dreamed of seeing Jesus sitting on a throne, on top of a cloud with a
thick cloud round about Him like an arc, He was wearing a golden
crown, holding a sceptre in His right hand and looking down at me
smilingly and when I exclaimed, "JESUS", he smiled the more
and the image disappeared and in its place stood a big cross with a
white linen round it. i had this dream about a year or so ago.
Green: United States
before I woke up this morning and in my sleep I could hear the Lord
so plainly saying "an answer will always come before and after a
storm"....as I got up I peaked out my door and as I looked into
the sky there was so much supernatural activity going on.
I proceeded to sit on the sofa for a minute and ponder on what I had
heard in my sleep I could see in a vision Jesus standing in the
middle of my yard praying. I felt such a sense of overwhelming peace
this morning.
United States
was two arrow like cliff pointing towards each other. Jesus stood
where there was nothing underneath him. The middle. I was on one
side. On the other side, two men stood on both sides of Jesus. The
man on the left, a current relationship, & the man on the right,
an unrequited love. I felt that I had to choose, yet, as Jesus held
his arms stretched out, i cried & ran into his arms.
Arun India
Dream is that, i was walking with my parents in a place where lot of
trees are there with a little fog all of sudden the fog rises and i
lost my parents .Then i walked alone long distance
searching them at the end of dream i find out a cross with wounded
jesus over it and he calls my name .Then i suddenly awake from my
dream.This happened in morning.Can you explain it
United Stat
had a dream about the Heavens gate.with Jesus face.and He reached
down to grab my hand as I was reaching up to grab his.
years ago i dreamed about jesus christ came to my room iwas laying on
my bed and jesus have light around him and he approched to me and
give me a black medalion to wear it than he left
United States
I felt the peace come through me, along with a cool breeze of air.
Jesus extended his arms to me and game me a small glass jar of Fig
Butter. In my dream the asked myself, " Why Fig Butter?"
After, I daw myself at a small dinner with wood tables. At one
of the tables, there was an old, sick man with spots on his body. I
looked down at my hands and I had 2 jars of Fig Butter. I went up to
the man and gave him one of my jars of Fig Butter.I told man the this
was Fig Butter given to me by Jesus Christ. I looked away &
the man was gone. Nowhere to be seen. At another table was my family
& I told them all to try the Fig Bitter that
had given me. We were eating it with cracker.
are my dreams so far. I hope I receive more.If someone could please
tell me what they mean, it would be great:)
I am not particularly religious at all. I go to church either if
someone takes me or for support in an event or weddings or something
like that. First of all, Me not going to church as no affect on me
believing in a higher power. I believe in God and that Jesus is real
bc of what I have seen when i was a little girl.
uncle to me and my cousins boating and I was playing with my uncle's
binoculars. I seen a man in the sky. Just the face part the brown
color of his hair his nose and his eyes. He looked straight at me
while was looking at him. I told my uncle there's is a man in the sky
and of course he looked with the binoculars too and didn't see
anything. I tried looking again but didn't see anything the second
time. I will never forget. I am almost 27 years old. This happened
when I was around 6-8 years old in broad daylight and was wide
one can tell me what I saw and who I saw.
United States
had three dreams with Jesus in them. They were all the same. My
testimony is this. I stopped all internet, music, phone calls (shut
my phone off minus one session to check and call back people quickly)
I bowed asking Jesus to come to me face to face, to see Him and to
receive the Spirit and Mind of Christ in my body. The mind of Christ
not Holy Spirit. 33 days into it, I had a dream with Jesus walking in
a white bright robe to my apartment releasing seven stars from His
hand. I had been kneeling, asking for heaven, and for Jesus to take
me to himself, and come to me to do it.
soon after the first one, I was awake in the woods reading, when I
had a vision. The sky turned to what appeared to be lightning and
Jesus was in the midst of it. He came down, and stood me up. I had no
control over anything and could not blink if I had wanted to... and
He came within an inch of me. I felt power enter me from Him... After
this, I was never the same!!
the three dreams that were the same were all of Jesus coming to me
telling me to tell people to ask for Heaven to be given now and for
Jesus to appear and give it now, on earth! HE said the hardest thing
for people is that since nothing happens right away they quit.
ignore the shameless persistence in asking for the Kingdom to come
and Jesus to come to us to give HIS mind and His righteousness...
belief in Jesus is the Holy Spirit in your heart. JESUS MUST COME IN
United States
Beautiful, Loving daughter Jennifer passed away July 10, 2015. She
fell asleep & never woke up. She was only 28. Her Doctor gave her
a lethal mixture of meds & the pharmacy filled it. She took it as
prescribed & it caused liver failure. She was living in Florida
at the time.
rest of her family & Friends live in Illinois & Indiana. I
had to fly to Florida to bring my baby home. She was planning on
moving back home in December. I have been crying constantly &
praying for her Soul. My Daughter didn't get her last rites. This was
killing me.
