Dorothy: United States
I was 17 at the time. I dreamed I was laying in bed when I heard screaming and car alarms going off. I walked outside and saw fire all over the place, and people were running everywhere then as I was to run over to someone I knew I heard my name being called. I looked up, and there he was Jesus on a cloud coming down he's so beautiful and bright...he grabbed my hand a lift me up on the cloud as we were heading back into the sky he told me don't worry about them were you're going they can't come then I woke up.
Borg: Malta
I have seen Jesus Christ in a dream, and I have touched his hand; this happened on April 3, 1992.
Stella: United Kingdom
I am walking in a middle eastern marketplace. The market is busy with people buying and selling at the various stalls. Everybody around me is busy. There is a lot of hustle and bustle. I am not looking or buying. I 'm simply walking straight through the market. I look and sitting down on a wooden chair is Jesus. His face is captivating, and His eyes are full of light and life. I don't want to look away...but I look around me and see all of the other people. But no one else seems to see Him. I look at Jesus again. He smiles. He places His finger to His lips...(as if to say 'ssshhhh') then He beckons me to Him with a hand gesture. I go and stand in front of Him. He's got some material folded upon His lap. Still smiling and seated. He gives me the material. I unfold it and hold it up. It's a robe. I then go on my way.
Theresa: United States
In Sept 2015 I had a triple by-pass. I am a female, 51 at the time. I did not realize I had a heart problem. When I got home, I was scared every night that I was going to die because I had many pains in my chest throughout the day. A part of me knew it was from the surgery healing, but part of me thought I was having a heart attack. Two things of significance happened that made me praise the Lord.
1. Every morning at 6 am I heard a very loud knock at my door. The sound came from directly above me as if someone strong was knocking on a door that was horizontally above me. That continued to happen at the same every morning for a few weeks. I thought for sure it was The Lord Jesus or my angels, keeping me free from harm by not rolling over the wrong way when waking up. It was comforting.
2. One morning I woke up and saw in my bedroom doorway a large cloud that was in the shape of a large outstretched arm, a very muscular strong arm with a very large hand. The outstretched arm started to appear at the entrance of the doorway which was about three feet away, and I quickly saw it coming towards me. I thought for sure it was Jesus coming to take me. I was frightened at the thought of having to leave so soon from this earth but comforted knowing what I believed to be Jesus's hand. This large arm immediately retracted as it was about one foot in front of me when it approached. It was like watching "I dream of Jeanie" when she goes back into the bottle. Picture an invisible bottle at the threshold of my door. The arm retracted and disappeared. I believe the Lord was going to take me but saw I was afraid and decided not to take me at that time.
Evelyn: Australia
I had a dream that I was walking across a green field, to my right was a white picket fence, on the other side was Jesus, in His white robes, He had brown hair and looked so familiar. My thoughts went to Him that I need to be with Him. He read my thoughts and told me by way of His thoughts that it is not my time to be with Him yet and sadly I awoke, but very much comforted by His appearance in my dream.
Karina: United States
I am a single mother of 3, I had gone through a long break up, and that night I fell asleep exhausted and sad.... upon falling asleep I felt my body go thru a sleep paralysis. I envisioned my room, my bed, the door, I was also crying in my sleep. I see a bright white light come in through my door, as it got closer I see that it’s Jesus walking towards my bed, he sat beside me and reassured me that everything was going to be ok. At that moment I felt an immense relief throughout my entire mind and body. He then slowly stood up and walked out the door, the light grew dim and as he disappeared the room went back to pitch black. I finally snapped out of my sleep paralysis and chills ran down my arms, the dream felt so real, I got up feeling relieved of my pain and fears knowing that I had felt and seen Jesus that night.
Linda: United States
July 19, 2018, I had a dream of Jesus. I saw his face. He was looking at me but didn't say anything.
