"Husband and Wife
Dream the Same Dream"

My dream was very similar to my wife's dream she had that same night.. Both had Jesus in them and this is not coincidence because we both have had only one separate dream with him throughout our lives, so to have him in both of our dreams the same night is something supernatural to me. Anyway I dreamt I was in a field with animals all around and they were acting normally but I knew somehow that they were doomed in some way. I felt sorry for these animals but also knew that there was nothing that could be done.
I left there and was with my wife at my childhood home. Then I heard something out in the field behind the house and left my wife to go and check it out. When I got there I saw a wall of water coming probably two hundred feet high, so I turned and ran for my wife and noticed that Jesus was standing in her place, very calm and glowing with a yellow light around him. I raced to him and grabbed him fast just before the water hit us both and took us under. This was a vivid part because I could hear the bubbles in the water as we were dunked. I don't know what to think but I do know I felt a sense of peace when I grabbed him and that it was just in time....
My wife's dream that night was similar with the animals and the wave and Jesus but in hers she and I were told by him to load an ark-like structure and so we did and felt like we had accomplished what was asked of us. Not sure about the difference but I know that both of our goals in life are to do that which is right in his sight so I trust that he we'll be able to show us the way in which we might glorify his name.. Thank you and God bless those who fear him and seek him diligently. Amen and amen.

Nate: United States

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Husband and Wife Dream the same Dream

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Samuel L Mills
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