"John's Dream of
Of a Floating Palace"

"I had a dream that I was a cop, actually some type of paranormal detective. I got a call that required me to drive to a location asap, then things started to get weird.

Wind started blowing everywhere  and I looked up in the sky and remember seeing a sight so beautiful. I saw the sky in blues and purples and a rainbow that had somehow copied itself in the sky twice; also the “White House” (actually there were two), one slightly above the other.

My pupils were dilated as though I was on a major drug. A man with huge eyes was facing me. His forehead was bubbling and his face was slightly deformed. He was clearly in awe because of what he was seeing. Then I turned around in order to see what he was looking at and saw a floating palace that seemed to split the earth in two, and there were huge stairs that reached the earth.

Many people were there, and I could only ask, what was this, could it be, Heaven??? I walked up the stairs with my mom and sister where we were greeted by other humans who were already there.

There were books everywhere, and they were good books, but were extremely expensive. I looked around and remember thinking, if this is heaven can I stay here forever,  and would that make me immortal if I did.

Then we were called further up the stairs where the ones who had greeted me at the floating palace were handing out brochures, and herding us all in to see if we might want to stay (for a price of course).

It wasn't cheap, 25 dollars would buy one meal, and I wondered, if I decided to go without my mom, how would I pay for it, and what if I ran out of money?

We left and I was in my living room with my mother, and Denise, a neighbor, who starting looking at the brochures. Denise thought it was really cool, and asked if I was considering living there. I remained silent, because I was thinking of the Bible and how it said that God will come back and take those who were born again, and the rest would be left here on earth.

I thought of the revelations and thought about what this event meant. I remember looking at the brochure and thought it odd that they were trying to sell us things, clothes and what not.

This is when my mind reeled, I turn the brochure over and saw a red devil with his little pointed ears and a creepy little smile showing off the new hoodie that was for sale. then I wondered, is this actually hell?

Was this ship meant to oogle us into thinking this was an amazing opportunity of a life time, but instead would be tricked into a lifetime of slavery and torture? Were these things being sold meant for us to be in debt so that we would then owe money and have to repay it?

Then I woke up. With the same feeling I've had before, I am sure my face was white as a ghost and that my eyes could never be more open, nor could I ever be more awake. What is with these weird dreams.. Is something about to happen? What will I do when the time comes, will I make the right choice and will I know a false prophet when I see it.

John:United States

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John's Dream of a Floating Palace

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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802