“My Journey Begins”  
(In Allegory Form)

I began my journey as a young cub. I knew where I lived, who my siblings, mother and father were, but I also knew that I was different. To what extent and why I did not know; this was something I expected to learn along the way.

Due to my “good nature” I did not have many bad days, each was full of adventure and hope. On occasion, there would be a shadow over me, and my eyes would see signs and things a young cub was not expected  to see. I soon learned to watch for these things.

One day, as I journeyed over a mountain, I came upon a stumbling block. What should I do, take it to the pride, or figure it out myself?  I stumbled, and fell, receiving a deep gash on my leg.

However, I managed to get over the stumbling block because I received help from the King of the Pride. He had taken my paw and helped me up.  Again and again, I had fallen; again and again, the King had lifted me up. 

I knew I could complete the journey if I would only stay focused and believe!   Encouraging words filled his mouth and I would often hear them as I lay on the grass sleeping after a long journey.  

As I dreamed, he would come nearer and nearer, telling me things I would need at a later time to help me survive and have a good life.  In order to grow and mature I had to listen and believe in my heart that he had the answers.  

I stayed on this mound of grass for a long season. However, in order to live and raise my own family (my own Pride), I had to make it over one more peak; then I arose and crossed over the rest of the mountain.

My journey is nearly over.  There have been many experiences along the way, and because of the knowledge the King shared with me, most of them were good. His spirit hovered over me, and his guidance was continually with me as I placed one paw in front of the other, steady and sure. 

I am so thankful that my season is nearly ended and my journey almost over. Although I have lived, stumbled, and fallen, I have always gotten up, albeit sometimes slowly. I have cried and mourned over many loses in my lifetime. I am old now and my days are short.  

I have followed the spirit, and lived to have a big family.  My children each have their own Pride and I have tried to help them learn how to receive knowledge from the Spirit that lives within them.

I have come to the top of this mountain to find the King of the Pride.  He is calling my name, and I can feel His presence as the wind blows through my mane. I am blessed and satisfied. Take me with you, MY KING

Ann Quinn

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My Journey Begins

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Message Of Jesus

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