United States
had this dream several years ago but I still remember it rather
clearly. I was 12 0r 13 years old. Back then I had never really heard
of Good Friday. My family is Christian and I've grownup believing so
I'm sure it was mentioned. I went to sleep on Thursday night and my
dream started with me in my Grandma's living room (that's where we
were living at the time). I was watching Jesus crucifixion,not in
detail. Then Jesus was next to me with the crown of thorns on his
head. He was okay and at peace as he talked to me. I don't know what
we talked about. I never have so it's not like my memory of it has
just faded over time. Then the scenery changed and I was standing on
the shore of the ocean. To my right was sand and rocks leading to a
short ledge with grass. Walking along it, going up where people I k
re to be the apostles. I don't know how many. I felt like I was
Peter's daughter or maybe she was there. I'm not sure. I then ran up
to Jesus and he picked me up. By then I'm pretty certain I was me and
the sun was shining brightly on our facing as he lifted me in the
air. He said to me, now I feel I may have said it to him but I think
that's just doubt created over time and stuff. He said, you are the
one. That was it and I woke up the next morning to find out I dreamt
about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday.I didn't know it
was that day or even that we had a day called that so it's not like I
could have been thinking about it and the dream was just a
manifestation of my thoughts from the day. Anyway, thank you and God
United States
dreamed of being in a medical center with people. I remember being
informed I was free to go. That it was time for me to go. But I
wouldn't a man was next to me ( Jesus ) I got this feeling that was
so Divine being in his presence. He looked at me asked me
basically what are you waiting for? I told him something deeply
personal from my past something that has stayed with me. Explaining
to him that "that" is holding me back from moving forward.
I remember him just looking forward nodding his head. There was
no judgment From him. Nor did he tell me what I should do. But at the
same time that nod spoke volumes . I know In my heart he
was telling me I can't let what has happened to me in my past hold me
back from living. That I need to live. Not just exist
morning 26/7/2017 I had a dream that I know would change my
life forever. I was on the terrace of my house, didn't know what I
was doing there (probably collecting the dried off clothes from the
hangers) when suddenly there were thick clouds in the sky, lights
flashing out from these clouds and from these clouds I saw a light so
bright and on that light I saw the Son of God Jesus, dress in white
robe and a golden string tied around His waist, His hair was so shiny
and golden and He's so fair and beautiful. At His sight I fell down
on my knees and couldn't lift my head to see him cause the light was
so bright and it could hurt my eyes. I exclaimed Jesus. I felt like
crying as I said to Him to forgive my sins. I told him that I've
change and lead a good life knowing that you are my Lord and Savior.
What He told me made me ponder the whole day what message he want to
convey to me. He told me,"You didn't do what I told you to do.
You did what I didn't tell you to do." Before I could ask Him
what He actually what me to do, I woke up. I really what to know what
God wants from me. Can anyone help?
United States
had just moved to Florida in 2nd grade I am a sophomore in college
now but I remember feeling unwanted at school and not really fitting
in. I wasn't depressed but Very sad. I fell asleep in the family room
that night and I was suddenly awoken, the sky was a blue that wasn't
bright but not dark either. I remember looking out the window and
seeing the palm trees and flowers we had in the backyard sway side to
side; I was attracted to look out the window and not look away for
some reason then out of nowhere I heard a noise like I never heard
before it was very soothing. As I kept looking I saw something appear
thru the trees and as it got closer it began to shine like a star so
bright I couldn't see anything as where it's head would be. I was
looking so curios and as I gazed at the light I heard a voice so
"Walk with me" and then I woke up at peace.
2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith
in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
United States
dreamed that I was on a beach with Jesus at my side and a fish
between us and the devil. Jesus told me not to be afraid and go get
the fish that was between us and the devil. Any enlightenment would
be greatly appreciated.
United States
dreamed I heard something or someone outside my bedroom window &
I want to my window to look out & I saw 3 men walking down our
driveway toward the house. I kept watching them as themselves closer
& seen they were wearing robes & as they got even closer I
seen the man in the middle & said ohhh my God, its Jesus, & I
woke up... Of course after I woke up I ran to my window to look out
but there was no one there
United States
was Dreaming i was outside a cemetery with my friend walking away
from the cemetery and jesus was there, as a turned around and looked
at him and he wanted my friend to come to him but she kept walking. I
turned to him and said I always wanted to do something if i saw Jesus
and he ask me what it would be and i said give you a kiss on the
cheek. He opened his arms wide hugged me tight and i gave him a kiss
on his cheek. then i woke up.
night dated May 15,2017 Philippine date/time: I had this strangest
dream ever in my life I know i had a lots of creepy dreams, I already
dreamed talking to God,seeing God,the happenings on earth,talking to
Virgin Mary and i know that this dreams are how the way God
communicates me. I am a catholic but i didnt often go to church. I
just prayed and prayed to God. And talk him everywhere I am. But last
night I dreamed the rapture day. Last night I saw in my dreamed
hundreds of people went missing and only left was the bad people and
the missing people was in other place like world "heaven".
