"Is this the Rapture"
Concheptar’s Dream

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I had a dream, in November 2011 that left me wondering, is this the rapture?  and, I sort of got an interpretation but not fully. I will be glad to find out what the Spirit reveals to you.

My dream started as I was moving on the street with a number of people.  

A powerful sense of a power held all of us in one place, unable to make a step forward or backward,  Then I was made  to understand that a big person, like a President, is about to pass, like in normal life when cars pull over for the President to pass.

This time round it was a sense of power that kept us all kind of frozen so that we could not move. It was fierce, yet awesome, leaving the impression that the being about to pass has the power to control the whole world.  

Then, instead of Police cars clearing the way, It was an Eagle flying at a low altitude, to and fro, making sure no one was in the way.  

I got another knowing in the dream, telling me, "If you see a sparrow kiss the ground, then immediately the Present or King is passing you." 

Then immediately I saw the sparrow kiss the ground (very fast like they do).  As soon as that happened I was lifted from the Ground, and I wondered, oh my God, of all people! Is this the Rapture?? Then I didn't go up.

Immediately, the power that Lifted me, made me stay above the people, to hear what people were saying. They were mocking and saying, "hmmm! is this the so called Rapture?" 

Then the power lifted me higher, very fast, so that I saw the world disappearing, like you can see when you are going up in the Plane, things getting smaller and smaller!.  

Without getting to see the awesome being who lifted 
me.. I wake up, still sensing the powerful awesome fierce feeling...

(My question is,  What does a sparrow mean?)  I know the Eagle may represent excellence. but the Sparrow??

God bless you,

Concheptar, Uganda

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