United States
the early morning of 10/19/2017, I had a dream, and it was very
profound. Very rarely is a dream so real, amazing, exciting, and
fearful that it will actually affect my entire day. The dream was
sadly interrupted right as it happened. My wife was coming back to
bed at about four in the morning due to being up all night in pain.
Anyways, I was standing in the living room looking at the mountains
across the water. It was a clear and beautiful day with the water
smooth as glass, however, there were cracks in the ground and
running, swimming, flying (not entirely sure), there were multiple
monsters fleeing across the water into the ground. After a few
moments past a shock wave came racing across the water and that is
when I knew it was Jesus returning and all that is evil was fleeing
his presence. I yelled out to my wife to look out the window and said
“Honey look outside, it’s the rapture!” Just then the shock
wave (which was clearly from a loud noise) hit me without destroying
my house. The feeling was AMAZING!!! Everything felt real, almost too
real. A tingling holy heat sensation filled my body from my heart
outwards and consumed my entire being. Almost as if my body became
light and began moving into another plane (leaving this world) upward
– very difficult to explain. While this was happening I remember
praying my wife would be saved and prayed my young children would be
saved and not left behind. That is when my wife woke me up.
United States
had a dream last night, that my dad who is (deceased) was alive, but
in a foreign country. I went to this country to pick him up. I
was not sure where to go to get him. I went into what looked
like a Courthouse. A man spoke to me, and I spoke back. He
told me where my dad was. I got my dad and we stopped by my
sisters house to pick her up. She was going to go with us back
to the United States. We stopped at a motel for the night. The
next morning as we walked out to the car; we noticed thousands of
white birds flying high in the sky. We were trying to figure
out what kind of birds they were, when I realized it was not birds,
but angels. Then we noticed people in the sky. Right
about that time I was lifted off the ground. I was confused at
first. I was looking for my dad and sister, but did not see
either of them. I realized this was the rapture. I was
floating up slowly, then I realized this was the rapture. I got
excited because I knew I was fixing to see Jesus. I thrust my
arm up like wonder woman and was yelling "JESUS" I began
South Africa
saw people floating in the air, mostly children. They were taken one
by one at a time from the earth to the air.I realised or so I thought
it's rupture. I started pleading not to be left behind, as I was
about to feel like being floating up, all of a sudden everybody
dropped down on the ground. I woke up.
United States
prayed to God last night, asking what is to come of my life. I've
been conflicted, with my temptations wanting to give in but I
haven't. The dream I received last night, what I took from it was to
give my my old life, give it to God and let it be past. Let God work
on you now and pave your path for the future. In my dream I was with
old friends that I knew for years before I moved. We used to do drugs
and drink before I let God Chang me. I was with them and we were
partying, celebrating a friend getting married. We was walking down
the street and next thing we know a loud horn is being blown. It was
soft and warm yet spine chilling, then I looked at the sky and there
was a rainbow but it was in the shape of an orb. That rainbow then
spread out thousands of orbs, like a kaleidoscope each one surrounded
a person and lifted them up to the heavens. I remember closing my
eyes and thinking this is it! I waited to be lifted up but nothing,
my entire group of friends remained. I then woke up. It's not to late
to give your life to Jesus Christ, thrust in the Lord and let
him rebuild you.
United States
had a dream on the morning of 9/26/2017 I had just woke up to find
there was a complete power outage in my neighborhood. When I looked
out the window it was pitch black. I got back in bed and started to
repent and pray.. I thought the world was ending. As I fell
back to sleep I start dreaming I was in the town in Missouri and I
was being chased by dogs.. I'm running and running..as I get free of
the last dog I encounter I find myself driving in the rain.. I knew
it was daytime but it was pitch black... I pulled the car over
because it was raining very hard.. right as I got out of the car I
heard a big boom sound .. boom..not like thunder it was a big boom
..when I looked up the sky was opening in this one section and these
white objects were coming down...they were some type of white cubed
objects I became struck with fear and could not move.. I knew
that this was Jesus was returning... I dont know why I was so fearful
though.. woke up.. this has been on my mind all day. I love the Lord
and I know it will be soon. I had a dream last year July 4,2016 He
was coming. I saw Him and Angels in the sky.
South Africa
had a dream about the rapture. It was a beautiful day and as i looked
up in the sky i saw an image of a dove in the clouds and i started
praying asking for forgiveness for all the wrong i've done but
when i looked up again far in the distance i saw Jesus appearing in
the clouds, he was in a ray of light and clouds looking at all the
people going to him and that's when it hit me its the rapture. I
could not hear anything not even the trumpet going off. I was
terrified i felt heartsore i felt numb i knew i was left behind.
Immediately after that everything turned black there was no sun and
moon everyone were running around in chaos. It is the most terrifying
feeling and i do not want to experience that. This was my dream now.
01 Sep 2017
had a dream just the 1st week of August 2017, In my dream I
didn't know it was the time to rapture. I only have seen that
there was a light coming to me and that I fly through the clouds.
That feeling was so true that I even cry in my dreams and said "
Thank you God,Thank you so much for you did not forget me."
was also thinking at that time that I wanna look back at my kids
but was thinking that I would not do that because I`m afraid
that God will gonna fall me down because Im looking back to earth. So
what I did is to enjoy the feeling of being lifted up to heaven
and thanked God. I am so happy and didn't look towards my children
for I believe God will gonna take care of them.
I thought it is
true but its only just a dream ,but even if its just a dream I am so
happy that God did not forget me and still thinks of me. I actually
shared my dream to my sisters in Church and they said I am so blessed
because though its just a dream God shows that He loves me and get me
in this world.
United Kingdom
I had
a dream around 26th of July 2017 in the early hours of the morning.
In the dream i was in a bus packed with people. one or two people
went out of the bus to buy some snacks. i was wondering whether to go
out and get some snacks because i was not sure whether the bus will
leave me behind if i went to get some snacks. Eventually i got
out of the bus to get some snacks but before i got back to the bus
the bus had left. i subsequently crossed over to the opposite side of
the road hoping that i will catch the bus on its way back but
the bus never came. Subsequently after some time i realised that i
was completely naked have a feeling that the rapture is very near.i
have also had a dream few months ago when i saw a man in white
clothes descending from the sky to the earth. i have also been having
dreams in which so many people on earth were running about in a
confused state as if fleeing from from something dangerous.i am
concerned because all my dreams always come true. i think God is
warning me to repent quickly because time is short .i am very weak
and reoccupied with things of the world but at the same time i am
very interested in the second coming of Jesus Christ and the origin
of sin .i think that these dreams are a warning to me that the
rapture and tribulation are near
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802