Rumbi: United Kingdom
Today 16/7/2018 after my night shift, I prayed before going to bed. I had an amazing dream about Jesus. We were like out in a big city with my sister, and I heard many people shouting looking up in the sky saying.. this is it! We looked up in the sky I saw a hand of Jesus writing on clouds in a language I couldn’t read but people who were surrounding me they were saying it means..” Jesus is coming again!” Below that sentence, Jesus wrote in English that “read 1st three books of the Old Testament”. Below he signed in a very beautiful amazing handwriting his name like~~ Jesus~~ it was just beautiful.
I was so tired when I went to bed after that dream I woke up writing down all that I’ve also seen surprised that I only slept like for an hour and a half but I was feeling so refreshed so happy with a pretty smile on my face.
Joe: United States
I was on a battleship during WW2, docked in a port when Japanese planes attacked. The ship was bombed and was sinking rapidly. In was under water sinking quickly reaching for a handle on a post connected to the dock. I realized I was doomed not being able to take hold of the handle that would surely save me from drowning, Then a hand appears from my left side, grabs my wrist and places my hand on the handle. I looked to my left, and it was Jesus! He had a look of comfort in his eyes as he put my hand on the handle. I grasped the handle with all my might and pulled myself to safety , I awoke after that moment confused, yet with a feeling of satisfaction and of ease, I'm a religious person, a Christian from a young age, however, to my knowledge this is my first dream of Christ.
Lori: Canada
Before bed last night I prayed thanks for all of the blessings in my life. I then dreamed that I was finishing my shift at a horrible job where I was working myself to the bone and being treated very poorly. When I went to get in my car, it turned into a white station wagon, and my fiance and three other passengers were inside telling me to hurry up and drive. As I was driving, I asked him where we are going. He said to look out your window you will see the sign. As soon as I did, I saw up in the sky a perfect vision of Jesus, and I asked him where he was taking us. He said come with me my chosen ones. It is soon time for my final sacrifice. I cried and said I don't think I can do this! And he said you could and you will otherwise you will be part of this sacrifice. Then I woke up!
Chrisboy: Philippines
I saw Jesus faces formed into the clouds very clear. Very colorful. And it's big. I think it's almost 1-2 minutes staying in my dream. What is that mean? Thank you, and God bless you.
Amanda: United States
July 12, 2018, I had a dream I was looking up to the sky and was opening like a portal and started to get wider and I started seeing 3 crosses in the ground, and then I saw Jesus walking with a big cross behind his back then angels behind him following him then I woke up
Brittany: United Statess
It was raining, and I’m a field I saw Jesus and 23 angels on each side of him, standing very uniform. He then spoke to me and said, the devil is around and pinpoints your anger. Don’t have such weakness. Jesus was talking to me in a very loud rumbling voice, and I didn’t understand. But when he disappeared the sky healed itself where it had been torn.
Erica: United States
One night I was a little frightened, and I thought someone might harm me. I couldn't fall asleep. I saw a shadow on me was as I lay in bed in the dark in the shape of a muscular man right next to my door. I was so scared, but then I thought it’s Gods shadow. It was like a guard at my door. It would not move. It WASNT like a coat or something reflecting in my room I had been praying and praying day and night for his protection. I went to bed and was awakened by a dream of a black man with a beard and long wavy hair to his shoulders looking at me. I knew it was Jesus because there was a spiked crown on top of his head and his presence was so demanding.
Chisanga: United States
I started my midnight prayers today, the morning of 4th July 2018 with praise and worship for an hour. Then went into prayers til 3 am. When I went to bed, I saw heavens open, and Jesus was standing in the sky, in white surrounded by a bright light. In the sky on my right side were four celebrities in an open roof car happy. On the ground were a group of people wearing white clothes and Jesus was above them but they did not see or notice. I was a little bit away from these people, and the whole place was so nightly lit, and I was standing there looking face to face with Jesus. He was smiling and waving at me. I waved back lifting my eyes at looking above at Jesus!
I had another dream/vision of Jesus in my room last year, 2017. Again this was after spending time in prayer. This time, I was crying. He came to me, and I knelt down holding His feet, crying, saying “ I am a woman of many sorrows.” He handed me a bunch of beautiful flowers and left.
I jumped out of my bed, screaming and praising God that I had seen Jesus. Praise the Lord
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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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