Lisa's Dream of 
"The Mark of the Beast"


Lisa: My dream of the mark of the beast.
I had a dream that I was floating in space. It was dark and could I see the stars.
I was thinking about Jesus the whole time,  and could feel him through my entire body, but it was strange because I wasn't whom I know myself to be...Scroll down for the rest of Lisa's dream.

...I was with other people, and I floated into this room, and some of the people that were with me followed, and Some didn't. Some did not know Jesus, as I did, but others did. 

I entered the room, and saw that it was surrounded with glass. The Windows, ceiling, and the floor. I could see earth below, and it's glow.

There were people in the room, and a big table. They were all dressed in white robes. and we're praising God. Light filled the room, but when I looked for lights there was none, and I knew it was Gods light. It was a warm loving place. (even the right temperature), it was perfect.

I met someone named Matthew carrying a clip board, who was also in a white robe. When I looked at him he was beautiful. At the time I wasn't able to discern what he was, but his name was Matthew, and his face was stunning female/male features. Angel? He was full of light, happiness, and love.

Immediately I see more people to my right,  including children, probably 12 years of age and older, I do know they were at an age of accountability. They were smiling and had their right hand out.

I saw what appeared to be a colored rainbow being placed on their right hand, and  I knew it was the Mark of the beast. I was not able to see it clearly, but they were very happy to be getting this, (as if everything to them was going to be okay).

I said to Matthew what is this?. Why am I seeing children getting this. His response shocked me because I never in my short years of being a Christian heard of this, and he said, Generational Curses. Could be because these kids parents chose to deny him? They did deny him, despite being told the truth from others?

I felt a sadness for them in getting the mark, because I knew they were going to Hell. I looked down towards earth and saw that the tribulation, (Gods wrath)  had started, and my mother was on earth.

I had this dream was back in 2003, today it's 2015, but I haven't forgotten, and I haven't forgotten about the kids getting the mark. I remember their hair cuts, and it's the style the kids have today, (similar to Justin Beiber).

I have never had a dream so real, so detailed and so short, and also having a vision within the dream. It was as if there was an exact reason for it. I didn't see what happened to me, but that wasn't important, nor did I see my husband or five children, (I didn't even think of them). I guess it wasn't something I need to worry about, but my mother yes!.

I had obviously died and my spirit was in Heaven, but like a waiting place, and I don't recall if the rapture had happened yet. There were many people of all ages and races, and they were all singing and worshiping God.

I had never heard of generational curses before this dream, and I understand some don't believe this is happening Today, and some do. If anyone can just give me insight on this it be much appreciated.


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Lisa's Dream of the Mark of the Beast

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