"Jennifer's Dream of a
White Table"
A Dream of Deception

This is Jennifer's dream of a long white table - Toni's interpretation immediately follows.

I once had a dream I was in this dark house and there was negative energy in that house. I looked up and saw a man screaming at a young woman. I ask him why would he do that... but at that moment we talked about how I believe in God; and he told me do you really, I said yes no doubt of it.  

He said come with me and we went in his car. He started to speed and swerve on the road and I told him what are u doing very calm and he said let's see if your GOD can save you from this and he laughed. I told him he will and we crashed. 

When I looked to my left he was a skeleton I was still alive so I went back to his house and saw a door. When I opened it I saw the sky in front and above me and from where I was standing down was darkness and fire.

I didn't hesitate to jump as I jumped I floated upwards to the heavens and saw a hand reach out for me and pulling me upwards; then he let me go and I floated back to the door.  Then I saw things I needed to change and threw myself out the door again.

I saw a hand reach out for me again; this time he pulled me up into heaven. 

He stood me in front of a long white table where there was people in white garments, but I couldn't see their faces...

Jennifer: United States


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Dream of a Long White Table

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