where i had the above experience. woke up and realized it was a dream
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, with a brief description of each. Gifts of the Spirit Fall into three Divisions: The Gifts of Revelation - The Gifts of Inspiration - The Gifts of Power.