I saw hundreds of children,people who believe in God and people who
is faithful and people who have sins but they have full of
repentance. When i was in heaven i smell like flowers orchids or
flower like thing. And i saw left people on earth they are all
in pain. The sea dried up and theres no water on earth, The earth is
devastated. And the last time i remember before i woke up is I am
riding a something like I cant explain. I shared this dream in my
friends but i dont think they believe me they are just laughing. And
I am looking for answers on my dreams. Why I dreamed talking to God
,Virgin Mary and the calamities.Hope anybody can answer it.
had a dream of standing in front of Yeshua. I could not see his face
from the light beaming from it. I approached him and felt all love. I
hugged him. I was then thrusted back with great force without him
touching me.
All of the sudden telepathically with great force he
said inside my head. I am authority. I instantly spiraled down a
funnel into my body and was thrusted awake.
I just want to mention
that before going to sleep I was in distress over some finances and
had asked Yeshua for some kind of help, relief from my distress.i I
will never forget this vision. It has brought me closer to Yeshua and
I understand he is authority over all.
United States
would like to tell of two divine happenings, one being a dream
the other not even close to a dream. This happening occurred when
i was about 16 years old. I was asleep in my bed, an hour or two
after praying about Isaiah 45. I woke up to a voice out of nowhere
coming from the side of my bed,whispering lovingly "Boo."
Then i felt this awesome feeling that the Lord was next to me. I
instinctively put my hand and ear against the wall on the other side
of my bed and something AMAZING HAPPENED! I received a vision from
the past. I could hear women speaking in Arabic or Hebrew, as
they came to see if Jesus was still in the tomb he was buried in. It
was like Christ showing me he loved me, and wanted to show me he
really did die and ascend 3 days later to save my life and to bring
me to him and God.
second occurance was an actual dream i had when i was about 19 or 20.
and it was bed time. I prayed to Jesus to visit me in my sleep. That
night after i fell asleep, i had a dream of seeing like 2 or 3 white
horses with a person sitting on the one in the middle, and what i
assume to be two saints, one on each side of him on their horses.
Either that or i was being shown the rider on the white horse who was
given a crown and a bow, and was sent out to conquer the nations.
I've had many other astounding revelations if anyone would like to
hear about them email me at tim
king 4 life @ gmail dot com
Thank you and God bless!
United States
had a dream that I was in the sky and Jesus appread to me and he told
me that God wants me to return to heaven
United States
at the end of last year around thanksgiving i had a dream which only
the end was very vivid.. It was like i was sitting in the back of a
truck and a guy resembling Jesus walks up and leans on the side of
the truck and said "you know why I'm here".. at that point
i began to cry and i said yes then he said "you need to come
with me God needs you... then i woke up not know what this meant.. i
think about this all the time... i want to understand because
sometime i have bad vivid dreams of destruction then sometimes i have
bad dreams i can't remember when i wake up...
dream about the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, is on the Platform, and He
is falling from the platform and I catch him 3 times he fall and 3
times I catch him.... what does it mean??
United States
found out I have a blockage in the right vertable artery.. a few
nights later, I had a dream.. I saw Jesus, and heard him speak..
Jesus was dressed as if it were Biblical days, He has shoulder length
brown hair, and a neat trimmed brown beard and mustache. His eyes are
greenish-brown, hazel... Jesus placed His hands around my neck and
spoke, " I am The God, Jesus. I command all infirmities to leave
this man". I have recently had a CTA scan of the
area in my head. I have not heard the results yet, but I am confident
that the blockage will not be there. I believe Jesus came to me in a
dream and healed me !!! I believe Jesus still performs miracles
today, as He is alive, sitting at the right hand of Hod The Father.
United States
had a dream of Jesus. He was in white. He was sitting
down at a wooden table almost like a counter top. As I walked
toward him calm and not afraid. Jesus said "I know who you
are Jason. Let me tell you how you have lived." As I
further deliberated for forgiveness. Jesus replied "Your
on the right track." Then I woke up. When I awoke
the next morning I felt full of life and energy that I could not
Dreams and Visions of Jesus Page 9
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802