I had a vivid dream of her sitting on our couch
& she held out her hand to me smiling. When I sat next to her,
she showed me the outside, big white snowflakes the size of feathers
was falling from the sky everything was white. Jennifer smiled at me
& vanished.
As soon as I woke up I ran to the window. It
was a hot sunny day. My daughter & I both loved snow. When she
was visiting me this past January she was happy it snowed.
been crying & praying for her day & night for her Soul to be
in Heaven. Last night I went to bed & prayed & while my eyes
were closed, I saw a face. He looked like Jesus thick black hair,
with a slight curl to it, a beard warm eyes & a smile. He looked
at me then he looked up towards the sky.
Was Jesus telling
me my daughter is in Heaven? I have been praying day & night for
my daughter to be in Heaven or for Jesus to bring her back to me.
Grieving my child is the most painful thing anybody can go through.
If anybody can help answer please do. Thank you & God Bless.
had a vision that I saw Jesus on the cross and looked at me and said
"accept me". I am saved so I didn't know what he said
that to me. He then showed me that he left the Garden of
Gethsamine by his own will and was scourged and that he never went
through these things because he couldn't escape but because of his
love. He then took me back to the cross. I don't
United States
I dreamed I was sitting on the floor by the
couch in a room, and I was reading my bible and praying. All of a
sudden the room begin to change and became filled with clouds. For a
moment I was afraid because I thought I would fall through them. Then
I looked up and saw a man with a long white robe, and a gold sash. I
then recognized it was Jesus, I begin to cry and worship and say
thank you for the lamb that was slain. I bowed, Jesus then looked at
me and said "Don't be afraid of my presence". I stood up
and then he grabbed and hugged me quickly and tightly, when his arms
wrapped around me I became afraid for just a moment and quickly the
fear went away, and my body begin to pull out black stuff and it felt
like all the worry, pain, disappointment had came up and then it
broke off me like glass and a light shined through me, and he let me
go. Then I looked and I had a white long robe on just like him, and
then he disappeared.
have seen Jesus when i was a kid. One day i was sleeping and saw
Jesus between two angels. It was for a few seconds. Suddenly I opened
my eyes and He appeared, like a spark, then vanished.
praying in full concentration i have a feeling like current coming in
my body. Now I am a mother of three. When I pray to Jesus he is
hearing my wishes. So I was very happy in praying not only for me
personally, because I am praying for the whole world.
One day,
whe4n I had not been for few days, i was distracted and cried and
prayed. I saw him near to the door of my room. What was the meaning i
Maybe Jesus is waiting to come to our heart.
Whenever I have sorrows and doubts in my life I open the bible
randomly to one page, and read.
I will get the answer...so
please pray to god he will surely answer for our problems. God bless
you. Amen
United States
Dream I was in some type of waiting room. It was
a pretty small waiting room. It had beige walls, and was dimly lit.
There was a tan skinned man sitting beside me in black robes; I think
he was waiting too.
Then someone opened a black door at the
right corner of the room and said to me, "Jesus Christ is ready
to see you now." Then he came and crouched down in front of me,
his hands taking mine.He had white and gold robes and was wearing
sandles. His eyes were greyish.
He told me everything was going
according to plan; that I was going to be okay and I did't need to
I remember his eyes were mesmerizing and they looked
so caring and tired, like he hadn't slept in long time. Then he gives
my hands one last sqeeze and leaves back through the door.
I heard a man screaming, like he was being murdered, coming from
behind the door. Then I walk towards the other side of the room and
look through the door. It was a long hallway with a row of doors on
both walls. I think the screaming was coming from one of those
I became angry thinking someone needed to help the
man. However, someone at the door said there wasn't anything we could
do, and that there was no way he would get into heaven in the state
he was in.
I was thinking jesus wouldn't do this, but satan
would, so they have to be the same people.
The ending was
really confusing. Can anyone tell me what it could mean? I'm
spiritual, but I don't believe in any religion.
When I was young, (maybe 4-6 years old) I was
inside in our house alone when I heard a very beautiful trumpet
music! very loud and breathtaking! I think it can never be heard from
this world. I look out window and saw Jesus in the sky. I go outside
to see him more. I saw him in the sky like a screen, 3 pictures of
him appears, he is really big in the sky.
I wave at him and
praise Him and I am with an old woman with black cloths, she was
praying to Jesus. I look around to know were the trumpet sound but
it goes everywhere.....I was so amazed and happy, then I woke up and
told my mom about it!! This is my first dream,
My second dream was people riding in clouds their cloths were Jesus cloths in his time,and they were going somewhere then disappears....many people were folowing them,but they were left behind... after that the sky darknnssss,.....
3rd dream; it was disasters, storms, hundreds of whirlwinds... great storm in south china sea... i dont know how to explain,but its really terrifying!! what is the meaning of my dreams??
Dreams and Visions of Jesus Page 5
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802