"Evie's Rapture Dream"

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I recently rededicated my life to Jesus. I have grown children and grandchildren who are not saved, and one son who was saved when he was sixteen, but now refers to himself as agnostic.

We recently had heated discussions about religion, in which he says my belief proves my ignorance. I told him to leave my house, that I wouldn't allow him to disrespect my husband and me, and our beliefs, in our own home. He did leave and later called to apologize.

A few weeks later, on 10/7/14 I dreamed that the rapture had taken place, and much to my utter horror, I had been left behind! Usually my dreams have complete details...but this dream was different. I only remember that I was alone in a small house, with windows wide open. The emotions I felt were hopelessness, sadness, terror, and complete loneliness! The emotions were so strong.

Somewhere in the dream, someone either told me, or I saw these words: "Christus en victos." I would wake up enough to think that I needed to remember these words so that I could look up the meaning of them, and when I finally woke up completely in the morning, I tried to look them up on the Internet.

I believe the words were Greek and to the best I could decipher meant, "Jesus is victorious." I took this to mean that because I believe now, and had recently given my life back to Christ, I had been saved from what would have been my end.

I was excited about what I believed the meaning of my dream was. I told my husband, daughters, and my younger son about the dream, and what I thought was the meaning of the dream.

 Later, my older son came over to my house, and to avoid another potential argument about religion, I had decided earlier not to tell him about my dream. Something, I believe the Holy Spirit, told me to tell him. He was very interested, (I think to disprove my thoughts).

While he was there, he came upon a poem entitled, "Christus Invictus." The original poem was by an atheist and was entitled, "Invictus". A Christian man had rewritten the poem.

My son said, "Mom, God works in mysterious ways." I asked him what he meant and he said, “I think God knew I would be here, and he knew you would tell me and that I would find that poem." He went on to say, "If the rapture takes place I will look back and know I was wrong!"

I felt sad, but realized that God gave me that message for my son. What do you think?

Evie, United States

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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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